theme_name = $theme->Name; $this->theme_version = $theme->Version; /** Define Tabs Sections */ $this->tab_sections = array( 'getting_started' => esc_html__('Getting Started', 'buzzstore'), 'recommended_plugins' => esc_html__('Recommended Plugins', 'buzzstore'), 'support' => esc_html__('Support', 'buzzstore'), 'free_vs_pro' => esc_html__('Free Vs Pro', 'buzzstore') ); /** List of Recommended Free Plugins */ /** List of Recommended Free Plugins **/ $this->free_plugins = array( 'woocommerce' => array( 'name' => 'WooCommerce', 'slug' => 'woocommerce', 'filename' => 'woocommerce', 'thumb_path' => '' ), 'elementor' => array( 'name' => 'Elementor Website Builder', 'slug' => 'elementor', 'filename' => 'elementor', 'thumb_path' => '' ), 'contact-form-7' => array( 'name' => 'Contact Form 7', 'slug' => 'contact-form-7', 'filename' => 'contact-form-7', 'thumb_path' => '' ), 'yith-woocommerce-quick-view' => array( 'name' => 'YITH WooCommerce Quick View', 'slug' => 'yith-woocommerce-quick-view', 'filename' => 'yith-woocommerce-quick-view', 'thumb_path' => '' ), 'yith-woocommerce-compare' => array( 'name' => 'YITH WooCommerce Compare', 'slug' => 'yith-woocommerce-compare', 'filename' => 'yith-woocommerce-compare', 'thumb_path' => '' ), 'yith-woocommerce-wishlist' => array( 'name' => 'YITH WooCommerce Wishlist', 'slug' => 'yith-woocommerce-wishlist', 'filename' => 'yith-woocommerce-wishlist', 'thumb_path' => '' ), 'wc-multivendor-marketplace' => array( 'name' => 'WCFM Marketplace', 'slug' => 'wc-multivendor-marketplace', 'filename' => 'wc-multivendor-marketplace', 'thumb_path' => '' ), 'menu-icons' => array( 'name' => 'Menu Icons', 'slug' => 'menu-icons', 'filename' => 'menu-icons', 'thumb_path' => '' ) ); /* Create a Welcome Page */ add_action('admin_menu', array($this, 'welcome_register_menu')); /* Enqueue Styles & Scripts for Welcome Page */ add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'welcome_styles_and_scripts')); /* Adds Footer Rating Text */ add_filter('admin_footer_text', array($this, 'admin_footer_text')); /* Hide Notice */ add_filter('wp_loaded', array($this, 'hide_admin_notice'), 10); /* Create a Welcome Page */ add_action('wp_loaded', array($this, 'admin_notice'), 20); add_action('after_switch_theme', array($this, 'erase_hide_notice')); add_action('wp_ajax_buzzstore_activate_plugin', array($this, 'activate_plugin')); } /** Trigger Welcome Message Notification */ public function admin_notice($hook) { $hide_notice = get_option('buzzstore_hide_notice'); if (!$hide_notice) { add_action('admin_notices', array($this, 'admin_notice_content')); } } /** Welcome Message Notification */ public function admin_notice_content() { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ('appearance_page_buzzstore-welcome' === $screen->id || (isset($screen->parent_file) && 'plugins.php' === $screen->parent_file && 'update' === $screen->id) || 'theme-install' === $screen->id) { return; } $slug = $filename = 'one-click-demo-import'; ?>

theme_name); ?>

<?php echo esc_attr__('BuzzStore Demo', 'buzzstore'); ?>
id) { ?>

generate_demo_installer_button(); ?>

theme_name); ?>

theme_name))), 'manage_options', 'buzzstore-welcome', array($this, 'welcome_screen'), '', 2); } /** Welcome Page */ public function welcome_screen() { $tabs = $this->tab_sections; ?>
esc_html__('Installing Demo Importer Plugin', 'buzzstore'), 'activating_text' => esc_html__('Activating Demo Importer Plugin', 'buzzstore'), 'importer_page' => esc_html__('Go to Demo Importer Page', 'buzzstore'), 'importer_url' => admin_url('themes.php?page=sparkle-theme-demo-importer'), 'error' => esc_html__('Error! Reload the page and try again.', 'buzzstore'), ); wp_enqueue_style('buzzstore-welcome', get_template_directory_uri() . '/welcome/css/welcome.css', array()); wp_enqueue_script('buzzstore-welcome', get_template_directory_uri() . '/welcome/js/welcome.js', array('plugin-install', 'updates'), '', true); wp_localize_script('buzzstore-welcome', 'importer_params', $importer_params); } } /* Check if plugin is installed */ public function check_plugin_installed_state($slug, $filename) { return file_exists(ABSPATH . 'wp-content/plugins/' . $slug . '/' . $filename . '.php') ? true : false; } /* Check if plugin is activated */ public function check_plugin_active_state($slug, $filename) { return is_plugin_active($slug . '/' . $filename . '.php') ? true : false; } /** Generate Url for the Plugin Button */ public function plugin_generate_url($status, $slug, $file_name) { switch ($status) { case 'install': return wp_nonce_url(add_query_arg(array( 'action' => 'install-plugin', 'plugin' => esc_attr($slug) ), network_admin_url('update.php')), 'install-plugin_' . esc_attr($slug)); break; case 'inactive': return add_query_arg(array( 'action' => 'deactivate', 'plugin' => rawurlencode(esc_attr($slug) . '/' . esc_attr($file_name) . '.php'), 'plugin_status' => 'all', 'paged' => '1', '_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce('deactivate-plugin_' . esc_attr($slug) . '/' . esc_attr($file_name) . '.php'), ), network_admin_url('plugins.php')); break; case 'active': return add_query_arg(array( 'action' => 'activate', 'plugin' => rawurlencode(esc_attr($slug) . '/' . esc_attr($file_name) . '.php'), 'plugin_status' => 'all', 'paged' => '1', '_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce('activate-plugin_' . esc_attr($slug) . '/' . esc_attr($file_name) . '.php'), ), network_admin_url('plugins.php')); break; } } /** Ajax Plugin Activation */ public function activate_plugin() { $slug = isset($_POST['slug']) ? $_POST['slug'] : ''; $file = isset($_POST['file']) ? $_POST['file'] : ''; $success = false; if (!empty($slug) && !empty($file)) { $result = activate_plugin($slug . '/' . $file . '.php'); update_option('buzzstore_hide_notice', true); if (!is_wp_error($result)) { $success = true; } } echo wp_json_encode(array('success' => $success)); die(); } /** Adds Footer Notes */ public function admin_footer_text($text) { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ('appearance_page_buzzstore-welcome' == $screen->id) { $text = sprintf(esc_html__('Please leave us a %s rating if you like our theme . A huge thank you from SparkleThemes in advance!', 'buzzstore'), '★★★★★'); } return $text; } /** Generate One Click Demo Importer Plugin Install Button Link */ public function generate_demo_installer_button() { $slug = $filename = 'sparkle-demo-importer'; $import_url = '#'; if ($this->check_plugin_installed_state($slug, $filename) && !$this->check_plugin_active_state($slug, $filename)) { $import_class = 'button button-primary buzzstore-activate-plugin'; $import_button_text = esc_html__('Activate Demo Importer Plugin', 'buzzstore'); } elseif ($this->check_plugin_installed_state($slug, $filename)) { $import_class = 'button button-primary'; $import_button_text = esc_html__('Go to Demo Importer Page', 'buzzstore'); $import_url = admin_url( '/themes.php?page=sparkle-theme-demo-importer' ); } else { $import_class = 'button button-primary buzzstore-install-plugin'; $import_button_text = esc_html__('Install Demo Importer Plugin', 'buzzstore'); } return '' . esc_html($import_button_text) . ''; } public function erase_hide_notice() { delete_option('buzzstore_hide_notice'); } } new BuzzStore_Welcome(); endif;