* 1.0.9 - 11/01/2016 ==================== - Fixed: Learn More button on Welcome section * 1.0.8 - 21/12/2015 ==================== - Changed: theme shows latest blog posts by default * 1.0.7 - 21/12/2015 ==================== - Fixed: client widget. - Fixed: prefix on scripts - Added: licensing from images * 1.0.6 - 12/12/2015 ==================== - Fixed: pricing widget. * 1.0.5 - 12/12/2015 ==================== - Added: prefix for enqueued scripts. * 1.0.4 - 04/12/2015 ==================== - Removed: iframe codes for oEmbed - Removed: Team widget area - Added: prefix for thumbnail sizes - Added: prefix customizer Class - Added: html5shiv - Fixed: error when pricing widget is empty * 1.0.3 - 02/11/2015 ==================== - Fixed: Some functions to support PHP 5.4 * 1.0.2 - 31/10/2015 ==================== - Added: Enable/disable option to front page sections * 1.0.1 - 30/10/2015 ==================== - Complete Theme Update * 1.0.0 - 09/09/2015 ==================== - Released