esc_html__( 'Static Frontpage', 'create-magazine' ), 'disabled' => esc_html__( 'Disabled', 'create-magazine' ), ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_enable_options', $create_magazine_enable_options ); // Sort array in ascending order, according to the key: if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { ksort( $output ); } return $output; } /** * Enable options for entire site ,static frontpage * @return array Enable options */ function create_magazine_enable_on_entire_site_options() { $create_magazine_enable_on_entire_site_options = array( 'static-frontpage' => esc_html__( 'Static Frontpage', 'create-magazine' ), 'entire-site' => esc_html__( 'Entire-Site', 'create-magazine' ), 'disabled' => esc_html__( 'Disabled', 'create-magazine' ), ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_enable_on_entire_site_options', $create_magazine_enable_on_entire_site_options ); // Sort array in ascending order, according to the key: if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { ksort( $output ); } return $output; } /** * List of pagination types * @return array Pagination types */ function create_magazine_pagination_type() { $create_magazine_pagination_type = array( 'numeric' => esc_html__( 'Numeric','create-magazine' ), 'older-newer' => esc_html__( 'Older/Newer','create-magazine' ), ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_pagination_type', $create_magazine_pagination_type ); // Sort array in ascending order, according to the key: if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { ksort( $output ); } return $output; } /** * Background color * @return array background color */ function create_magazine_background_color(){ $create_magazine_background_color = array( 'bg-green', 'bg-orange', 'bg-light-red','bg-blue','bg-black', 'bg-grey','bg-red', 'bg-yellow', 'bg-cyan', 'bg-light-green', 'bg-dark-green', 'bg-dark-grey', 'bg-light-grey', 'bg-dark-blue','bg-darkest-blue', 'bg-dark-red' ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_background_color', $create_magazine_background_color ); return $output; } /** * Featured Story Source * @return array Source options */ function create_magazine_featured_story_options() { $create_magazine_featured_story_options = array( 'category' => esc_html__( 'Category', 'create-magazine' ), ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_featured_story_options', $create_magazine_featured_story_options ); // Sort array in ascending order, according to the key: if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { ksort( $output ); } return $output; } /** * Photo Gallery Source * @return array Source options */ function create_magazine_photo_gallery_options() { $create_magazine_photo_gallery_options = array( 'custom' => esc_html__( 'Custom', 'create-magazine' ), ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_photo_gallery_options', $create_magazine_photo_gallery_options ); // Sort array in ascending order, according to the key: if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { ksort( $output ); } return $output; } /** * Trending Now Source * @return array Source options */ function create_magazine_trending_now_options() { $create_magazine_trending_now_options = array( 'category' => esc_html__( 'Category', 'create-magazine' ), ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_trending_now_options', $create_magazine_trending_now_options ); // Sort array in ascending order, according to the key: if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { ksort( $output ); } return $output; } /** * Category Block One Source * @return array Source options */ function create_magazine_category_block_one_content_type_options() { $create_magazine_category_block_one_content_type_options = array( 'category' => esc_html__( 'Category', 'create-magazine' ), ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_category_block_one_content_type_options', $create_magazine_category_block_one_content_type_options ); // Sort array in ascending order, according to the key: if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { ksort( $output ); } return $output; } /** * Featured Category Source * @return array Source options */ function create_magazine_featured_category_content_type_options() { $create_magazine_featured_category_content_type_options = array( 'post' => esc_html__( 'Post', 'create-magazine' ), ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_featured_category_content_type_options', $create_magazine_featured_category_content_type_options ); // Sort array in ascending order, according to the key: if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { ksort( $output ); } return $output; } /** * Headline Source * @return array Source options */ function create_magazine_headline_content_type_options() { $create_magazine_headline_content_type_options = array( 'category' => esc_html__( 'Category', 'create-magazine' ), ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_headline_content_type_options', $create_magazine_headline_content_type_options ); // Sort array in ascending order, according to the key: if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { ksort( $output ); } return $output; } /** * Recent story Source * @return array Source options */ function create_magazine_recent_story_content_type_options() { $create_magazine_recent_story_content_type_options = array( 'all-category' => esc_html__( 'All Category', 'create-magazine' ), ); $output = apply_filters( 'create_magazine_recent_story_content_type_options', $create_magazine_recent_story_content_type_options ); // Sort array in ascending order, according to the key: if ( ! empty( $output ) ) { ksort( $output ); } return $output; }