Demo, readme, and comments : REQUIREMENTS: - Wordpress 2.7+ required. 2.9+ preferred . 3.0+ very preferred NOTE: Theme Preview might not work as it expected. CHANGELOG 1.4 - Adding supports to Greg's High Performance SEO Plugin. - Adding different types of author meta. - Adding special meta in traditional display so they can be different from single post meta. - Adding easy hide/show "allowed tags", "post trackback link" and "post comment feed link". - Removing timthumb. Images with direct URL will be resized in browser, not by timthumb script. - Replacing get_template() with get_stylesheet() in behalf of child themes. 1.3.1 - Updating timthumb to ver 1.14 - Fixing meta not displayed in front page in traditional style 1.3 - A lot of code rewrite - Adding custom Read more text - Adding selective meta in front page and single post/page feature - Change header background behavior - Adding custom header height - Adding easy hiding RSS icon - Fixing IE6 and IE7 bug 1.2.7 - Fixing submenu blocked by menu below. - Adding comment_form() functionality. - Cleaning some code. 1.2.6 - Fixing wrong page count in page navigation. - Eliminating navigation bar where there's no menu displayed - Fixing margin leftover in Inner Top widget area when there's no widget there. - Modifying search page. - Cleaning some code. 1.2.5 - Fixing tabbed sidebar only displays default item. - Fixing submenu hidden underneath content in IE 6 and IE 7. - Fixing issue with the javascript code and Opera browser 1.2.4 - Adding inner top and inner bottom widget area in static home page. - Eliminating "Call to undefined function is_multisite()" warning in the footer area for WP pre 3.0 installation. 1.2.2 - Following Strict Rules 1.2.1 - Fixing theme preview issue - Adding footer link to home site for wordpress multisite. 1.2 - Supporting WordPress Navigation Menu. - Using itx Tabbed Sidebar Widget v1.2. - Adding Tabbed Sidebar Widget as default widget. - Fixing missing first post in traditional and excerpt only style. - Adding warnings when resetting to default options. - Joining some CSS files into one (for better performance). - Renaming sidebar to widget area and adding description. - Neating some looks. - Squashing more bugs. 1.1.1 - adding favicon feature. - adding some default widget. - adding list style button image. - fixing post-thumbail not cropping. - fixing issues with WPMU when updating options. - fixing some wrong function calls. - fixing layout error in safari. - fixing some other bugs. - combining javascript into one file. - neating some looks. - renaming some functions for better future consistency. 1.1 - add option to choose from 5 available styles. - add 'reset to default'. - limit percentage sidebar width to 100%;