Concept Lite WordPress Theme Documentation --------------------- - Installation Decompress the “” file, into the package, under “wp-content /themes” and then activate the theme from Appearance => Themes. As an alternative, go to Appearance => Themes => Add New => Upload Theme and choose “” file. - Option panel When the theme is activated, you can manage Concept Lite, from “Customize” section. - General Tab -- Load system. If you've some problems with the theme (for example a blank page), you can change the load system. -- Color Scheme. It is possible to choose up to 8 different styles that will replace any previously saved settings. -- Settings. You can decide if use the read more button and display the post author. -- Styles. You can add a custom css code. It is recommended that this feature be used only if absolutely necessary and if you know what will be modified. -- Layouts. You can decide the layout of home and category section -- Login area. You can upload an image as logo, for the admin area. It’s important to insert the height of your logo, under “Height” input, without “px” (for example 550 and not 550px) -- Header settings. You can replace the site name with an image as logo. -- Footer settings. From here, it is possible insert a text at the end of the site and add the links for the social networks --- Copyright text. Text displayed at the end of the site. --- Social networks. Insert the link; the icon of the relative social network will be displayed - Typography Tab -- Logo, Menu, Content and Headlines You can insert the font size for each section, logo (if it’s not an image), menu, content and headlines. - Background Image Tab It’s possible to set a full background image, from “Full image background” option. - Homepage Wordpress displays the last articles in the homepage. To use a static page that was previously created, in which the slides and other elements are present, go to “Settings” -> “Reading” and check off the “a static page” item by choosing the one previously created by the list - Menu It is possible to create and manage a custom menu with a drag and drop system. Go to Once the main menu is created, select it in “Main menu”. - Theme Translation We suggest Poedit, to translate Concept Lite. It’s available for free on Open Poedit, go to File > New from POT file and choose Concept Lite.pot , under Concept Lite/languages/ and choose your native language. When you’ve finished, upload bot files with your language code (for example it_IT.po and ), under the language folder of Concept Lite using a FTP client. - Premium Version If you need more features, you can found the premium version from this page: