Codium Extend is a minimalist theme for wordpress and ready for all the wordpress 3.+ feature like custom menus, colors or background. Light colors and white is perfect for having a really nice blog! Features : -WordPress 3.2+ -Widget ready -Translation ready (french include) -Wp-Pagenavi ready -Custom color -Custom background -Custom header image -Nice google font for the title and description -GPL -mobile and tablet version More information here : 1.0.4 : security correction in sidebar.php 1.0.5 : small CSS correction and add mobile and handheld versions of the theme 1.0.8 : small corrections and add the support for custom image header, and add a nice css3 effect in the menu (for chrome and mozilla users only) 1.0.9 : correction of the bug in the image header without title 1.1.2 : some css correction, added a menu for the mobile and tablet stylesheet, clean css for comment, added pingback and trackback, remove the "home' link in the menu to add one, use the custom menu, compliant to wordpress 3.2+ 1.1.3 : correction for the category span on the index.php 1.1.3 : Better support for mobile with a real responsive css