__( 'General Settings', 'camise' ), "type" => "heading" ); $options['logo'] = array( "name" => __( 'Custom Logo', 'camise' ), "desc" => __( 'Upload a logo for your theme if you would like to use one.','camise' ), "id" => "logo", "type" => "upload"); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Custom Favicon', 'camise' ), "desc" => __( 'Upload a 16px x 16px png/gif image to represent your website.' , 'camise' ), "id" => "custom_favicon", "type" => "upload" ); $options['display_intro_text'] = array( 'name' => __( 'Display intro text on portfolio page', 'camise' ), 'desc' => __( 'Display the intro text above on your portfolio page.', 'camise' ), 'id' => 'display_intro_text', 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'checkbox' ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Portfolio Intro Text', 'camise'), 'desc' => __('Add custom intro text to the portfolio page. HTML links can be used in this box.', 'camise'), 'id' => 'intro_text', 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Custom Footer Text', 'camise'), 'desc' => __('Add custom footer text and site credits. HTML links can be used in this box.', 'camise'), 'id' => 'footer_text', 'type' => 'textarea'); /* Style and Layout */ $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Style and Layout','camise' ), "type" => "heading"); $options['layout'] = array( 'name' => __( 'Main Layout','camise' ), 'desc' => __( 'Select main content and sidebar alignment.','camise' ), 'id' => 'layout', 'std' => 'layout-2cr', 'type' => 'images', 'options' => array( 'layout-2cr' => $imagepath . '2cr.png', 'layout-2cl' => $imagepath . '2cl.png', 'layout-1col' => $imagepath . '1cl.png') ); $options['camise_dark_style_css'] = array( 'name' => __( 'Use Dark Header Theme Style', 'camise' ), 'desc' => __( 'Use the dark header option for dark header.', 'camise' ), 'id' => 'camise_dark_style_css', 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'checkbox' ); $options['search_form'] = array( 'name' => __( 'Display Search Form in Site Header', 'camise' ), 'desc' => __( 'Display search form in site header instead of site description.', 'camise' ), 'id' => 'search_form', 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'checkbox' ); $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Display Image Formats on Post/Blog Page', 'camise' ), "desc" => __( 'Display all post formats (including images) on posts page.', 'camise' ), "id" => "display_image_gallery_post_formats", "std" => "1", "type" => "checkbox" ); /* Help */ $options[] = array( "name" => __( 'Theme Support', 'camise' ), "type" => "heading" ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __( 'Theme Support', 'camise' ), 'desc' => sprintf( '


', sprintf( __( 'Camise is a WordPress theme for photographers, and creatives wanting to showcase their work. If you need further help installing Camise, please see our full theme documentation.', 'camise' ), esc_url( 'http://www.mixamedia.com/camise/docs' ) ) ), 'type' => 'info' ); $options[] = array( 'name' => __( 'Options Requests', 'camise' ), 'desc' => sprintf( '




', sprintf( __( 'If you like this theme and wish to request further options, please do so by submitting a comment @ Mixamedia.', 'camise' ), esc_url( 'http://www.mixamedia.com/camise-wordpress-theme' ) ), __( 'Please follow the guidelines below when commenting:', 'camise' ), __( 'Make your request clear and specific.', 'camise' ), __( 'Please do not submit customization requests.', 'camise' ), __( 'Read our theme documentation before submitting.', 'camise' ), sprintf( __( 'Read More →', 'camise' ), esc_url( 'http://www.mixamedia.com/camise-wordpress-theme' ) ) ), 'type' => 'info' ); return $options; } /** * Additional content to display after the options panel */ function camise_panel_info() { ?>

documentation. For the For additional options, visit WordPress.', esc_url( 'http://www.mixamedia.com/camise/docs' ), esc_url( 'http://wordpress.org/' ) ); ?>