1.0.5 --- - Removing reference to Github plugin 1.0.4 --- - Release on WordPress[dot]org 1.0.3 --- - Fixed call to missing Capture slideshow minified file 1.0.2 --- - Fixed border colors on alternative color schemes - Fixed spacing in 'int' casting declaration - Added WP gallery slideshow functionality - Fixed issue with web fonts where Damion and Oswald fonts were not loaded when a font besides the default were chosen; added Damion and Oswald to array keys in sds_web_fonts() function - Closed Capture Slideshow on collection fetch failure - Fixed bug where fallback primary nav was displayed on mobile - Styled WordPress galleries on mobile view - Added hammer.js for mobile swipe events on gallery - Adjusted size and position of post meta - Removed background and border from image captions (galleries) - Fixed bug where Featured Image/Video meta box would appear on posts that did not support post-thumbnails (i.e. attachments) - Updated SDS Core (01/21/2014) - Switched child theme functionality check to use is_child_theme() - Fixed no posts message display - Added WooCommerce support - Adjusted single image attachment template display (moved next/previous links up higher) - Fixed pagination display in color scheme styles 1.0.1 --- - Added slideshow overlay and new slideshow icon to single posts and blog archive 1.0 --- - New Theme