array( 'name' => 'Captcha', 'description' => 'Plugin intended to prove that the visitor is a human being and not a spam robot.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Captcha+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=captcha.php', 'pro_version' => 'captcha-pro/captcha_pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=captcha_pro.php' ), 'contact-form-plugin/contact_form.php' => array( 'name' => 'Contact Form', 'description' => 'Add Contact Form to your WordPress website.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Contact+Form+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=contact_form.php', 'pro_version' => 'contact-form-pro/contact_form_pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=contact_form_pro.php' ), 'facebook-button-plugin/facebook-button-plugin.php' => array( 'name' => 'Facebook Like Button', 'description' => 'Allows you to add the Follow and Like buttons the easiest way.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Facebook+Like+Button+Plugin+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=facebook-button-plugin.php', 'pro_version' => 'facebook-button-pro/facebook-button-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=facebook-button-pro.php' ), 'twitter-plugin/twitter.php' => array( 'name' => 'Twitter', 'description' => 'Allows you to add the Twitter "Follow" and "Like" buttons the easiest way.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Twitter+Plugin+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=twitter.php', 'pro_version' => 'twitter-pro/twitter-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=twitter-pro.php' ), 'portfolio/portfolio.php' => array( 'name' => 'Portfolio', 'description' => 'Allows you to create a page with the information about your past projects.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Portfolio+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=portfolio.php' ), 'gallery-plugin/gallery-plugin.php' => array( 'name' => 'Gallery', 'description' => 'Allows you to implement a Gallery page into your website.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Gallery+Plugin+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=gallery-plugin.php', 'pro_version' => 'gallery-plugin-pro/gallery-plugin-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=gallery-plugin-pro.php' ), 'adsense-plugin/adsense-plugin.php'=> array( 'name' => 'Google AdSense', 'description' => 'Allows Google AdSense implementation to your website.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Adsense+Plugin+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=adsense-plugin.php' ), 'custom-search-plugin/custom-search-plugin.php'=> array( 'name' => 'Custom Search', 'description' => 'Allows to extend your website search functionality by adding a custom post type.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Custom+Search+plugin+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=custom_search.php' ), 'quotes-and-tips/quotes-and-tips.php'=> array( 'name' => 'Quotes and Tips', 'description' => 'Allows you to implement quotes & tips block into your web site.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Quotes+and+Tips+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=quotes-and-tips.php' ), 'google-sitemap-plugin/google-sitemap-plugin.php'=> array( 'name' => 'Google Sitemap', 'description' => 'Allows you to add sitemap file to Google Webmaster Tools.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Google+sitemap+plugin+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=google-sitemap-plugin.php', 'pro_version' => 'google-sitemap-pro/google-sitemap-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=google-sitemap-pro.php' ), 'updater/updater.php'=> array( 'name' => 'Updater', 'description' => 'Allows you to update plugins and WP core.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=updater+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=updater-options', 'pro_version' => 'updater-pro/updater_pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=updater-pro-options' ), 'custom-fields-search/custom-fields-search.php'=> array( 'name' => 'Custom Fields Search', 'description' => 'Allows you to add website search any existing custom fields.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Custom+Fields+Search+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=custom_fields_search.php' ), 'google-one/google-plus-one.php' => array( 'name' => 'Google +1', 'description' => 'Allows you to see how many times your page has been liked on Google Search Engine as well as who has liked the article.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Google+%2B1+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=google-plus-one.php', 'pro_version' => 'google-one-pro/google-plus-one-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=google-plus-one-pro.php' ), 'relevant/related-posts-plugin.php' => array( 'name' => 'Relevant - Related Posts', 'description' => 'Allows you to display related posts with similar words in category, tags, title or by adding special meta key for posts.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Related+Posts+Plugin+Bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=related-posts-plugin.php' ), 'contact-form-to-db/contact_form_to_db.php' => array( 'name' => 'Contact Form To DB', 'description' => 'Allows you to manage the messages that have been sent from your site.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Contact+Form+to+DB+bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=cntctfrmtdb_settings', 'pro_version' => 'contact-form-to-db-pro/contact_form_to_db_pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=cntctfrmtdbpr_settings' ), 'pdf-print/pdf-print.php' => array( 'name' => 'PDF & Print', 'description' => 'Allows you to create PDF and Print page with adding appropriate buttons to the content.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=PDF+Print+Bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=pdf-print.php', 'pro_version' => 'pdf-print-pro/pdf-print-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=pdf-print-pro.php' ), 'donate-button/donate.php' => array( 'name' => 'Donate', 'description' => 'Makes it possible to place donation buttons of various payment systems on your web page.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Donate+Bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=donate.php' ), 'post-to-csv/post-to-csv.php' => array( 'name' => 'Post To CSV', 'description' => 'The plugin allows to export posts of any types to a csv file.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Post+To+CSV+Bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=post-to-csv.php' ), 'google-shortlink/google-shortlink.php' => array( 'name' => 'Google Shortlink', 'description' => 'Allows you to get short links from servise without leaving your site.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Google+Shortlink+Bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=gglshrtlnk_options' ), 'htaccess/htaccess.php' => array( 'name' => 'Htaccess', 'description' => 'Allows controlling access to your website using the directives Allow and Deny.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Htaccess+Bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=htaccess.php' ), 'google-captcha/google-captcha.php' => array( 'name' => 'Google Captcha (reCAPTCHA)', 'description' => 'Plugin intended to prove that the visitor is a human being and not a spam robot.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Google+Captcha+Bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=google-captcha.php' ), 'sender/sender.php' => array( 'name' => 'Sender', 'description' => 'You can send mails to all users or to certain categories of users.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Sender+Bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=sndr_settings', 'pro_version' => 'sender-pro/sender-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=sndrpr_settings' ), 'subscriber/subscriber.php' => array( 'name' => 'Subscriber', 'description' => 'This plugin allows you to subscribe users for newsletters from your website.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Subscriber+Bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=sbscrbr_settings_page' ), 'contact-form-multi/contact-form-multi.php' => array( 'name' => 'Contact Form Multi', 'description' => 'This plugin allows you to subscribe users for newsletters from your website.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Contact+Form+Multi+Bestwebsoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => '', 'pro_version' => 'contact-form-multi-pro/contact-form-multi-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => '' ), 'bws-google-maps/bws-google-maps.php' => array( 'name' => 'BestWebSoft Google Maps', 'description' => 'Easy to set up and insert Google Maps to your website.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=BestWebSoft+Google+Maps&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=bws-google-maps.php', 'pro_version' => 'bws-google-maps-pro/bws-google-maps-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=bws-google-maps-pro.php' ), 'bws-google-analytics/bws-google-analytics.php' => array( 'name' => 'BestWebSoft Google Analytics', 'description' => 'Allows you to retrieve basic stats from Google Analytics account and add the tracking code to your blog.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=BestWebSoft+Google+Analytics&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=bws-google-analytics.php' ), 'db-manager/db-manager.php' => array( 'name' => 'DB manager', 'description' => 'Allows you to download the latest version of PhpMyadmin and Dumper and manage your site.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=db-manager.php' ), 'user-role/user-role.php' => array( 'name' => 'User Role', 'description' => 'Allows to change wordpress user role capabilities.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=User+Role+BestWebSoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=user-role.php', 'pro_version' => 'user-role-pro/user-role-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=user-role-pro.php' ), 'email-queue/email-queue.php' => array( 'name' => 'Email Queue', 'description' => 'Allows to manage email massages sent by BestWebSoft plugins.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Email+Queue+BestWebSoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=mlq_settings' ), 'limit-attempts/limit-attempts.php' => array( 'name' => 'Limit Attempts', 'description' => 'Allows you to limit rate of login attempts by the ip, and create whitelist and blacklist.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&s=Limit+Attempts+BestWebSoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=limit-attempts.php', 'pro_version' => 'limit-attempts-pro/limit-attempts-pro.php', 'purchase' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'pro_settings' => 'admin.php?page=limit-attempts-pro.php' ), 'job-board/job-board.php' => array( 'name' => 'Job board', 'description' => 'Allows to create a job-board page on your site.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Job+board+BestWebSoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=job-board.php' ), 'multilanguage/multilanguage.php' => array( 'name' => 'Multilanguage', 'description' => 'Allows to create content on a Wordpress site in different languages.', 'link' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'download' => '' . $bws_theme_info["id"] . '&v=' . $bws_theme_info["version"] . '&wp_v=' . $wp_version, 'wp_install' => $admin_url . 'plugin-install.php?tab=search&type=term&s=Multilanguage+BestWebSoft&plugin-search-input=Search+Plugins', 'settings' => 'admin.php?page=mltlngg_settings' ) ); $all_plugins = get_plugins(); $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); $recommend_plugins = array_diff_key( $bws_plugins, $all_plugins ); $bws_plugins_pro = array(); foreach ( $bws_plugins as $key_plugin => $value_plugin ) { if ( ! isset( $all_plugins[ $key_plugin ] ) && isset( $bws_plugins[ $key_plugin ]['pro_version'] ) && isset( $all_plugins[ $bws_plugins[ $key_plugin ]['pro_version'] ] ) ) { unset( $recommend_plugins[ $key_plugin ] ); } } foreach ( $all_plugins as $key_plugin => $value_plugin ) { if ( isset( $value_plugin['Author'] ) && $value_plugin['Author'] != "BestWebSoft" ) unset( $all_plugins[ $key_plugin ] ); else { foreach ( $bws_plugins as $key => $value ) { if ( isset( $value['pro_version'] ) && $value['pro_version'] == $key_plugin ) { $bws_plugins_pro[ $key_plugin ] = $key; unset( $all_plugins[ $key ] ); } } } } if ( $wp_version < '3.4' && ! isset( $_GET['action'] ) ) { $_GET['action'] = 'plugins'; } if ( isset( $_GET['action'] ) && 'system_status' == $_GET['action'] ) { $all_plugins = get_plugins(); $active_plugins = get_option( 'active_plugins' ); $mysql_info = $wpdb->get_results( "SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'sql_mode'" ); if ( is_array( $mysql_info ) ) $sql_mode = $mysql_info[0]->Value; if ( empty( $sql_mode ) ) $sql_mode = __( 'Not set', 'bestwebsoft' ); $safe_mode = ( ini_get( 'safe_mode' ) ) ? __( 'On', 'bestwebsoft' ) : __( 'Off', 'bestwebsoft' ); $allow_url_fopen = ( ini_get( 'allow_url_fopen' ) ) ? __( 'On', 'bestwebsoft' ) : __( 'Off', 'bestwebsoft' ); $upload_max_filesize = ( ini_get( 'upload_max_filesize' ) )? ini_get( 'upload_max_filesize' ) : __( 'N/A', 'bestwebsoft' ); $post_max_size = ( ini_get( 'post_max_size' ) ) ? ini_get( 'post_max_size' ) : __( 'N/A', 'bestwebsoft' ); $max_execution_time = ( ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ) ) ? ini_get( 'max_execution_time' ) : __( 'N/A', 'bestwebsoft' ); $memory_limit = ( ini_get( 'memory_limit' ) ) ? ini_get( 'memory_limit' ) : __( 'N/A', 'bestwebsoft' ); $memory_usage = ( function_exists( 'memory_get_usage' ) ) ? round( memory_get_usage() / 1024 / 1024, 2 ) . __( ' Mb', 'bestwebsoft' ) : __( 'N/A', 'bestwebsoft' ); $exif_read_data = ( is_callable( 'exif_read_data' ) ) ? __( 'Yes', 'bestwebsoft' ) . " ( V" . substr( phpversion( 'exif' ), 0,4 ) . ")" : __( 'No', 'bestwebsoft' ); $iptcparse = ( is_callable( 'iptcparse' ) ) ? __( 'Yes', 'bestwebsoft' ) : __( 'No', 'bestwebsoft' ); $xml_parser_create = ( is_callable( 'xml_parser_create' ) ) ? __( 'Yes', 'bestwebsoft' ) : __( 'No', 'bestwebsoft' ); if ( ( function_exists( 'wp_get_theme' ) ) ) $get_theme = wp_get_theme(); if ( function_exists( 'is_multisite' ) ) { if ( is_multisite() ) $multisite = __( 'Yes', 'bestwebsoft' ); else $multisite = __( 'No', 'bestwebsoft' ); } else $multisite = __( 'N/A', 'bestwebsoft' ); $system_info = array( 'system_info' => '', 'active_plugins' => '', 'inactive_plugins' => '' ); $system_info['system_info'] = array( __( 'Operating System', 'bestwebsoft' ) => PHP_OS, __( 'Server', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $_SERVER["SERVER_SOFTWARE"], __( 'Memory usage', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $memory_usage, __( 'MYSQL Version', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $wpdb->get_var( "SELECT VERSION() AS version" ), __( 'SQL Mode', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $sql_mode, __( 'PHP Version', 'bestwebsoft' ) => PHP_VERSION, __( 'PHP Safe Mode', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $safe_mode, __( 'PHP Allow URL fopen', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $allow_url_fopen, __( 'PHP Memory Limit', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $memory_limit, __( 'PHP Max Upload Size', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $upload_max_filesize, __( 'PHP Max Post Size', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $post_max_size, __( 'PHP Max Script Execute Time', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $max_execution_time, __( 'PHP Exif support', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $exif_read_data, __( 'PHP IPTC support', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $iptcparse, __( 'PHP XML support', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $xml_parser_create, __( 'Site URL', 'bestwebsoft' ) => get_option( 'siteurl' ), __( 'Home URL', 'bestwebsoft' ) => home_url(), '$_SERVER[HTTP_HOST]' => $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'], '$_SERVER[SERVER_NAME]' => $_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'], __( 'WordPress Version', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $wp_version, __( 'WordPress DB Version', 'bestwebsoft' ) => get_option( 'db_version' ), __( 'Multisite', 'bestwebsoft' ) => $multisite ); if ( isset( $get_theme ) ) $system_info['system_info'][ __( 'Active Theme', 'bestwebsoft' ) ] = $get_theme['Name'] . ' ' . $get_theme['Version']; foreach ( $all_plugins as $path => $plugin ) { if ( is_plugin_active( $path ) ) $system_info['active_plugins'][ $plugin['Name'] ] = $plugin['Version']; else $system_info['inactive_plugins'][ $plugin['Name'] ] = $plugin['Version']; } } if ( ( isset( $_REQUEST['bwsmn_form_submit'] ) && check_admin_referer( plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'bwsmn_nonce_submit' ) ) || ( isset( $_REQUEST['bwsmn_form_submit_custom_email'] ) && check_admin_referer( plugin_basename(__FILE__), 'bwsmn_nonce_submit_custom_email' ) ) ) { if ( isset( $_REQUEST['bwsmn_form_email'] ) ) { $bwsmn_form_email = esc_html( trim( $_REQUEST['bwsmn_form_email'] ) ); if ( $bwsmn_form_email == "" || ! is_email( $bwsmn_form_email ) ) { $error = __( "Please enter a valid email address.", 'bestwebsoft' ); } else { $email = $bwsmn_form_email; $bwsmn_form_email = ''; $message = __( 'Email with system info is sent to ', 'bestwebsoft' ) . $email; } } else { $email = ''; $message = __( 'Thank you for contacting us.', 'bestwebsoft' ); } if ( $error == '' ) { $headers = 'MIME-Version: 1.0' . "\n"; $headers .= 'Content-type: text/html; charset=utf-8' . "\n"; $headers .= 'From: ' . get_option( 'admin_email' ); $message_text = '


'; foreach ( $system_info['system_info'] as $key => $value ) { $message_text .= ''; } $message_text .= '
'. $key .''. $value .'
'; if ( ! empty( $system_info['active_plugins'] ) ) { $message_text .= '

Active Plugins

'; foreach ( $system_info['active_plugins'] as $key => $value ) { $message_text .= ''; } $message_text .= '
'. $key .''. $value .'
'; } if ( ! empty( $system_info['inactive_plugins'] ) ) { $message_text .= '

Inactive Plugins

'; foreach ( $system_info['inactive_plugins'] as $key => $value ) { $message_text .= ''; } $message_text .= '
'. $key .''. $value .'
'; } $message_text .= ''; $result = wp_mail( $email, 'System Info From ' . home_url(), $message_text, $headers ); if ( $result != true ) $error = __( "Sorry, email message could not be delivered.", 'bestwebsoft' ); } } ?>


$value_plugin ) { if ( isset( $bws_plugins_pro[ $key_plugin ] ) ) $key_plugin = $bws_plugins_pro[ $key_plugin ]; if ( isset( $bws_plugins[ $key_plugin ] ) ) { $key_plugin_explode = explode( '-plugin/', $key_plugin ); if ( isset( $key_plugin_explode[1] ) ) $icon = $key_plugin_explode[0]; else { $key_plugin_explode = explode( '/', $key_plugin ); $icon = $key_plugin_explode[0]; } } if ( isset( $bws_plugins[ $key_plugin ]['pro_version'] ) && ( in_array( $bws_plugins[ $key_plugin ]['pro_version'], $active_plugins ) || is_plugin_active_for_network( $bws_plugins[ $key_plugin ]['pro_version'] ) ) ) { ?>
$value_plugin ) { if ( isset( $bws_plugins[ $key_plugin ] ) ) { $key_plugin_explode = explode( '-plugin/', $key_plugin ); if ( isset( $key_plugin_explode[1] ) ) $icon = $key_plugin_explode[0]; else { $key_plugin_explode = explode( '/', $key_plugin ); $icon = $key_plugin_explode[0]; } } ?>
get_pagenum(); $per_page = 36; $args = array( 'page' => $paged, 'per_page' => $per_page, 'fields' => $theme_field_defaults ); $args['author'] = 'bestwebsoft'; $args = apply_filters( 'install_themes_table_api_args_search', $args ); $api = themes_api( 'query_themes', $args ); if ( is_wp_error( $api ) ) wp_die( $api->get_error_message() . '

' . __( 'Try again', 'bestwebsoft' ) . '' ); $theme_class->items = $api->themes; $theme_class->set_pagination_args( array( 'total_items' => $api->info['results'], 'per_page' => $per_page, 'infinite_scroll' => true, ) ); $themes = $theme_class->items; if ( $wp_version < '3.9' ) { foreach ( $themes as $theme ) { ?>

name, $themes_allowedtags ); $author = wp_kses( $theme->author, $themes_allowedtags ); $preview_title = sprintf( __( 'Preview “%s”', 'bestwebsoft' ), $name ); $preview_url = add_query_arg( array( 'tab' => 'theme-information', 'theme' => $theme->slug, ), self_admin_url( 'theme-install.php' ) ); $actions = array(); $install_url = add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'install-theme', 'theme' => $theme->slug, ), self_admin_url( 'update.php' ) ); $update_url = add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'upgrade-theme', 'theme' => $theme->slug, ), self_admin_url( 'update.php' ) ); $status = 'install'; $installed_theme = wp_get_theme( $theme->slug ); if ( $installed_theme->exists() ) { if ( version_compare( $installed_theme->get('Version'), $theme->version, '=' ) ) $status = 'latest_installed'; elseif ( version_compare( $installed_theme->get('Version'), $theme->version, '>' ) ) $status = 'newer_installed'; else $status = 'update_available'; } switch ( $status ) { default: case 'install': $actions[] = '' . __( 'Install Now', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ''; break; case 'update_available': $actions[] = '' . __( 'Update', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ''; break; case 'newer_installed': case 'latest_installed': $actions[] = '' . _x( 'Installed', 'theme', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ''; break; } $actions[] = '' . __( 'Preview', 'bestwebsoft' ) . ''; $actions = apply_filters( 'theme_install_actions', $actions, $theme ); ?>

install_theme_info( $theme ); ?>
theme_installer(); } else { ?>
$theme ) { $installed_theme = wp_get_theme( $theme->slug ); if ( $installed_theme->exists() ) $theme->installed = true; else $theme->installed = false; ?>
screenshot_url ) { ?>
author ); ?>

name; ?>

installed ) { ?>



$value ) { ?>
$value ) { ?>
$value ) { ?>

= '3.8' ) wp_enqueue_script( 'theme-install' ); elseif ( $wp_version >= '3.4' ) wp_enqueue_script( 'theme' ); } } } if ( ! function_exists ( 'bws_themes_admin_head' ) ) { function bws_themes_admin_head() { if ( isset( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] == "bws_themes" ) { ?>