array ( 'description' =>__('

Clear Line Theme Options

Thank you for using the theme!
The Clear Line Theme is a clear and very lightweight theme with ample opportunities of customization. As for now the theme contains ${a[\'size\']} full-fledged options that consist of ${a[\'total_count\']} sub-options. Here are some tips that can help you to understend them better.

Translate the theme

The theme is translation ready now! You can translate it and your translation will be available in the next theme release!
Please read instructions for details.

Getting help

To get help on a theme option just click it\'s title:


The unique feature of the option page is the options inheritance. With this feature, options can be set to their own values or be inherited from another "parent" option. Thanks to the inheritance, you can change color scheme (e.g. green to blue) by changing only three options.
The following picture explains how it works

Note that you can create chains of inherited options.


You can ask questions, report bugs, request a feature or new options at the Support Forum' , THEME_DOMAIN) /*

Help needed!

If you are a native English speaker and you see mistakes of any kind in option titles and/or descriptions, please let me know of them. The best help is to edit the files option_descriptions.php and options_categories.php. I will appreciate your help very much. */ //This is the Clear Line WordPress Theme. Help will be placed here. Inheritance. ), 'General' => array ( 'display_name' => 'General', 'description' =>'', ), 'Header' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), 'Navigation' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), 'Sidebars' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), 'Footer' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), 'Index Page' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), 'Post' => array ( 'description' =>'' ), 'Social' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), 'Headings' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), 'Comments' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), 'Images' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), 'Pagination' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), 'SEO' => array ( 'description' =>'', ), );