options = array( 'default_layout' => array( "name" => "default_layout", "title" => __( "Choose Default Layout", "business-elite"), 'type' => 'layout_open', "description" => __("Select the default layout for pages and posts on the website.", "business-elite"), 'valid_options' => array( array('index' => '1', 'title'=>'No Sidebar', 'description'=>''), array('index' => '2', 'title'=>'Right Sidebar', 'description'=>''), array('index' => '3', 'title'=>'Left Sidebar', 'description'=>''), array('index' => '4', 'title'=>'Two Right Sidebars', 'description'=>''), array('index' => '5', 'title'=>'Two Left Sidebars', 'description'=>''), array('index' => '6', 'title'=>'One Right One Left Sidebars', 'description'=>''), ), 'show' => array( '2'=>'main_column', '3'=>'main_column', '4'=>array('main_column', 'pwa_width'), '5'=>array('main_column', 'pwa_width'), '6'=>array('main_column', 'pwa_width'), ), 'hide' => array(), 'img_src' => 'sprite-layouts.png', 'img_height' => 289, 'img_width' => 50, 'section' => 'layout_editor', 'tab' => 'layout_editor', 'default' => '1', 'customizer' => array() ), 'full_width' => array( "name" => "full_width", "title" => __( "Full Width", "business-elite"), 'type' => 'checkbox', "description" => __("You can choose full width for pages and posts on the website.", "business-elite"), 'section' => 'layout_editor', 'tab' => 'layout_editor', 'default' => false, 'customizer' => array() ), 'content_area' => array( "name" => "content_area", "title" => __( "Content Area Width", "business-elite"), 'type' => 'text', "description" => __("Specify the width of the Content Area", "business-elite"), 'unit_symbol' => 'px', 'input_size' => '2', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", 'section' => 'layout_editor', 'tab' => 'layout_editor', 'default' => 1025, 'customizer' => array() ), 'main_column' => array( "name" => "main_column", "title" => __( "Main Column Width", "business-elite"), 'type' => 'text', "description" => __("Specify the width of the Main Column", "business-elite"), 'unit_symbol' => '%', 'input_size' => '2', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", 'section' => 'layout_editor', 'tab' => 'layout_editor', 'default' => 64, 'customizer' => array() ), 'pwa_width' => array( "name" => "pwa_width", "title" => __( "Primary Widget Area width", "business-elite"), 'type' => 'text', "description" => __("Specify the width of the Primary Widget Area", "business-elite"), 'unit_symbol' => '%', 'input_size' => '2', "sanitize_type" => "sanitize_text_field", 'section' => 'layout_editor', 'tab' => 'layout_editor', 'default' => 18, 'customizer' => array() ), ); } }