setup_hooks(); } /** * Define hooks. * * @return void */ public function setup_hooks() { add_action( 'wp_enqueue_scripts', array( $this, 'colormag_scripts_styles_method' ) ); add_action( 'enqueue_block_editor_assets', array( $this, 'colormag_block_editor_styles' ), 1 ); } /** * Enqueue CSS and JS files. */ public function colormag_scripts_styles_method() { // Return if enqueueing is not enabled by the user. if ( false === apply_filters( 'colormag_enqueue_theme_assets', true ) ) { return; } // Variables. $suffix = ( defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) ? '' : '.min'; $skin_color = get_theme_mod( 'colormag_color_skin_setting', 'white' ); $inline_style_handle = ( 'white' === $skin_color ) ? 'colormag_style' : 'colormag_dark_style'; // Loads our main css. wp_enqueue_style( 'colormag_style', get_stylesheet_uri(), array(), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION ); wp_style_add_data( 'colormag_style', 'rtl', 'replace' ); // Load dark css. if ( 'dark' === $skin_color ) { wp_enqueue_style( 'colormag_dark_style', get_template_directory_uri() . '/dark.css', array(), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION ); } /** * Inline CSS from customizer. */ add_filter( 'colormag_dynamic_theme_css', array( 'ColorMag_Dynamic_CSS', 'render_output' ) ); // Enqueue required Google font for the theme. ColorMag_Generate_Fonts::render_fonts(); // Generate dynamic CSS to add inline styles for the theme. $theme_dynamic_css = apply_filters( 'colormag_dynamic_theme_css', '' ); wp_add_inline_style( $inline_style_handle, $theme_dynamic_css ); /** * Adds JavaScript to pages with the comment form to support * sites with threaded comments (when in use). */ if ( is_singular() && comments_open() && get_option( 'thread_comments' ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'comment-reply' ); } // BxSlider JS. wp_register_script( 'colormag-bxslider', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/jquery.bxslider' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); // Sticky Menu. if ( 1 == get_theme_mod( 'colormag_enable_sticky_menu', 0 ) ) { // Sticky JS enqueue. wp_enqueue_script( 'colormag-sticky-menu', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/sticky/jquery.sticky' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); } // News Ticker. wp_register_script( 'colormag-news-ticker', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/news-ticker/jquery.newsTicker' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); if ( 1 == get_theme_mod( 'colormag_enable_news_ticker', 0 ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'colormag-news-ticker', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/news-ticker/jquery.newsTicker' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); } // MagnificPopup JS. wp_register_script( 'colormag-featured-image-popup', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/magnific-popup/jquery.magnific-popup' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); // MagnificPopup CSS. wp_register_style( 'colormag-featured-image-popup-css', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/magnific-popup/magnific-popup' . $suffix . '.css', array(), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION ); if ( ( 1 == get_theme_mod( 'colormag_enable_lightbox', 0 ) ) && ( is_single() || is_page() ) ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'colormag-featured-image-popup' ); wp_enqueue_style( 'colormag-featured-image-popup-css' ); } // EasyTabs JS. wp_register_script( 'colormag-easy-tabs', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/easytabs/jquery.easytabs' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); // Navigation JS. wp_enqueue_script( 'colormag-navigation', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/navigation' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); // FontAwesome CSS. wp_enqueue_style( 'colormag-fontawesome', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/library/fontawesome/css/font-awesome' . $suffix . '.css', array(), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION ); // Weather Icons. wp_register_style( 'owfont', get_template_directory_uri() . '/assets/css/owfont-regular' . $suffix . '.css', array(), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION ); // FitVids JS. wp_enqueue_script( 'colormag-fitvids', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/fitvids/jquery.fitvids' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); // jQuery Video JS. wp_register_script( 'jquery-video', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); // HTML5Shiv for Lower IE versions. wp_enqueue_script( 'html5', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/html5shiv' . $suffix . '.js', array(), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION ); wp_script_add_data( 'html5', 'conditional', 'lte IE 8' ); // Skip link focus fix JS enqueue. wp_enqueue_script( 'colormag-skip-link-focus-fix', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/skip-link-focus-fix' . $suffix . '.js', array(), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); // Theme custom JS. wp_enqueue_script( 'colormag-custom', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/colormag-custom' . $suffix . '.js', array( 'jquery' ), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); // Enqueue bxslider if post has gallery post format. if ( has_post_format( 'gallery' ) || is_home() || is_search() || is_archive() ) { wp_enqueue_script( 'colormag-bxslider' ); } } /** * Enqueue block editor styles. * * @since ColorMag 2.4.6 */ public function colormag_block_editor_styles() { wp_enqueue_style( 'colormag-editor-googlefonts', '//,600', array(), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION ); wp_enqueue_style( 'colormag-block-editor-styles', get_template_directory_uri() . '/style-editor-block.css', array(), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION ); wp_enqueue_style( 'colormag-block-editor-dark-styles', get_template_directory_uri() . '/dark.css', array(), COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION ); wp_style_add_data( 'colormag-block-editor-styles', 'rtl', 'replace' ); } } } ColorMag_Enqueue_Scripts::get_instance(); /** * Action hook to get the required Google fonts for this theme. */ function colormag_get_fonts() { /** * Header options. */ /** * Typography options. */ $breaking_news_typography_default = array( 'font-family' => 'default', 'font-weight' => 'regular', ); /** * Enqueue required Google fonts. */ } add_action( 'colormag_get_fonts', 'colormag_get_fonts' ); /** * Filter hook to get the required Google font subsets for this theme. */ function colormag_font_subset() { $google_font_subsets = array(); /** * Typography options. */ return $google_font_subsets; } add_filter( 'colormag_font_subset', 'colormag_font_subset' ); /** * Enqueue image upload script for use within widgets. */ function colormag_image_uploader() { $suffix = ( defined( 'SCRIPT_DEBUG' ) && SCRIPT_DEBUG ) ? '' : '.min'; wp_enqueue_media(); wp_enqueue_script( 'colormag-widget-image-upload', COLORMAG_JS_URL . '/image-uploader' . $suffix . '.js', false, COLORMAG_THEME_VERSION, true ); } add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', 'colormag_image_uploader' ); if ( ! function_exists( 'colormag_darkcolor' ) ) : /** * Generate darker color * * @param string $hex Hex color value. * @param string $steps Steps to change the hex color value for equivalent dark color. * * @return string */ function colormag_darkcolor( $hex, $steps ) { // Steps should be between -255 and 255. Negative = darker, positive = lighter. $steps = max( -255, min( 255, $steps ) ); // Normalize into a six character long hex string. $hex = str_replace( '#', '', $hex ); if ( strlen( $hex ) == 3 ) { $hex = str_repeat( substr( $hex, 0, 1 ), 2 ) . str_repeat( substr( $hex, 1, 1 ), 2 ) . str_repeat( substr( $hex, 2, 1 ), 2 ); } // Split into three parts: R, G and B. $color_parts = str_split( $hex, 2 ); $return = '#'; foreach ( $color_parts as $color ) { // Convert to decimal. $color = hexdec( $color ); // Adjust the color. $color = max( 0, min( 255, $color + $steps ) ); $return .= str_pad( dechex( $color ), 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); // Make two char hex code. } return $return; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'colormag_parse_css' ) ) : /** * Parses CSS. * * @param string|array $default_value Default value. * @param string|array $output_value Updated value. * @param array $css_output Array of CSS. * @param string $min_media Min Media breakpoint. * @param string $max_media Max Media breakpoint. * * @return string Generated CSS. */ function colormag_parse_css( $default_value, $output_value, $css_output = array(), $min_media = '', $max_media = '' ) { // Return if default value matches. if ( $default_value === $output_value ) { return; } $parse_css = ''; if ( is_array( $css_output ) && count( $css_output ) > 0 ) { foreach ( $css_output as $selector => $properties ) { if ( null === $properties ) { break; } if ( ! count( $properties ) ) { continue; } $temp_parse_css = $selector . '{'; $properties_added = 0; foreach ( $properties as $property => $value ) { if ( '' === $value ) { continue; } $properties_added ++; $temp_parse_css .= $property . ':' . $value . ';'; } $temp_parse_css .= '}'; if ( $properties_added > 0 ) { $parse_css .= $temp_parse_css; } } if ( '' !== $parse_css && ( '' !== $min_media || '' !== $max_media ) ) { $media_css = '@media '; $min_media_css = ''; $max_media_css = ''; $media_separator = ''; if ( '' !== $min_media ) { $min_media_css = 'screen and (min-width:' . $min_media . 'px)'; } if ( '' !== $max_media ) { $max_media_css = 'screen and (max-width:' . $max_media . 'px)'; } if ( '' !== $min_media && '' !== $max_media ) { $media_separator = ' and '; } $media_css .= $min_media_css . $media_separator . $max_media_css . '{' . $parse_css . '}'; return $media_css; } } return $parse_css; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'colormag_parse_background_css' ) ) : /** * Returns the background CSS property for dynamic CSS generation. * * @param string|array $default_value Default value. * @param string|array $output_value Updated value. * @param string $selector CSS selector. * * @return string|void Generated CSS for background CSS property. */ function colormag_parse_background_css( $default_value, $output_value, $selector ) { if ( $default_value == $output_value ) { return; } $parse_css = ''; $parse_css .= $selector . '{'; // For background color. if ( isset( $output_value['background-color'] ) && ( $output_value['background-color'] != $default_value['background-color'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'background-color:' . $output_value['background-color'] . ';'; } // For background image. if ( isset( $output_value['background-image'] ) && ( $output_value['background-image'] != $default_value['background-image'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'background-image:url(' . $output_value['background-image'] . ');'; } // For background position. if ( isset( $output_value['background-position'] ) && ( $output_value['background-position'] != $default_value['background-position'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'background-position:' . $output_value['background-position'] . ';'; } // For background size. if ( isset( $output_value['background-size'] ) && ( $output_value['background-size'] != $default_value['background-size'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'background-size:' . $output_value['background-size'] . ';'; } // For background attachment. if ( isset( $output_value['background-attachment'] ) && ( $output_value['background-attachment'] != $default_value['background-attachment'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'background-attachment:' . $output_value['background-attachment'] . ';'; } // For background repeat. if ( isset( $output_value['background-repeat'] ) && ( $output_value['background-repeat'] != $default_value['background-repeat'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'background-repeat:' . $output_value['background-repeat'] . ';'; } $parse_css .= '}'; return $parse_css; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'colormag_parse_dimension_css' ) ) { /** * Returns the background CSS property for dynamic CSS generation. * * @param string|array $default_value Default value. * @param string|array $output_value Updated value. * @param string $selector CSS selector. * @param string $property CSS property. * * @return string|void Generated CSS for dimension CSS. */ function colormag_parse_dimension_css( $default_value, $output_value, $selector, $property ) { if ( $default_value === $output_value ) { return; } $parse_css = $selector . '{'; $unit = isset( $output_value['unit'] ) ? $output_value['unit'] : ( isset( $default_value['unit'] ) ? $default_value['unit'] : 'px' ); if ( isset( $output_value['top'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['top'] ) && ( $output_value['top'] !== $default_value['top'] ) ) { $parse_css .= $property . '-top:' . $output_value['top'] . $unit . ';'; } if ( isset( $output_value['top'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['top'] ) && ( $output_value['right'] !== $default_value['right'] ) ) { $parse_css .= $property . '-right:' . $output_value['right'] . $unit . ';'; } if ( isset( $output_value['bottom'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['bottom'] ) && ( $output_value['bottom'] !== $default_value['bottom'] ) ) { $parse_css .= $property . '-bottom:' . $output_value['bottom'] . $unit . ';'; } if ( isset( $output_value['left'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['left'] ) && ( $output_value['left'] !== $default_value['left'] ) ) { $parse_css .= $property . '-left:' . $output_value['left'] . $unit . ';'; } $parse_css .= '}'; return $parse_css; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'colormag_parse_border_css' ) ) { /** * Returns the background CSS property for dynamic CSS generation. * * @param string|array $default_value Default value. * @param string|array $output_value Updated value. * @param string $selector CSS selector. * @param string $property CSS property. * * @return string|void Generated CSS for border CSS. */ function colormag_parse_border_css( $default_value, $output_value, $selector, $property ) { if ( $default_value === $output_value ) { return; } $parse_css = $selector . '{'; if ( isset( $output_value ) && ! empty( $output_value ) && ( $output_value !== $default_value ) ) { if ( $property == 'radius' || $property == 'width' ) { $parse_css .= 'border-' . $property . ':' . $output_value . 'px;'; } else { $parse_css .= 'border-' . $property . ':' . $output_value . ';'; } } $parse_css .= '}'; return $parse_css; } } if ( ! function_exists( 'colormag_parse_typography_css' ) ) : /** * Returns the background CSS property for dynamic CSS generation. * * @param string|array $default_value Default value. * @param string|array $output_value Updated value. * @param string $selector CSS selector. * @param array $devices Devices for breakpoints. * * @return string|void Generated CSS for typography CSS. */ function colormag_parse_typography_css( $default_value, $output_value, $selector, $devices = array() ) { if ( $default_value === $output_value ) { return; } $parse_css = $selector . '{'; // For font family. if ( isset( $output_value['font-family'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['font-family'] ) && ( $output_value['font-family'] !== $default_value['font-family'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'font-family:' . $output_value['font-family'] . ';'; } // For font style. if ( isset( $output_value['font-style'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['font-style'] ) && ( $output_value['font-style'] !== $default_value['font-style'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'font-style:' . $output_value['font-style'] . ';'; } // For text transform. if ( isset( $output_value['text-transform'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['text-transform'] ) && ( $output_value['text-transform'] !== $default_value['text-transform'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'text-transform:' . $output_value['text-transform'] . ';'; } // For text decoration. if ( isset( $output_value['text-decoration'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['text-decoration'] ) && ( $output_value['text-decoration'] !== $default_value['text-decoration'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'text-decoration:' . $output_value['text-decoration'] . ';'; } // For font weight. if ( isset( $output_value['font-weight'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['font-weight'] ) && ( $output_value['font-weight'] !== $default_value['font-weight'] ) ) { $font_weight_value = $output_value['font-weight']; if ( 'italic' === $font_weight_value || 'regular' === $font_weight_value ) { $parse_css .= 'font-weight:' . 400 . ';'; } else { $parse_css .= 'font-weight:' . str_replace( 'italic', '', $font_weight_value ) . ';'; } } // For font size on desktop. $font_size_unit = isset( $output_value['font-size']['desktop']['unit'] ) ? $output_value['font-size']['desktop']['unit'] : 'px'; if ( isset( $output_value['font-size']['desktop']['size'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['font-size']['desktop']['size'] ) && ( $output_value['font-size']['desktop']['size'] !== $default_value['font-size']['desktop']['size'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'font-size:' . $output_value['font-size']['desktop']['size'] . $font_size_unit . ';'; } // For line height on desktop. $line_height_unit_value = isset( $output_value['line-height']['desktop']['unit'] ) ? $output_value['line-height']['desktop']['unit'] : 'px'; $line_height_unit = ( '-' !== $line_height_unit_value ) ? $line_height_unit_value : ''; if ( isset( $output_value['line-height']['desktop']['size'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['line-height']['desktop']['size'] ) && ( $output_value['line-height']['desktop']['size'] !== $default_value['line-height']['desktop']['size'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'line-height:' . $output_value['line-height']['desktop']['size'] . $line_height_unit . ';'; } // For letter spacing on desktop. $letter_spacing_unit = isset( $output_value['letter-spacing']['desktop']['unit'] ) ? $output_value['letter-spacing']['desktop']['unit'] : 'px'; if ( isset( $output_value['letter-spacing']['desktop']['size'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['letter-spacing']['desktop']['size'] ) && ( $output_value['letter-spacing']['desktop']['size'] !== $default_value['letter-spacing']['desktop']['size'] ) ) { $parse_css .= 'letter-spacing:' . $output_value['letter-spacing']['desktop']['size'] . $letter_spacing_unit . ';'; } $parse_css .= '}'; // For responsive devices. if ( is_array( $devices ) ) { foreach ( $devices as $device => $size ) { // For tablet devices. if ( 'tablet' === $device && $size ) { if ( isset( $output_value['font-size']['tablet']['size'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['font-size']['tablet']['size'] ) && $output_value['font-size']['tablet']['size'] !== $default_value['font-size']['tablet']['size'] ) { $font_size_tablet_unit = $output_value['font-size']['tablet']['unit'] ? $output_value['font-size']['tablet']['unit'] : 'px'; $parse_css .= '@media(max-width:' . $size . 'px){'; $parse_css .= $selector . '{'; $parse_css .= 'font-size:' . $output_value['font-size']['tablet']['size'] . $font_size_tablet_unit . ';'; $parse_css .= '}'; $parse_css .= '}'; } if ( isset( $output_value['line-height']['tablet']['size'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['line-height']['tablet']['size'] ) && $output_value['line-height']['tablet']['size'] !== $default_value['line-height']['tablet']['size'] ) { $line_height_tablet_unit_value = $output_value['line-height']['tablet']['unit'] ? $output_value['line-height']['tablet']['unit'] : ''; $line_height_tablet_unit = ( '-' !== $line_height_tablet_unit_value ) ? $line_height_tablet_unit_value : ''; $parse_css .= '@media(max-width:' . $size . 'px){'; $parse_css .= $selector . '{'; $parse_css .= 'line-height:' . $output_value['line-height']['tablet']['size'] . $line_height_tablet_unit . ';'; $parse_css .= '}'; $parse_css .= '}'; } if ( isset( $output_value['letter-spacing']['tablet']['size'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['letter-spacing']['tablet']['size'] ) && $output_value['letter-spacing']['tablet']['size'] !== $default_value['letter-spacing']['tablet']['size'] ) { $letter_spacing_tablet_unit = $output_value['letter-spacing']['tablet']['unit'] ? $output_value['letter-spacing']['tablet']['unit'] : 'px'; $parse_css .= '@media(max-width:' . $size . 'px){'; $parse_css .= $selector . '{'; $parse_css .= 'letter-spacing:' . $output_value['letter-spacing']['tablet']['size'] . $letter_spacing_tablet_unit . ';'; $parse_css .= '}'; $parse_css .= '}'; } } // For mobile devices. if ( 'mobile' === $device && $size ) { if ( isset( $output_value['font-size']['mobile']['size'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['font-size']['mobile']['size'] ) && $output_value['font-size']['mobile']['size'] !== $default_value['font-size']['mobile']['size'] ) { $font_size_mobile_unit = $output_value['font-size']['mobile']['unit'] ? $output_value['font-size']['mobile']['unit'] : 'px'; $parse_css .= '@media(max-width:' . $size . 'px){'; $parse_css .= $selector . '{'; $parse_css .= 'font-size:' . $output_value['font-size']['mobile']['size'] . $font_size_mobile_unit . ';'; $parse_css .= '}'; $parse_css .= '}'; } if ( isset( $output_value['line-height']['mobile']['size'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['line-height']['mobile']['size'] ) && $output_value['line-height']['mobile']['size'] !== $default_value['line-height']['mobile']['size'] ) { $line_height_mobile_unit_value = $output_value['line-height']['mobile']['unit'] ? $output_value['line-height']['mobile']['unit'] : ''; $line_height_mobile_unit = ( '-' !== $line_height_mobile_unit_value ) ? $line_height_mobile_unit_value : ''; $parse_css .= '@media(max-width:' . $size . 'px){'; $parse_css .= $selector . '{'; $parse_css .= 'line-height:' . $output_value['line-height']['mobile']['size'] . $line_height_mobile_unit . ';'; $parse_css .= '}'; $parse_css .= '}'; } if ( isset( $output_value['letter-spacing']['mobile']['size'] ) && ! empty( $output_value['letter-spacing']['mobile']['size'] ) && $output_value['letter-spacing']['mobile']['size'] !== $default_value['letter-spacing']['mobile']['size'] ) { $letter_spacing_mobile_unit = $output_value['letter-spacing']['mobile']['unit'] ? $output_value['letter-spacing']['mobile']['unit'] : 'px'; $parse_css .= '@media(max-width:' . $size . 'px){'; $parse_css .= $selector . '{'; $parse_css .= 'letter-spacing:' . $output_value['letter-spacing']['mobile']['size'] . $letter_spacing_mobile_unit . ';'; $parse_css .= '}'; $parse_css .= '}'; } } } } return $parse_css; } endif; if ( ! function_exists( 'colormag_parse_slider_css' ) ) : /** * Returns the background CSS property for dynamic CSS generation. * * @param string|array $default_value Default value. * @param string|array $output_value Updated value. * @param string $selector CSS selector. * @param string $property CSS property. * * @return string|void Generated CSS for dimension CSS. */ function colormag_parse_slider_css( $default_value, $output_value, $selector, $property ) { if ( $default_value === $output_value ) { return; } $parse_css = ''; if ( isset( $output_value['size'] ) ) { $parse_css = $selector . '{'; $unit = isset( $output_value['unit'] ) ? $output_value['unit'] : ( isset( $default_value['unit'] ) ? $default_value['unit'] : 'px' ); $parse_css .= $property . ':' . $output_value['size'] . $unit . ';'; $parse_css .= '}'; } return $parse_css; } endif;