msgid "" msgstr "" "MIME-Version: 1.0\n" "Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8\n" "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit\n" "X-Generator:\n" "Project-Id-Version: Codon\n" "Language: fr\n" #: /codon/content-page.php:44 #: /codon/content-single.php:39 #: /codon/image.php:58 msgid "Pages:" msgstr "Pages:" #: /codon/content-page.php:51 #: /codon/image.php:32 #: /codon/image.php:64 #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:423 #: /codon/inc/extras.php:123 msgid "Edit" msgstr "Éditer" #: /codon/content-none.php:13 msgid "Nothing Found" msgstr "Rien n'a été trouvé" #: /codon/content-none.php:19 msgid "Ready to publish your first post? Get started here." msgstr "Prêt à publier votre premier poste? Commencez ici ." #: /codon/content-none.php:23 msgid "Sorry, but nothing matched your search terms. Please try again with some different keywords." msgstr "Désolé, mais rien ne correspond à vos termes de recherche. Se il vous plaît essayer de nouveau avec quelques mots clés différents." #: /codon/content-none.php:28 msgid "It seems we can’t find what you’re looking for. Perhaps searching can help." msgstr "Il semble que nous can & rsquo; t trouvé ce que vous & rsquo; re cherche. Peut-être la recherche peut aider." #: /codon/header.php:98 msgid "Skip to content" msgstr "Aller au contenu" #: /codon/header.php:103 msgid "Main Menu" msgstr "Menu principal" #: /codon/search.php:16 msgid "Search Results for: " msgstr "Résultats de la recherche pour:" #: /codon/search.php:25 msgid "No results found for: " msgstr "Pas de résultats trouvés pour:" #: /codon/searchform.php:14 msgid "Search" msgstr "Recherche" #: /codon/functions.php:45 msgid "Top Menu" msgstr "Top Menu" #: /codon/functions.php:47 #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:449 msgid "Footer Menu" msgstr "Footer Menu" #: /codon/functions.php:95 msgid "Header Widget" msgstr "Header Widget" #: /codon/functions.php:97 msgid "Widgets in this area will be shown on the right side of the header (Traditional header-style only)." msgstr "Widgets dans ce domaine seront affichés sur le côté droit de l'en-tête (header-Style traditionnel seulement)." #: /codon/functions.php:105 msgid "Page Sidebar" msgstr "Page Sidebar" #: /codon/functions.php:107 msgid "Widgets in this area will be shown on pages." msgstr "Widgets dans ce domaine seront affichés sur les pages." #: /codon/functions.php:116 msgid "Post Sidebar" msgstr "Poster Sidebar" #: /codon/functions.php:118 msgid "Widgets in this area will be shown on posts and archives." msgstr "Widgets dans ce domaine seront affichés sur des poteaux et des archives." #: /codon/functions.php:128 #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:321 msgid "Archive Sidebar" msgstr "Archive Sidebar" #: /codon/functions.php:130 msgid "Widgets in this area will be shown on archive pages." msgstr "Widgets dans ce domaine seront affichés sur les pages d'archives." #: /codon/functions.php:138 msgid "Home Sidebar" msgstr "Accueil Sidebar" #: /codon/functions.php:140 msgid "Widgets in this area will be shown on the homepage." msgstr "Widgets dans ce domaine seront affichés sur la page d'accueil." #: /codon/functions.php:147 msgid "Below Posts" msgstr "Ci-dessous les messages" #: /codon/functions.php:149 msgid "Widgets in this area will be shown beneath the blog post type. Use this for sharing, related articles and more." msgstr "Widgets dans ce domaine seront affichés sous le type de blog. Utilisez-le pour le partage, des articles connexes et plus." #: /codon/functions.php:159 msgid "Footer Widget 1" msgstr "Pied de page Widget 1" #: /codon/functions.php:161 msgid "Widgets in this area will show up in the leftmost footer column." msgstr "Widgets dans ce domaine se affichent dans la colonne la plus à gauche du pied de page." #: /codon/functions.php:168 msgid "Footer Widget 2" msgstr "Pied de page Widget 2" #: /codon/functions.php:170 msgid "Widgets in this area will show up in the middle footer column." msgstr "Widgets dans ce domaine se affichent dans la colonne de pied milieu." #: /codon/functions.php:177 msgid "Footer Widget 3" msgstr "Pied de page Widget 3" #: /codon/functions.php:179 msgid "Widgets in this area will show up in the right footer column." msgstr "Widgets dans ce domaine se affichent dans la colonne de bas de page à droite." #: /codon/functions.php:247 msgid "To view this protected post, enter the password below." msgstr "Pour consulter ce post protégée, entrez le mot de passe ci-dessous." #: /codon/functions.php:267 msgid "Extras" msgstr "Extras" #: /codon/functions.php:279 msgid "Subtitle" msgstr "Sous-titre" #: /codon/functions.php:286 msgid "Featured Video Embed Code" msgstr "Vidéo en vedette Code d'intégration" #: /codon/image.php:22 msgid "Published at %4$s × %5$s in %7$s" msgstr "Publié % 2 $ s à % 4 $ s et horaires; % 5 $ s % s 7 $" #: /codon/image.php:37 msgid " Previous" msgstr " & larr; Précédent" #: /codon/image.php:38 msgid "Next " msgstr "Suivant & rarr; " #: /codon/comments.php:32 msgid "← Older Comments" msgstr "& Larr; Commentaires plus anciens" #: /codon/comments.php:33 msgid "Newer Comments →" msgstr "Commentaires et rarr récent;" #: /codon/sidebar-home.php:14 #: /codon/sidebar-posts.php:14 #: /codon/sidebar.php:14 msgid "Archives" msgstr "Archives" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:24 msgid "Post navigation" msgstr "Navigation des articles" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:46 msgid "Author: " msgstr "Auteur:" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:303 msgid "Daily Archives: " msgstr "Daily Archives:" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:308 msgid "Monthly Archives: " msgstr "Archives mensuelles:" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:313 msgid "Yearly Archives: " msgstr "Archives annuelles:" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:318 msgid " Asides" msgstr " apartés" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:321 msgid " Galleries" msgstr " Galeries" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:324 msgid " Images" msgstr " Images" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:327 msgid " Videos" msgstr " Vidéos" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:330 msgid " Quotes" msgstr " Cotes" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:333 msgid " Links" msgstr " Liens" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:336 msgid " Statuses" msgstr " Statuts" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:339 msgid " Audios" msgstr " Audios" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:342 msgid " Chats" msgstr " Chats" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:345 msgid " Archives" msgstr " Archives" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:355 #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:365 #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:384 msgid "Home" msgstr "Maison" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:413 msgid "%1$s" msgstr "% 1 $ s" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:419 msgid "Leave a comment" msgstr "Laisser un commentaire" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:419 msgid "1 Comment" msgstr "1 Commentaire" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:419 msgid "% Comments" msgstr "% Commentaires" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:519 msgid "404 - Page Not Found" msgstr "404 - Page introuvable" #: /codon/inc/template-tags.php:520 msgid "Whoops. The page you were looking for has gone extinct. Maybe you can find what you were looking for below." msgstr "Oups. La page que vous recherchez n'a disparu. Peut-être que vous pouvez trouver ce que vous recherchez ci-dessous." #: /codon/inc/extras.php:63 msgid "Page %s" msgstr "Page% s" #: /codon/inc/extras.php:100 msgid "(Edit)" msgstr "(Edit)" #: /codon/inc/extras.php:112 msgid "Post author" msgstr "Poster auteur" #: /codon/inc/extras.php:115 msgid "%1$s at %2$s" msgstr "% 1 $ s à% 2 $ s" #: /codon/inc/extras.php:126 msgid "Reply" msgstr "Répondre" #: /codon/inc/extras.php:174 msgid "Custom Styles" msgstr "Styles personnalisés" #: /codon/inc/extras.php:177 msgid "Theme Button" msgstr "Bouton Thème" #: /codon/inc/extras.php:182 msgid "Highlight" msgstr "Surligner" #: /codon/inc/index-nav.php:11 msgid "Load More" msgstr "Chargez Plus" #: /codon/inc/index-nav.php:14 msgid "Posts navigation" msgstr "Messages de navigation" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:20 msgid "Header Options" msgstr "Options de tête" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:22 msgid "Select your header options." msgstr "Sélectionnez vos options d'en-tête." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:27 msgid "Display Options" msgstr "Options d'affichage" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:29 msgid "Select your display options." msgstr "Sélectionnez vos options d'affichage." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:34 msgid "Single Content" msgstr "Contenu unique" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:36 msgid "Select options for single-content templates." msgstr "Sélectionnez les options pour les modèles mono-contenu." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:41 msgid "Archive Content" msgstr "Content Archive" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:43 msgid "Select options for archive-content templates." msgstr "Sélectionnez les options de modèles archive-contenu." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:48 msgid "Footer Options" msgstr "Options de bas de page" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:50 msgid "Select options for the footer." msgstr "Sélectionnez les options pour le pied de page." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:64 msgid "Header Style" msgstr "Style de tête" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:65 msgid "After saving the header style, refresh the customizer page to see the header-specific logo option." msgstr "Après avoir enregistré le style d'en-tête, actualisez la page de personnalisation pour voir l'option spécifique header logo." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:79 msgid "Site Description" msgstr "Description du site" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:80 msgid "Enable or disable the header site description." msgstr "Activer ou désactiver la description tête du site." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:98 msgid "Header Logo" msgstr "Header Logo" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:108 msgid "Header Widget Area" msgstr "Header Zone Widget" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:127 msgid "Topbar Logo" msgstr "Topbar Logo" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:128 msgid "Max height: 45px" msgstr "Hauteur Max: 45px " #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:145 msgid "Infinite Scroll" msgstr "Infini Scroll" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:161 msgid "Post Default Image" msgstr "Poster Default Image" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:162 msgid "Used if a featured image is not present" msgstr "Utilisé si une image sélectionnée ne est pas présent" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:196 #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:369 msgid "Post Meta" msgstr "Poster Meta" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:210 msgid "Post Navigation" msgstr "Poster Navigation" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:224 msgid "Authorbox" msgstr "Authorbox" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:238 msgid "Post Breadcrumbs" msgstr "Déposer Breadcrumbs" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:252 msgid "Page Breadcrumbs" msgstr "Page Fil d'Ariane" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:266 msgid "Post Extras" msgstr "Déposer Extras" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:267 msgid "Enable or disable the post extras box (subtitle and featured video)." msgstr "Activer ou désactiver la boîte soumettre des extras (sous-titres et la vidéo en vedette)." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:281 msgid "Post Style" msgstr "Poster style" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:282 msgid "Choose whether or not to display the sidebar on single posts." msgstr "Choisissez si oui ou non pour afficher la barre latérale messages simples." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:305 msgid "Post Display" msgstr "Poster affichage" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:306 msgid "If using the three-column layout, make sure your post per page value in Settings->Reading is divisible by 3 for best results." msgstr "Si vous utilisez la disposition en trois colonnes, assurez-vous que votre message par valeur de page dans Paramètres> Lecture est divisible par 3 pour de meilleurs résultats." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:322 msgid "Turn the sidebar on or off." msgstr "Tournez la barre latérale ou désactiver." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:336 msgid "Post Thumbnails" msgstr "Déposer Vignettes" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:337 msgid "Choose your archive thumbnail size." msgstr "Choisissez votre taille de l'archive des vignettes." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:353 msgid "Post Thumbnail Alignment" msgstr "Alignement Post Thumbnail" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:354 msgid "Choose your archive thumbnail alignment." msgstr "Choisissez votre alignement archives des vignettes." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:383 msgid "Post Excerpts" msgstr "Poster Extraits" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:384 msgid "Showing the full content works best with the blog-style archive layout." msgstr "Afficher le contenu complet fonctionne mieux avec l'archive mise en page blog-style." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:418 msgid "Footer Widgets" msgstr "Pied de page Widgets" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:419 msgid "Enable or disable the footer widget areas." msgstr "Activer ou désactiver les zones de widget de bas de page." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:434 msgid "Footer Credit Link" msgstr "Pied de crédit Lien" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:464 msgid "Return to Top Link" msgstr "Retourner au haut Lien" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:479 msgid "Social Block" msgstr "Bloquer sociale" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:480 msgid "Once enabled, please refresh the customizer to enable the social link fields." msgstr "Une fois activé, se il vous plaît rafraîchir la personnalisation pour activer les champs de lien social." #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:498 msgid "Facebook URL" msgstr "Facebook URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:509 msgid "Google+ URL" msgstr "Google+ URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:520 msgid "Twitter URL" msgstr "Twitter URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:531 msgid "Pinterest URL" msgstr "Pinterest URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:543 msgid "YouTube URL" msgstr "YouTube URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:555 msgid "Instagram URL" msgstr "Instagram URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:567 msgid "Yelp URL" msgstr "Yelp URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:579 msgid "Tumblr URL" msgstr "Tumblr URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:591 msgid "Reddit URL" msgstr "Reddit URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:603 msgid "Github URL" msgstr "Github URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:615 msgid "Skype URL" msgstr "Skype URL" #: /codon/inc/customizer.php:627 msgid "RSS URL" msgstr "URL du flux RSS"