__( 'Logo + Icons', 'cyberchimps_core' ) ) ); foreach ( $default as $key => $val ) { $defaults[] = $key; } // call the database results and if they don't exist then call the defaults from above $header_section = cyberchimps_get_option( 'header_section_order', $defaults ); $header_section = ( $header_section == '' ) ? $defaults : $header_section; if ( is_array( $header_section ) ) { foreach ( $header_section as $func ) { do_action( $func ); } } } add_action( 'cyberchimps_header', 'cyberchimps_header_section_order' ); // Logo/Icons header element. function cyberchimps_logo_icons() { ?>

$value ) { // Check that the social icon has been set if ( !empty( $value['set'] ) ) { // check if title is set and use it otherwise use key as title $title = ( isset( $social[$key]['title'] ) ) ? $social[$key]['title'] : $key; // Create the output $output .= ''; } } // Echo to the page ?>
| Welcome back user_login ); ?> |