'. wp_list_pages('title_li=&echo=0') .''; } endif; /** * Adds custom theme layout and sticky navigation class to the array of body classes. * * @param array $classes Classes for the body element. * @return array */ function businesspersonal_body_classes( $classes ) { // Get Theme Options from Database $theme_options = businesspersonal_theme_options(); // Switch Sidebar Layout to left if ( 'left-sidebar' == $theme_options['layout'] ) : $classes[] = 'sidebar-left'; endif; return $classes; } add_filter( 'body_class', 'businesspersonal_body_classes' ); /** * Change excerpt length for default posts * * @param int $length Length of excerpt in number of words * @return int */ function businesspersonal_excerpt_length($length) { // Get Theme Options from Database $theme_options = businesspersonal_theme_options(); // Return Excerpt Text if ( isset($theme_options['excerpt_length']) and $theme_options['excerpt_length'] >= 0 ) : return absint( $theme_options['excerpt_length'] ); else : return 30; // number of words endif; } add_filter('excerpt_length', 'businesspersonal_excerpt_length'); /** * Function to change excerpt length for posts in category posts widgets * * @param int $length Length of excerpt in number of words * @return int */ function businesspersonal_category_posts_excerpt_length($length) { return 15; }