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'update_options_top')); $reset_confirm = __('Are you sure you want to reset? ALL Settings Will Be Lost!', 'nimbus'); submit_button( 'Reset', 'nimbus_button_gray', 'reset', false, array( 'id' => 'reset_options_top', 'onclick' => 'return confirm( \'' . $reset_confirm . '\')')); ?> Support
'update_options')); $reset_confirm = __('Are you sure you want to reset? ALL Settings Will Be Lost!', 'nimbus'); submit_button( 'Reset', 'nimbus_button_gray', 'reset', false, array( 'id' => 'reset_options', 'onclick' => 'return confirm( \'' . $reset_confirm . '\')')); ?> Support
$value ) { $input[$id][$key] = false; } } // Apply filters if (isset($input[$id])) { if (has_filter('nimbus_filter_' . $option['type'])) { $clean[$id] = apply_filters('nimbus_filter_' . $option['type'], $input[$id], $option); } else { $clean[$id] = $input[$id]; } } } $alert = __('Options saved.', 'nimbus'); add_settings_error('nimbus-options', 'save_options', $alert, 'updated fade'); return $clean; } } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Return default options /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ function nimbus_return_defaults() { global $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR; $defaults_return = array(); $options = $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR; foreach ((array) $options as $option) { if (!isset($option['id'], $option['default'])) { continue; } $defaults_return[$option['id']] = $option['default']; } return $defaults_return; } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // Helper to return options. /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ if (!function_exists('nimbus_get_option')) { function nimbus_get_option($option_data, $default_data = false) { global $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR; $options = get_option(THEME_OPTIONS); $default_options = $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR; if (isset($options[$option_data])) { return $options[$option_data]; } else { $default = $default_options[$option_data]['default']; return $default; } } } /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ // WP_head options. /* * *************************************************************************************************** */ add_action('wp_head', 'nimbus_options_to_head'); function nimbus_options_to_head() { global $NIMBUS_FONT_FACES, $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR, $post; $get_fonts = $NIMBUS_FONT_FACES; $options = $NIMBUS_OPTIONS_ARR; foreach ($options as $option) { if (($option['type'] == "typography") || ($option['type'] == "font") || ($option['type'] == "face")) { $$option['id'] = nimbus_get_option($option['id']); } } $font_list = array(); foreach ($options as $option) { if (($option['type'] == "typography") || ($option['type'] == "font") || ($option['type'] == "face")) { $nimbus_get_face = nimbus_get_option($option['id']); array_push($font_list, $nimbus_get_face['face']); } } $filtered_font_list = array_unique($font_list); foreach ($filtered_font_list as $key => $font) { if(isset($get_fonts[$font])){ echo $get_fonts[$font]['import']; echo "\n"; } } ?>