'?paged=%#%', 'current' => $dataArray['current'], 'total' => $dataArray['max_page_num'], 'type' => 'array', 'prev_text' => '', 'next_text' => '', )); if ( ! empty( $pagination ) ) { $paginate .= '
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'; $authorInfo .= ''. get_the_author_link() .''; $authorInfo .= ''. esc_html( get_user_role( $userid ) ) .''; $authorInfo .= '

'. $authorDesc .'

'; if ( ( isset( $google_profile ) && $google_profile != '' ) || ( isset( $twitter_profile ) && $twitter_profile != '' ) || ( isset( $facebook_profile ) && $facebook_profile != '' ) ) : $authorInfo .= '
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