response; } $response['time'] = time(); $response['package'] = Citadela::$package; update_option('citadela_api_response', $response); } } Citadela::$allowed = $response['code'] != 401; Citadela::$trial = isset($response['body']['trial']); Citadela::$business = isset($response['body']['business']); if (Citadela::$trial && (defined('CITADELA_DIRECTORY_PLUGIN') || defined('CITADELA_PRO_PLUGIN'))) { $box = '
' . sprintf( /*translators: 1. Start html anchor tag, 2. End html anchor tag */ __('This website is running trial version of Citadela products. Please purchase a membership to activate the website. %1$sView available memberships%2$s', 'citadela'), '', '' ) . '
'; add_action('admin_notices', function () use ($box) { echo wp_kses_post($box); }); add_action('wp_body_open', function () use ($box) { echo wp_kses_post($box); }); } if (!Citadela::$allowed && (defined('CITADELA_DIRECTORY_PLUGIN') || defined('CITADELA_PRO_PLUGIN'))) { if (is_super_admin()) { $message = Citadela::getResponseMessage($response); add_action('admin_notices', function () use ($message) { printf( '


', esc_html($message['title']), wp_kses_post($message['message']) ); }); } } add_action('add_option_citadela_api_key', ['Citadela', 'deleteTransient']); add_filter('pre_update_option_citadela_api_key', function ($value) { Citadela::deleteTransient(); return $value; }); add_action('update_option_active_plugins', ['Citadela', 'deleteTransient']); add_action('update_option_current_theme', ['Citadela', 'deleteTransient']); add_filter('pre_set_site_transient_update_plugins', function ($value) { return Citadela::checkUpdates($value, 'plugins'); }); add_action('admin_init', function () { register_setting('citadela-api', 'citadela_api_key'); }); if (defined('CITADELA_THEME')) { add_action('citadela_updater_options', function () use ($localhost) { ?>



$value) { Citadela::installAndActivatePlugin("citadela-$key"); } } catch (Exception $exception) { wp_send_json_error(isset($exception->response) ? Citadela::getResponseMessage($exception->response) : []); } wp_send_json_success(['redirect' => admin_url('admin.php?page=citadela-pro-settings&tab=layouts')]); }); } }); } static function getKeyLabel() { switch (Citadela::$package) { case 'themeforest': return __('Envato Purchase code', 'citadela'); case 'mojo': return __('MOJO Purchase code', 'citadela'); case 'themely': return __('Themely Purchase code', 'citadela'); default: return __('API Key', 'citadela'); } } static function getKeyDescription() { switch (Citadela::$package) { case 'themeforest': return /*translators: 1. start html anchor tag, 2. end html anchor tag */ sprintf(__('You can find Purchase Code in your %1$sEnvato account → Downloads%2$s under the Download button.', 'citadela'), '', '' ); case 'mojo': return /*translators: 1. start html anchor tag, 2. end html anchor tag */ sprintf(__('You can find Purchase Code in your %1$sMOJO account → Themes%2$s.', 'citadela'), '', '' ); case 'themely': return __('You can find the Purchase Code in the purchase email from Themely.', 'citadela'); default: return /*translators: 1. start html anchor tag, 2. end html anchor tag */ sprintf(__('You can generate API Key for this domain in your %1$saccount%2$s.', 'citadela'), '', '' ); } } static function deleteTransient() { delete_site_transient('update_themes'); delete_site_transient('update_plugins'); delete_option('citadela_api_response'); } static function theme() { if (!isset(Citadela::$cache['theme'])) { Citadela::$cache['theme'] = [ 'active' => false, 'available' => false ]; $active = wp_get_theme(); $active = $active->parent() ? $active->parent() : $active; if ($active->get('Name') === 'Citadela' && $active->get('Author') === 'AitThemes') { return Citadela::$cache['theme'] = [ 'active' => true, 'available' => true, 'version' => $active->get('Version') ]; } $available = wp_get_theme('citadela'); if ($available->exists() && $available->get('Name') === 'Citadela' && $available->get('Author') === 'AitThemes') { return Citadela::$cache['theme'] = [ 'active' => false, 'available' => true, 'version' => $available->get('Version') ]; } } return Citadela::$cache['theme']; } static function plugins() { if (!isset(Citadela::$cache['plugins'])) { require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); $active = get_option('active_plugins'); Citadela::$cache['plugins'] = [ 'citadela' => [], 'others' => [] ]; foreach (get_plugins() as $path => $plugin) { $name = explode('/', $path)[0]; $plugin['path'] = $path; $plugin['active'] = in_array($path, $active); $plugin['free'] = $name === 'citadela-directory-lite'; Citadela::$cache['plugins'][strpos($path, 'citadela-') === 0 ? 'citadela' : 'others'][$name] = $plugin; } } return Citadela::$cache['plugins']; } static function checkUpdates($value, $type) { if (!isset(Citadela::$cache['versionsLatest'])) { Citadela::$cache['versionsLatest'] = json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body(wp_remote_post(Citadela::$url . '/core/products/latest-versions', [ 'body' => json_encode(array_merge(Citadela::theme()['available'] ? ['citadela'] : [], array_keys(Citadela::plugins()['citadela']))) ])), true); } switch ($type) { case 'themes': if (Citadela::theme()['available'] && (version_compare(Citadela::$cache['versionsLatest']['citadela'], Citadela::theme()['version']) > 0)) { $data['theme'] = 'citadela'; $data['new_version'] = Citadela::$cache['versionsLatest']['citadela']; $data['package'] = Citadela::$url . '/core/products/file?' . http_build_query(['package' => Citadela::$package, 'domain' => Citadela::$domain, 'key' => Citadela::$key, 'name' => 'citadela']); $data['url'] = Citadela::$url . '/themes/changelog/citadela'; $data['tested'] = '5.7.1'; $value->response['citadela'] = $data; } break; case 'plugins': foreach (Citadela::plugins()['citadela'] as $name => $plugin) { if (isset(Citadela::$cache['versionsLatest'][$name]) && version_compare(Citadela::$cache['versionsLatest'][$name], $plugin['Version']) > 0) { $data = new \StdClass; $data->slug = $name; $data->new_version = Citadela::$cache['versionsLatest'][$name]; $data->package = Citadela::$url . '/core/products/file?' . http_build_query(['package' => Citadela::$package, 'domain' => Citadela::$domain, 'key' => Citadela::$key, 'name' => $name]); $data->tested = '5.7.1'; $value->response[$plugin['path']] = $data; } } break; } return $value; } static function getResponseMessage($response) { $message = [ 'title' => '', 'message' => '' ]; if (defined('CITADELA_THEME')) { $url = '(' . esc_html__('Admin → Citadela Theme', 'citadela') . ')'; } else if (Citadela::$package_envato === 'codecanyon') { $url = '(' . esc_html__('Admin → Citadela Listing → Plugin Activation', 'citadela') . ')'; } else { $url = '(' . esc_html__('Admin → Settings → Citadela','citadela') . ')'; } if ($response['code'] == 401) { if (isset($response['body']['former'])) { $message['title'] = esc_html__('Expired membership', 'citadela'); $message['message'] = sprintf( /*translators: 1. Start html anchor tag, 2. End html anchor tag */ __('Your membership has expired. You can %1$srenew it here%2$s.', 'citadela'), '', '' ); } else if (isset($response['body']['domain'])) { $message['title'] = esc_html__('Purchase Code is already used', 'citadela'); $message['message'] = sprintf( /*translators: 1. Link to settings page, 2. Domain name, 3. Start html anchor tag, 4. End html anchor tag */ __('Purchase Code %1$s is already used on "%2$s". If you want to use it on this website, you can %3$sderegister it here%4$s.', 'citadela'), $url, $response['body']['domain'], '', '' ); } else { $message['title'] = in_array(Citadela::$package, ['themeforest', 'mojo', 'themely']) ? esc_html__('Invalid Purchase Code for this domain', 'citadela') : esc_html__('Invalid API Key for this domain', 'citadela'); $message['message'] = wp_kses_post(sprintf( in_array(Citadela::$package, ['themeforest', 'mojo', 'themely']) ? /*translators: 1. Link to page */ __('Please enter a valid Purchase Code for this domain. You can configure it in %s.', 'citadela') : /*translators: 1. Link to page */ __('Please enter a valid API key for this domain. You can configure it in %s.', 'citadela'), $url )); } } else { $message['title'] = in_array(Citadela::$package, ['themeforest', 'mojo', 'themely']) ? esc_html__('We can\'t verify your Purchase Code right now.', 'citadela') : esc_html__('We can\'t verify your API key right now.', 'citadela'); $message['message'] = wp_kses_post(sprintf(__('Please try to check your product activation later here:', 'citadela')) . ' ' . $url); } if (isset($response['body']['message']['title'])) { $message['title'] = $response['body']['message']['title']; } if (isset($response['body']['message']['message'])) { $message['message'] = $response['body']['message']['message']; } return $message; } static function verifyAccount($products, $active = false) { $responseRaw = wp_remote_post(Citadela::$url . '/core/account/verification', [ 'body' => json_encode([ 'key' => Citadela::$key, 'domain' => Citadela::$domain, 'package' => Citadela::$package, 'products' => $products, 'active' => $active ]) ]); $response = is_wp_error($responseRaw) ? [ 'code' => $responseRaw->get_error_code(), 'body' => [ 'message' => [ 'message' => $responseRaw->get_error_message() ] ] ] : [ 'code' => wp_remote_retrieve_response_code($responseRaw), 'body' => json_decode(wp_remote_retrieve_body($responseRaw), true) ]; if ($response['code'] != 200) { $exception = new Exception; $exception->response = $response; throw $exception; } return $response['body']; } static function downloadProduct($name) { Citadela::verifyAccount([$name], true); return download_url(Citadela::$url . '/core/products/file?' . http_build_query(['package' => Citadela::$package, 'domain' => Citadela::$domain, 'key' => Citadela::$key, 'name' => $name])); } static function checkPlugin($name) { $citadela = strpos($name, 'citadela-') === 0; if (in_array($name, array_keys(Citadela::plugins()[$citadela ? 'citadela' : 'others']))) { return Citadela::plugins()[$citadela ? 'citadela' : 'others'][$name]; } } static function installAndActivatePlugin($name) { if (!current_user_can('install_plugins')) { $exception = new Exception; $exception->response = [ 'code' => 500, 'body' => [ 'message' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Permission denied.', 'citadela'), 'message' => esc_html__("You don't have permission to install plugins.", 'citadela') ] ] ]; throw $exception; } if ($plugin = Citadela::checkPlugin($name)) { if ($plugin['active']) { return; } activate_plugin($plugin['path']); return; } set_time_limit(3600); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin-install.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-includes/pluggable.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/file.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/misc.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-wp-upgrader.php'); require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/class-automatic-upgrader-skin.php'); if (strpos($name, 'citadela-') === 0) { if ($name === 'citadela-directory') { try { Citadela::verifyAccount([$name], true); } catch (Exception $exception) { return; } } else { Citadela::verifyAccount([$name], true); } $api = new StdClass; $api->download_link = Citadela::$url . '/core/products/file?' . http_build_query(['package' => Citadela::$package, 'domain' => Citadela::$domain, 'key' => Citadela::$key, 'name' => $name]); } else { $api = plugins_api('plugin_information', ['slug' => $name]); } $result = (new Plugin_Upgrader(new Automatic_Upgrader_Skin($api)))->install($api->download_link); if (!isset($result) || is_wp_error($result)) { $exception = new Exception; $exception->response = [ 'code' => 500, 'body' => [ 'message' => [ 'title' => esc_html__('Error installing plugin', 'citadela'), 'message' => esc_html__('There was an error while installing plugin.', 'citadela') ] ] ]; throw $exception; } unset(Citadela::$cache['plugins']); $plugin = Citadela::checkPlugin($name); activate_plugin($plugin['path']); } } Citadela::init(); }; } add_action('after_setup_theme', function () { if (!class_exists('Citadela')) { global $citadela; $citadela[max(array_keys($citadela))](); } });