1.0.7 - Feb 05, 2015 * Added HTML5Shiv un-minified version assets/js/html5shiv.js 1.0.6 - Jan 27, 2015 * Removed facebook widget, not allowed on WordPress.org functions.php & inc/widgets/widget-facebook.php * Declare all assets license readme/assets-license.txt * Added unminified assets assets/js/devs, assets/css/devs, admin/js/ & admin/css 1.0.5 - Dec 19, 2015 * Fixed consistent coding style to all files all files * Enqueue HTML5Shiv script inc/scripts.php * Restructure js method assets/js/main.js * Temporary removed popup gallery functionality inc/scripts.php 1.0.4 - Oct 25, 2015 * Removed `bulan_reset_default_image_sizes` to follow WPORG guidelines functions.php * Improve search form with HTML5 markup searchform.php * Fixed pagination not working on 'Static Front Page' page-templates/home-grid.php & page-templates/home-list.php 1.0.3 - Sept 23, 2015 * Fixed function that missing text-domain * Fixed style.css.min has two line endings * Removed favicon option due to Site Icons built-in WordPress core * Fixed css issue with Jetpack comment subscription * Added back to top button * Used new media upload function for the Customizer 1.0.2 - Sept 16, 2015 * Support WordPress 4.3.1 * Update HTML5shiv * Add documentation link on Customizer 1.0.1 - July 26, 2015 * Fix conflict popup gallery with Jetpack carousel module * Hide author social icons if user have not defined it * Display author social icons on author page 1.0.0 - July 14, 2015 * Initial release