Demo, readme, and comments : REQUIREMENTS: - Wordpress 2.7+ required. 2.9+ preferred . 3.0+ very preferred NOTE: Theme Preview might not work as it expected. CHANGELOG 1.2.2 - Following Strict Rules 1.2.1 - Fixing theme preview issue - Adding footer link to home site for wordpress multisite. 1.2 - Supporting WordPress Navigation Menu. - Using itx Tabbed Sidebar Widget v1.2. - Adding Tabbed Sidebar Widget as default widget. - Fixing missing first post in traditional and excerpt only style. - Adding warnings when resetting to default options. - Joining some CSS files into one (for better performance). - Renaming sidebar to widget area and adding description. - Neating some looks. - Squashing more bugs. 1.1.1 - adding favicon feature. - adding some default widget. - adding list style button image. - fixing post-thumbail not cropping. - fixing issues with WPMU when updating options. - fixing some wrong function calls. - fixing layout error in safari. - fixing some other bugs. - combining javascript into one file. - neating some looks. - renaming some functions for better future consistency. 1.1 - add option to choose from 5 available styles. - add 'reset to default'. - limit percentage sidebar width to 100%; LICENSE: Calotropis Wordpress Theme Copyright (C) 2010 itx Permission is granted to copy, distribute and/or modify this document under the terms of the GNU Free Documentation License, Version 3 or any later version published by the Free Software Foundation; in addition, links in the footer must remain intact as is. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see