options = array( 'hide_slider' => array( 'name' => 'hide_slider', 'title' => __( 'Specify where slider should be shown.', "business-elite" ), 'type' => 'select', 'valid_options' => array( "Only on Homepage" => __("Only on homepage", "business-elite"), "Only on Front Page" => __("Only on front page", "business-elite" ), "On all the pages and posts" => __("On all the pages and posts", "business-elite"), "Hide Slider" => __("Hide Slider", "business-elite"), ), 'description' => __('Tip: set "Only on front page" if front page displays "a static page".', "business-elite"), 'section' => 'slider_main', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => array('Only on Homepage'), 'customizer' => array() ), "image_height" => array( "name" => "image_height", "title" => __("Slider Height", "business-elite" ), 'type' => 'text', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => __("Slider with the width of 1024px will have this height. When resized, image dimensions ratio is preserved.", "business-elite" ), 'section' => 'slider_main', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => '780', 'customizer' => array() ), "animation_speed" => array( "name" => "animation_speed", "title" => __("Animation Speed", "business-elite" ), 'type' => 'text', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => __("When using an animation for the slider, you can control its speed. You can use the provided box to fill in the optimal speed.", "business-elite"), 'section' => 'slider_main', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => '800', 'customizer' => array() ), "slideshow_interval" => array( "name" => "slideshow_interval", "title" => __("Pause Time","business-elite" ), 'type' => 'text', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => __("The timing for the slider animation can be customized. You can adjust it providing timing in the corresponding box.", "business-elite"), 'section' => 'slider_main', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => '5000', 'customizer' => array() ), "stop_on_hover" => array( "name" => "stop_on_hover", "title" => __("Stop animation while hovering", "business-elite" ), 'type' => 'checkbox', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => __("By default slider animation is constant. However you can choose it to stop while hovering, checking the box for this option.", "business-elite"), 'section' => 'slider_main', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => false, 'customizer' => array() ) ); $this->options["effect"] = array( "name" => "effect", "title" => __("Effect", "business-elite" ), 'type' => 'select', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => __("The animation of the slider can be customized with the help of various effects. You can choose the slider animation effect from the list included below.", "business-elite"), "valid_options" => array( "none" => "None", "cubeH" => "Cube Horizontal", "cubeV" => "Cube Vertical", "fade" => "Fade", "sliceH" => "Slice Horizontal", "sliceV" => "Slice Vertical", "slideH" => "Slide Horizontal", "slideV" => "Slide Vertical", "scaleOut" => "Scale Out", "scaleIn" => "Scale In", "blockScale" => "Block Scale", "kaleidoscope" => "Kaleidoscope", "fan" => "Fan", "blindH" => "Blind Horizontal", "blindV" => "Blind Vertical", "random" => "Random", ), 'disabled'=> array("cubeH", "cubeV", "sliceH", "sliceV","slideH", "slideV", "scaleOut", "scaleIn", "blockScale", "kaleidoscope", "fan", "blindH", "blindV", "random" ), 'section' => 'slider_main', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => array('fade'), 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options["title_position"] = array( "name" => "title_position", "title" => __("Title Position", "business-elite" ), 'type' => 'select', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => "", "valid_options" => array( "left-top" => "left-top", "left-middle" => "left-middle", "left-bottom" => "left-bottom", "center-top" => "center-top", "center-middle" => "center-middle", "center-bottom" => "center-bottom", "right-top" => "right-top", "right-middle" => "right-middle", "right-bottom" => "right-bottom" ), 'section' => 'slider_main', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => array('center-top'), 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options["description_position"] = array( "name" => "description_position", "title" => __("Description Position", "business-elite" ), 'type' => 'select', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => "", "valid_options" => array( "left-top" => "left-top", "left-middle" => "left-middle", "left-bottom" => "left-bottom", "center-top" => "center-top", "center-middle" => "center-middle", "center-bottom" => "center-bottom", "right-top" => "right-top", "right-middle" => "right-middle", "right-bottom" => "right-bottom" ), 'section' => 'slider_main', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => array('center-middle'), 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options["slider_head"] = array( "name" => "slider_head", "title" => "", 'type' => 'upload_multiple', "sanitize_type" => "esc_url_raw", "option" => array( "imgs_href" => "slider_head_href", "imgs_title" => "slider_head_title", "imgs_description" => "slider_head_desc" ), "description" => "", 'section' => 'slider_imgs', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => WDWT_IMG."slide_1.jpg" . $this->get_delimiter(). WDWT_IMG."slide_2.jpg", 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options["slider_head_href"] = array( "name" => "slider_head_href", "title" => "", 'type' => 'text_slider', "sanitize_type" => "esc_url_raw", "description" => "", 'section' => 'slider_imgs', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => $this->get_delimiter(), 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options["slider_head_title"] = array( "name" => "slider_head_title", "title" => "", 'type' => 'text_slider', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", "description" => "", 'section' => 'slider_imgs', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' => $this->get_delimiter(), 'customizer' => array() ); $this->options["slider_head_desc"] = array( "name" => "slider_head_desc", "title" => "", 'type' => 'textarea_slider', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_html_field", "description" => "", 'section' => 'slider_imgs', 'tab' => 'slider', 'default' =>"

Start Your Business Elite

Responsive, stylish, user-friendly and SEO-friendly theme. Simple, clean flat design. Wide list of customizable features.

Join Now". $this->get_delimiter(). "

Start Your Business Elite

Responsive, stylish, user-friendly and SEO-friendly theme. Simple, clean flat design. Wide list of customizable features.

Join Now", 'customizer' => array() ); } private function get_delimiter(){ return "||wd||"; } }