__('Nimbus Membership', 'nimbus'), "id" => "membership_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "membership", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array( "tab" => "membership", "html" => "

" . __('Nimbus Membership', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Join Today!', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Unlimited downloads of all Nimbus Themes! Plus...', 'nimbus') . "

", "type" => "html"); // Setup $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["setup_tab"] = array("name" => __('Theme Setup', 'nimbus'), "id" => "setup_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "setup", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR[] = array( "tab" => "setup", "html" => "

" . __('Set Up Your ', 'nimbus') . THEME_NAME . __(' Theme', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('We realize there\'s a lot going on with this theme, so we\'ve tried to make setup as simple as possible.', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('There are a few initial steps that will put you on track to creating the fully operational website of your dreams:', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Get to Know the Theme', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Refer to the theme demo when setting up your theme. This is a great way to get familiar with all the features that the Cirrus Theme has to offer.', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('View Demo', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Load Demo Content', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('If you are starting from scratch, then you\'ll want to load some example content by clicking the button below.', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('This feature is available to Nimbus Themes members.', 'nimbus') . " " . __('Join today!!', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Read the User Guide', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Once you\'ve loaded the demo content, you\'re going to want to learn how to make changes to your website and use the Nimbus Panel. We\'ve provided an extensive user guide PDF that you\'ll want to read through as you\'re learning your way around:', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Download the User Guide', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Get the Newsletter', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Join the Nimbus Themes Newsletter to stay up to date with theme features, updates, news and special offers.', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Sign Up Now', 'nimbus') . "

" . __('Additional Settings', 'nimbus') . "

", "type" => "html"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["reminder_images"] = array("name" => __('Reminder Images', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Reminder images are the placholder images shown arouns the site when you\'ve not added a featured image to a post or page. When you\'re comfortable with loading featured images and working with the ' . THEME_NAME . ' Theme, you may want to turn off all reminder images.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "reminder_images", "default" => "on", "type" => "radio", "tab" => "setup", "classes" => "", "options" => array("on" => "On","off" => "Off")); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["example_widgets"] = array("name" => __('Example Widgets', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Example widgetsa are the widgets that show by default if you\'ve not added your own. When you\'re comfortable working with the ' . THEME_NAME . ' Theme, you may want to turn off all example widgets.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "example_widgets", "default" => "on", "type" => "radio", "tab" => "setup", "classes" => "", "options" => array("on" => "On","off" => "Off")); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_example_content"] = array("name" => __('Example Content', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('When you\'re comfortable working with the theme, you may want to turn off all example content.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_example_content", "default" => "on", "type" => "radio", "tab" => "setup", "classes" => "", "options" => array("on" => __('On', 'nimbus'),"off" => __('Off', 'nimbus'))); // General $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["general_tab"] = array("name" => __('General Settings', 'nimbus'), "id" => "general_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "general", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_logo"] = array("name" => __('Image Logo', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Upload a logo image. Click the info icon to left for more information.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_logo", "default" => "", "tab" => "general", "classes" => "", "type" => "pro"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["text_logo"] = array("name" => __('Text Logo', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('If no image logo is loaded, a text logo will be displayed. You can style this text on the Typogaphy tab.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "text_logo", "default" => get_bloginfo('name'), "type" => "text", "tab" => "general", "classes" => ""); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["favicon"] = array("name" => __('Favicon', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Upload a favicon image.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "favicon", "default" => "", "tab" => "general", "classes" => "", "type" => "pro"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["gravatar"] = array("name" => __('Default Gravatar', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('There is already a default gravatar that ships with WordPress, but you can change it here. Upload a default gravatar that will be displayed when a commenter has not signed up for a personalized gravatar. After loading your new gravatar here you will then need to navigate to Setting >> Discussion >> select your new gravatar.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "gravatar", "default" => "", "tab" => "general", "classes" => "", "type" => "image"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["copyright"] = array("name" => __('Copyright Text', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('This text wil be displayed in the footer of your website. ', 'nimbus'), "id" => "copyright", "tab" => "general", "default" => "© " . date('o') . ", " . get_bloginfo('name') . ".", "type" => "textarea"); // Frontpage $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["frontpage_tab"] = array("name" => __('Frontpage', 'nimbus'), "id" => "frontpage_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "frontpage", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_banner_option"] = array( "name" => __('Banner Options', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select which banner layout you would like to display on the frontpage. To choose a slideshow option please upgrade to the full version availible with a Nimbus Membership.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_banner_option", "default" => "static_banner", "tab" => "frontpage", "type" => "radio", "options" => array( "static_banner" => __('Full Width Banner', 'nimbus')) ); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["banner_image"] = array("name" => __('Banner Image (1170 x 315px)', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Upload a banner image. Be sure to select the full size option and click the insert into post button.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "banner_image", "default" => "", "tab" => "frontpage", "classes" => "", "type" => "image"); // Social Media $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["social_tab"] = array("name" => __('Social Media', 'nimbus'), "id" => "social_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "social", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["facebook_url"] = array("name" => __('Facebook Page URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL for your Facebook page. Like: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1138181505 ', 'nimbus'), "id" => "facebook_url", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["twitter_url"] = array("name" => __('Twitter Page URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL for your Twitter page. Like: http://twitter.com/#!/nimbusthemes ', 'nimbus'), "id" => "twitter_url", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["linkedin_url"] = array("name" => __('LinkedIn Page URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your LinkedIn page. Like: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=41331545', 'nimbus'), "id" => "linkedin_url", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["youtube_url"] = array("name" => __('YouTube Page URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the URL for your YouTube page. Leave blank to dispay none.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "youtube_url", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "social", "classes" => ""); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["google_plus_url"] = array("name" => __('Google+ Page URL', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Full URL to your Google+ page. Like: https://plus.google.com/113799555397172215948#113799555397172215948/posts', 'nimbus'), "id" => "google_plus_url", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "social"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["display_social_buttons"] = array("name" => __('Display Social Media Buttons', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Check here to display social media buttons in the Header', 'nimbus'), "id" => "display_social_buttons", "tab" => "social", "default" => "1", "label" => "Display Buttons", "type" => "checkbox"); // Contact $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["contact_tab"] = array("name" => __('Contact Info', 'nimbus'), "id" => "contact_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "contact", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["public_phone"] = array("name" => __('Public Phone Number', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the phone number that may be displayed. Leave blank to dispay none.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "public_phone", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "contact", "classes" => ""); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["public_email"] = array("name" => __('Public Email', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the email address that may be displayed. Leave blank to dispay none.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "public_email", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "contact", "classes" => ""); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["public_fax"] = array("name" => __('Public Fax', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the fax number that may be displayed. Leave blank to dispay none.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "public_fax", "default" => "", "type" => "text", "tab" => "contact", "classes" => ""); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["address"] = array("name" => __('Public Address', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Enter the physical address that may be displayed. Leave blank to dispay none. ', 'nimbus'), "id" => "address", "tab" => "contact", "default" => "", "type" => "textarea"); // Blog $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["blog_tab"] = array("name" => __('Blog', 'nimbus'), "id" => "blog_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "blog", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["post_meta_single"] = array("name" => __('Display Meta Information on Posts', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select the following information you would like to have displayed on post pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "post_meta_single", "tab" => "blog", "default" => array("title" => "1", "post_thumb" => "1", "author" => "1", "date" => "1", "categories" => "1", "tags" => "1"), "type" => "multicheck", "options" => nimbus_include_post_meta()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["post_meta_blog"] = array("name" => __('Display Meta Information on Home and Archive', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select the folllowing information you would like to have displayed on blog and archive pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "post_meta_blog", "tab" => "blog", "default" => array("title" => "1", "author" => "1", "date" => "1", "categories" => "1"), "type" => "multicheck", "options" => nimbus_include_blog_meta()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["display_bio"] = array("name" => __('Display Author Bio', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select to display the author\'s bio at the bottom of the post.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "display_bio", "tab" => "blog", "default" => "1", "label" => "Display Bio", "type" => "checkbox"); // Design $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["design_tab"] = array("name" => __('Design', 'nimbus'), "id" => "design_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "design", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Body Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_bg_color", "html" => "

Please use the WordPress core Background setting under Appearance >> Background.

", "tab" => "design", "type" => "item_html"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_background_pattern"] = array("name" => __('Body Background Pattern Overlay', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the pattern overlay you for the background of your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_background_pattern", "default" => "stripes.png", "tab" => "design", "type" => "select", "class" => "", "options" => nimbus_patterns()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Content Column Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the main content column.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["header_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Header Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the Header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "header_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#dde1dd', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["header_bottom_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Header Bottom Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the bottom border color for the Header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "header_bottom_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#c8ccc8', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["menu_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Menu Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the Menu.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "menu_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["buttons_bg_color"] = array("name" => __('Button Background Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the background color for the Buttons.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "buttons_bg_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["buttons_stroke_color"] = array("name" => __('Buttons Stroke Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the stroke color for the buttons.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "buttons_stroke_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#aeaeae', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_border_thickness"] = array( "name" => __('Image Border Thickness', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the thickness of borders (in pixals) that suround all images within the content area of your website. Set to zero for no border.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_border_thickness", "default" => "1", "type" => "text", "tab" => "design", "classes" => "minitext"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_padding_thickness"] = array( "name" => __('Image Padding', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the padding for all images in content area. Set to zero for no padding.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_padding_thickness", "default" => "4", "type" => "text", "tab" => "design", "classes" => "minitext"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_stroke_color"] = array("name" => __('Image Stroke Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the one pixel stroke color for theme images in the content area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_stroke_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#b6b6b6', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_border_color"] = array("name" => __('Image Border Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the four pixel border color for theme images in the content area.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_border_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["image_border_type"] = array("name" => __('Image Border Type', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the boder type for theme images in the content area', 'nimbus'), "id" => "image_border_type", "default" => "solid", "tab" => "design", "type" => "select", "class" => "", "options" => nimbus_image_border_types()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["widget_stroke_color"] = array("name" => __('Sidebar Widget Stroke Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the one pixel stroke color for widget areas.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "widget_stroke_color", "tab" => "design", "default" => '#aeaeae', "type" => "color"); // Typography $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["typography_tab"] = array("name" => __('Typography', 'nimbus'), "id" => "typography_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "typography", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["body_style"] = array("name" => __('Body Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set Body font style. This is the default font that will be used in most instances on your website.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "body_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "14px", "line" => "1.4em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "200", "color" => "#808080", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["link_color"] = array("name" => __('Link Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the default link color.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "link_color", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#5a9897', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["link_hover_color"] = array("name" => __('Link Hover Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set link hover color.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "link_hover_color", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#3c7372', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["logo_style"] = array("name" => __('Default Logo Typography', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set typography preferences for the text logo that is displayed when no image logo exists.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "logo_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "36px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Lobster", "style" => "700", "color" => "#385a59", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["logo_text_shadow"] = array("name" => __('Default Logo Text Shadow Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Text shadow color on the default logo.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "logo_text_shadow", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_style"] = array("name" => __('Navigation Font', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the navigation menu font style will be default on all monitors larger then 1200px', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "14px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#767676", "fonttrans" => "uppercase"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_size_large"] = array( "name" => __('Navigation Font at 980px - 1200px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the degrade in font-size at 980px - 1200px width monitors', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_size_large", "default" => "100", "tab" => "typography", "type" => "select", "class" => "minitext", "options" => nimbus_percent_of_parent() ); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_size_mid"] = array( "name" => __('Navigation Font at 768px-979px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the degrade in font-size at 768px-979px width monitors', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_size_mid", "default" => "100", "tab" => "typography", "type" => "select", "class" => "minitext", "options" => nimbus_percent_of_parent() ); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_hover"] = array( "name" => __('Navigation Font Hover Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the hover color for the main menu items', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_hover", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#000000', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["main_menu_current"] = array( "name" => __('Navigation Font Current Page Color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the current page color for the main menu items', 'nimbus'), "id" => "main_menu_current", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#5a9897', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["sub_menu_style"] = array("name" => __('Sub Navigation Font', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the sub navigation menu font style', 'nimbus'), "id" => "sub_menu_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "14px", "line" => "1.2em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#767676", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_blog_meta_style"] = array("name" => __('Blog Meta Font', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the font styles for the Blog Meta line that includes the categories and author information', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_blog_meta_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "11px", "line" => "1.2em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "400", "color" => "#808080", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["h1_style"] = array("name" => __('H1 Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set H1 style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "h1_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "36px", "line" => "1.3em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#313131", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["h2_style"] = array("name" => __('H2 Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set H2 style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "h2_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "27px", "line" => "1.3em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#313131", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["h3_style"] = array("name" => __('H3 Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set H3 style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "h3_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "24px", "line" => "1.3em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#313131", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["h3_sidebar_style"] = array("name" => __('H3 (Sidebar Title) Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set H3 style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "h3_sidebar_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "18px", "line" => "1.3em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#5a9897", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["h4_style"] = array("name" => __('H4 Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set H4 style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "h4_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "20px", "line" => "1.3em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#313131", "fonttrans" => "uppercase"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["h5_style"] = array("name" => __('H5 Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set H5 style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "h5_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "17px", "line" => "1.3em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#313131", "fonttrans" => "uppercase"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["h6_style"] = array("name" => __('H6 Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set H6 style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "h6_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "14px", "line" => "1.3em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#313131", "fonttrans" => "uppercase"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["h_title_text_shadow"] = array("name" => __('H1-H6 Title Text-Shadow color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the title text-shadow color.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "h_title_text_shadow", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["default_button_style"] = array("name" => __('Default Button Font', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set button style', 'nimbus'), "id" => "default_button_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "26px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "600", "color" => "#5a9897", "fonttrans" => "uppercase"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["home_month"] = array("name" => __('Homepage/Blog Month', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Abreviated month on left side of posts on the homepage or blog.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "home_month", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "20px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Josefin Slab", "style" => "400", "color" => "#474747", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["home_month_size_large"] = array( "name" => __('Homepage/Blog Month at 980px - 1200px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the degrade in font-size at 980px - 1200px width monitors', 'nimbus'), "id" => "home_month_size_large", "default" => "100", "tab" => "typography", "type" => "select", "class" => "minitext", "options" => nimbus_percent_of_parent() ); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["home_month_size_mid"] = array( "name" => __('Homepage/Blog Month at 768px-979px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the degrade in font-size at 768px-979px width monitors', 'nimbus'), "id" => "home_month_size_mid", "default" => "70", "tab" => "typography", "type" => "select", "class" => "minitext", "options" => nimbus_percent_of_parent() ); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["home_day"] = array("name" => __('Homepage/Blog Day', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Numeric date on left side of posts on the homepage or blog.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "home_day", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "36px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Lora", "style" => "400", "color" => "#5a9897", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["home_day_size_large"] = array( "name" => __('Homepage/Blog Day at 980px - 1200px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the degrade in font-size at 980px - 1200px width monitors', 'nimbus'), "id" => "home_day_size_large", "default" => "100", "tab" => "typography", "type" => "select", "class" => "minitext", "options" => nimbus_percent_of_parent() ); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["home_day_size_mid"] = array( "name" => __('Homepage/Blog Day at 768px-979px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the degrade in font-size at 768px-979px width monitors', 'nimbus'), "id" => "home_day_size_mid", "default" => "70", "tab" => "typography", "type" => "select", "class" => "minitext", "options" => nimbus_percent_of_parent() ); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["date_text_shadow"] = array("name" => __('Month/Day Text-Shadow color', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the Date text-shadow color.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "date_text_shadow", "tab" => "typography", "default" => '#ffffff', "type" => "color"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["blockquote_style"] = array("name" => __('Blockquote Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set blockquote tag style and the typographic style for the [nimbus_quote] shortcode.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "blockquote_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "20px", "line" => "1.4em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "500 italic", "color" => "#454545", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["pullquote_style"] = array("name" => __('Pullquote Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set typographic style for the [nimbus_pullquote_left] and [nimbus_pullquote_right] shortcodes.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "pullquote_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "20px", "line" => "1.2em", "face" => "Arial", "style" => "400", "color" => "#0078FF", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["code_style"] = array("name" => __('Code/Pre Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set Code/Pre style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "code_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array('face' => 'Courier New', 'color' => '#535353'), "type" => "font"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["th_style"] = array("name" => __('TH Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set TH (Table Heading) style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "th_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "18px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "700", "color" => "#5a9897", "fonttrans" => "uppercase"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["td_style"] = array("name" => __('TD Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set TD (Table Data) style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "td_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "13px", "line" => "1.4em", "face" => "Arial", "style" => "400", "color" => "#535353", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["tc_style"] = array("name" => __('Table Caption Settings', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set Table Caption style.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "tc_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "13px", "line" => "1em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "700 italic", "color" => "#535353", "fonttrans" => "uppercase"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["footer_text_style"] = array("name" => __('Footer Copyright/Credit Text', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the default font that will be used for footer text.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "footer_text_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "12px", "line" => "1.3em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "400", "color" => "#5a9897", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["sidebar_text_style"] = array("name" => __('Sidebar Text', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the default font for sidebar text.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "sidebar_text_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("size" => "12px", "line" => "1.3em", "face" => "Open Sans", "style" => "400", "color" => "#808080", "fonttrans" => "none"), "type" => "typography"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_typography_one"] = array("name" => __('Font for [nimbus_typography_one] Shortcode ', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the font that will be used for the [nimbus_typography_one] alternate typography shortcode.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_typography_one", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("face" => "Open Sans"), "type" => "pro"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_typography_two"] = array("name" => __('Font for [nimbus_typography_two] Shortcode ', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the font that will be used for the [nimbus_typography_two] alternate typography shortcode.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_typography_two", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("face" => "Open Sans"), "type" => "pro"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["nimbus_typography_three"] = array("name" => __('Font for [nimbus_typography_three] Shortcode ', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the font that will be used for the [nimbus_typography_three] alternate typography shortcode.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "nimbus_typography_three", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("face" => "Open Sans"), "type" => "pro"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["button_style"] = array("name" => __('Button Shortcodes', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Set the font that will be used for all button shortcodes.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "button_style", "tab" => "typography", "default" => array("face" => "Open Sans"), "type" => "pro"); // Scripts and Tracking $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["scripts_tab"] = array("name" => __('Scripts & Tracking', 'nimbus'), "id" => "scripts_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "scripts", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["scripts_multicheck"] = array("name" => __('Include Site-wide JS Libraries ', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select the JS libraries you would like to have included in the head section of your site on all pages and posts. Jquery and jQuery UI are automatically included. (* indicates it is hosted by Google).', 'nimbus'), "id" => "scripts_multicheck", "tab" => "scripts", "default" => array("mootools" => "0", "prototype" => "0", "scriptaculous" => "0", "dojo" => "0"), "type" => "multicheck", "options" => nimbus_include_scripts_in_head()); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["scripts_head"] = array("name" => __('Add Scripts to Head', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Add any scripts you would like to add just before the closing </head> tag.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "scripts_head", "classes" => "code", "tab" => "scripts", "default" => "", "type" => "textarea"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["scripts_top_content"] = array("name" => __('Add Scripts to Top of Content', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Add any scripts you would like to add just before start of the content on post/pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "scripts_top_content", "tab" => "scripts", "classes" => "code", "default" => "", "type" => "pro"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["top_scripts_multi"] = array("name" => __('Include "Top of Content Scripts"', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select the content types where you would like to include the scripts from the text area above.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "top_scripts_multi", "tab" => "scripts", "default" => array("home" => "0", "pages" => "0", "blog" => "0", "posts" => "0", "portfolio" => "0", "portfolio_item" => "0"), "type" => "pro", "options" => array("home" => "Home", "pages" => "Pages", "blog" => "Blog Page", "posts" => "Posts")); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["scripts_bottom_content"] = array("name" => __('Add Scripts to Bottom of Content', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Add any scripts you would like to add directly after the content on post/pages.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "scripts_bottom_content", "tab" => "scripts", "classes" => "code", "default" => "", "type" => "pro"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["bottom_scripts_multi"] = array("name" => __('Include "Bottom of Content Scripts"', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Select the content types where you would like to include the scripts from the text area above.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "bottom_scripts_multi", "tab" => "scripts", "default" => array("home" => "0", "pages" => "0", "blog" => "0", "posts" => "0", "portfolio" => "0", "portfolio_item" => "0"), "type" => "pro", "options" => array("home" => "Home", "pages" => "Pages", "blog" => "Blog Page", "posts" => "Posts")); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["scripts_foot"] = array("name" => __('Add Scripts to Footer', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Add any scripts you would like to add just before the closing </body> tag.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "scripts_foot", "tab" => "scripts", "classes" => "code", "default" => "", "type" => "textarea"); /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // CSS /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["css_tab"] = array("name" => __('Custom CSS', 'nimbus'), "id" => "css_tab", "tab" => "tab", "classes" => "", "url" => "css", "type" => "tab"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["custom_css"] = array("name" => __('Custom CSS', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Add your custom CSS to the header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "custom_css", "tab" => "css", "default" => "", "type" => "textarea"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["custom_css_less_767"] = array("name" => __('Responsive CSS: Browsers Less Than 767px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Add your custom CSS to the header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "custom_css_less_767", "tab" => "css", "default" => "", "type" => "pro"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["custom_css_768_979"] = array("name" => __('Responsive CSS: Browsers Between 768px and 979px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Add your custom CSS to the header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "custom_css_768_979", "tab" => "css", "default" => "", "type" => "pro"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["custom_css_980_1200"] = array("name" => __('Responsive CSS: Browsers Between 980px and 1200px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Add your custom CSS to the header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "custom_css_980_1200", "tab" => "css", "default" => "", "type" => "pro"); $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR["custom_css_more_1200"] = array("name" => __('Responsive CSS: Browsers Larger Than 1200px', 'nimbus'), "desc" => __('Add your custom CSS to the header.', 'nimbus'), "id" => "custom_css_more_1200", "tab" => "css", "default" => "", "type" => "pro"); /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Pages /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_pages_arr() { $pages = array(); $get_pages = get_pages('sort_column=post_parent,menu_order'); foreach ($get_pages as $page) { $pages[$page->ID] = $page->post_title; } return $pages; } function nimbus_random_page(){ $get_pages = get_pages(); if(!empty($get_pages)) { shuffle($get_pages); $page = $get_pages[0]->ID; } else { $page = ""; } return $page; } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Scripts /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_include_scripts_in_head() { $scripts_in_head = array("mootools" => "MooTools*", "dojo" => "Dojo*", "prototype" => "Prototype*", "scriptaculous" => "script.aculo.us*"); return $scripts_in_head; } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Meta Info /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_include_post_meta() { $post_meta = array("title" => "Post Title", "post_thumb" => "Post Thumbnail Image", "author" => "Author", "date" => "Date", "categories" => "Categories", "tags" => "Tags"); return $post_meta; } function nimbus_include_blog_meta() { $post_meta = array("title" => "Post Title", "author" => "Author", "date" => "Date", "categories" => "Categories"); return $post_meta; } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Border Types /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_image_border_types() { $border_types = array("solid" => __('Solid', 'nimbus'), "double" => __('Double', 'nimbus'), "grooved" => __('Grooved', 'nimbus'), "dotted" => __('Dotted', 'nimbus'), "inset" => __('Inset', 'nimbus'), "outset" => __('Outset', 'nimbus'), "ridged" => __('Ridged', 'nimbus'), "dashed" => __('Dashed', 'nimbus')); return $border_types; } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Default Title Configs /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_default_title_config() { $title_configs = array("post-site" => __('Post Title | Site Title', 'nimbus'), "site-post" => __('Site Title | Post Title', 'nimbus'), "site" => __('Site Title', 'nimbus'), "post" => __('Post Title', 'nimbus')); return $title_configs; } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Font fonttrans Options /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_font_transform() { $font_transform = array("none" => __('Normal', 'nimbus'), "capitalize" => __('Capitalize', 'nimbus'), "uppercase" => __('Uppercase', 'nimbus'), "lowercase" => __('Lowercase', 'nimbus')); return $font_transform; } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Font Percent of Parnent /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_percent_of_parent() { $nimbus_percent_of_parent = array(); $i = 1; while ($i <= 100) { $nimbus_percent_of_parent[$i] = $i . "%"; $i++; } return $nimbus_percent_of_parent; } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Fonts Styles /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_font_styles() { $default = array("200" => "200 (light)", "200 italic" => "200 (light) Italic", "300" => "300 (book)", "300 italic" => "300 (book) Italic", "400" => "400 (normal)", "400 italic" => "400 (normal) Italic", "500" => "500 (semi-bold)", "500 italic" => "500 (semi-bold) Italic", "600" => "600(bold)", "600 italic" => "600(bold) Italic", "700" => "700 (bolder)", "700 italic" => "700 (bolder) Italic", "800" => "800(extra-bold)", "800 italic" => "800(extra-bold) Italic"); return $default; } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Patterns /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_patterns() { $default = array( "stripes.png" => "stripes.png", "45degreee_fabric.png" => "45degreee_fabric.png", "60degree_gray.png" => "60degree_gray.png", "beige_paper.png" => "beige_paper.png", "bgnoise_lg.png" => "bgnoise_lg.png", "black-Linen.png" => "black-Linen.png", "black_denim.png" => "black_denim.png", "broken_noise.png" => "broken_noise.png", "brushed_alu.png" => "brushed_alu.png", "concrete_wall_2.png" => "concrete_wall_2.png", "cork_1.png" => "cork_1.png", "dark_stripes.png" => "dark_stripes.png", "darkdenim3.png" => "darkdenim3.png", "darth_stripe.png" => "darth_stripe.png", "diagonal-noise.png" => "diagonal-noise.png", "exclusive_paper.png" => "exclusive_paper.png", "fabric_1.png" => "fabric_1.png", "fabric_plaid.png" => "fabric_plaid.png", "fake_brick.png" => "fake_brick.png", "gray_sand.png" => "gray_sand.png", "groovepaper.png" => "groovepaper.png", "grunge_wall.png" => "grunge_wall.png", "irongrip.png" => "irongrip.png", "lghtmesh.png" => "lghtmesh.png", "light_alu.png" => "light_alu.png", "noise_pattern_with_crosslines.png" => "noise_pattern_with_crosslines.png", "old_mathematics.png" => "old_mathematics.png", "old_wall.png" => "old_wall.png", "paper_1.png" => "paper_1.png", "paper_2.png" => "paper_2.png", "paper_3.png" => "paper_3.png", "px_by_Gre3g.png" => "px_by_Gre3g.png", "ricepaper.png" => "ricepaper.png", "ricepaper2.png" => "ricepaper2.png", "rockywall.png" => "rockywall.png", "roughcloth.png" => "roughcloth.png", "soft_wallpaper.png" => "soft_wallpaper.png", "stripes.png" => "stripes.png", "stucco.png" => "stucco.png", "subtle_freckles.png" => "subtle_freckles.png", "subtle_orange_emboss.png" => "subtle_orange_emboss.png", "texturetastic_gray.png" => "texturetastic_gray.png", "vertical_cloth.png" => "vertical_cloth.png", "white_texture.png" => "white_texture.png", "whitey.png" => "whitey.png", "wood_1.png" => "wood_1.png", "worn_dots.png" => "worn_dots.png", "none" => "none" ); return $default; } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Font faces /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ global $NIMBUS_FONT_FACES; $NIMBUS_FONT_FACES = array(); $NIMBUS_FONT_FACES = array("Droid Sans" => array("name" => "Droid Sans*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Droid Sans', sans-serif"), "Open Sans" => array("name" => "Open Sans*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Open Sans', sans-serif"), "Oswald" => array("name" => "Oswald*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Oswald', sans-serif"), "Droid Serif" => array("name" => "Droid Serif*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Droid Serif', serif"), "PT Sans" => array("name" => "PT Sans*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'PT Sans', sans-serif"), "Lobster" => array("name" => "Lobster*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Lobster', cursive"), "Yanone Kaffeesatz" => array("name" => "Yanone Kaffeesatz*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Yanone Kaffeesatz', sans-serif"), "Arvo" => array("name" => "Arvo*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Arvo', serif"), "Ubuntu" => array("name" => "Ubuntu*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Ubuntu', sans-serif"), "The Girl Next Door" => array("name" => "The Girl Next Door*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'The Girl Next Door', cursive"), "Calligraffitti" => array("name" => "Calligraffitti*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Calligraffitti', cursive"), "Cabin" => array("name" => "Cabin*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Cabin', sans-serif"), "Dancing Script" => array("name" => "Dancing Script*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Dancing Script', cursive"), "Josefin Sans" => array("name" => "Josefin Sans*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Josefin Sans', sans-serif"), "Nobile" => array("name" => "Nobile*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Nobile', sans-serif"), "Molengo" => array("name" => "Molengo*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Molengo', sans-serif"), "PT Sans Narrow" => array("name" => "PT Sans Narrow*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'PT Sans Narrow', sans-serif"), "Cuprum" => array("name" => "Cuprum*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Cuprum', sans-serif"), "Josefin Slab" => array("name" => "Josefin Slab*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Josefin Slab', serif"), "Arimo" => array("name" => "Arimo*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Arimo', sans-serif"), "Cantarell" => array("name" => "Cantarell*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Cantarell', sans-serif"), "Signika Negative" => array("name" => "Signika Negative*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Signika Negative', sans-serif"), "Open Sans Condensed" => array("name" => "Open Sans Condensed*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Open Sans Condensed', sans-serif"), "Six Caps" => array("name" => "Six Caps*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Six Caps', sans-serif"), "Lato" => array("name" => "Lato*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Lato', sans-serif"), "Signika" => array("name" => "Signika*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Signika', sans-serif"), "Abel" => array("name" => "Abel*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Abel', sans-serif"), "Terminal Dosis" => array("name" => "Terminal Dosis*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Terminal Dosis', sans-serif"), "Gudea" => array("name" => "Gudea*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Gudea', sans-serif"), "Telex" => array("name" => "Telex*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Telex', sans-serif"), "Ruda" => array("name" => "Ruda*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Ruda', sans-serif"), "Duru Sans" => array("name" => "Duru Sans*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Duru Sans', sans-serif"), "Asul" => array("name" => "Asul*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Asul', sans-serif"), "Tenor Sans" => array("name" => "Tenor Sans*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Tenor Sans', sans-serif"), "Nunito" => array("name" => "Nunito*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Nunito', sans-serif"), "Michroma" => array("name" => "Michroma*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Michroma', sans-serif"), "Quattrocento Sans" => array("name" => "Quattrocento Sans*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Quattrocento Sans', sans-serif"), "Chivo" => array("name" => "Chivo*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Chivo', sans-serif"), "Maven Pro" => array("name" => "Maven Pro*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Maven Pro', sans-serif"), "Federo" => array("name" => "Federo*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Federo', sans-serif"), "Andika" => array("name" => "Andika*", "import" => "", "fam" => "Andika', sans-serif"), "Varela" => array("name" => "Varela*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Varela', sans-serif"), "Amaranth" => array("name" => "Amaranth*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Amaranth', sans-serif"), "Inder" => array("name" => "Inder*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Inder', sans-serif"), "Muli" => array("name" => "Muli*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Muli', sans-serif"), "Istok Web" => array("name" => "Istok Web*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Istok Web', sans-serif"), "Snippet" => array("name" => "Snippet*", "import" => "", "fam" => "'Snippet', sans-serif"), "Rosario" => array("name" => "Rosario*", "import" => "", 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