advanced_demo_import(); } /** * Help if user use demo import * return array */ public function advanced_demo_import(){ add_action( 'advanced_import_replace_post_ids', array( $this, 'replace_post_ids' ), 20 ); add_action( 'advanced_import_replace_term_ids', array( $this, 'replace_term_ids' ), 20 ); } /** * Advance Demo import process * Active callback of advanced_import_replace_post_ids * return array */ public function replace_post_ids( $replace_post_ids ){ /*Post IDS*/ $post_ids = array( 'cosmoswp-feature-post-one', 'cosmoswp-feature-post-two', ); return array_merge( $replace_post_ids,$post_ids ); } /** * Advance Demo import process * Active callback of advanced_import_replace_term_ids * return array */ public function replace_term_ids( $replace_term_ids ){ /*Terms IDS*/ $term_ids = array( 'cosmoswp-feature-cat' ); return array_merge( $replace_term_ids, $term_ids ); } } /** * Begins execution of the hooks. * * @since 1.0.0 */ function cosmoswp_advanced_import( ) { return CosmosWP_Advanced_Import::instance(); } cosmoswp_advanced_import()->run();