'Sidebar', 'before_widget' => '
', 'after_widget' => '
', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', )); /*Start of Theme Options*/ $themename = "Breathe"; $shortname = "breathe"; $options = array ( array( "name" => "Breathe Theme Options", "type" => "title"), array( "type" => "open"), // Site Title Settings array( "name" => "Blog Title Font Family", "id" => $shortname."_blog_title_font_family", "type" => "select", "std" => "Arial Black", "options" => array("Arial Black", "georgia,times,serif", "arial,helvetica,sans-serif", "verdana,lucida,sans-serif","tahoma,geneva,sans-serif", "rockwell,georgia,serif","cambria,georgia,serif"), "desc" => "Default: Aerial Black. Choose a set of fonts for the site title at the top of the page."), array( "name" => "Blog Title Color", "id" => $shortname."_blog_title_color", "type" => "text", "std" => "#000000", "desc" => "Default: #000000. Find color codes here. "), array( "name" => "Blog Title Size", "id" => $shortname."_blog_title_size", "type" => "text", "std" => "48px", "desc" => "Default: 48px. "), array( "name" => "Tagline Font Family", "id" => $shortname."_tag_title_font_family", "type" => "select", "std" => "arial, helvetica, sans-serif;", "options" => array("arial,helvetica,sans-serif", "georgia,times,serif", "verdana,lucida,sans-serif", "tahoma,geneva,sans-serif", "rockwell,georgia,serif", "cambria,georgia,serif"), "desc" => "Default: Arial, helvetica, sans-serif. Choose a set of fonts for the site title at the top of the page."), array( "name" => "Tagline Title Color", "id" => $shortname."_tag_title_color", "type" => "text", "std" => "#df1104", "desc" => "Default: #df1104. Find color codes here. "), array( "name" => "Tagline Title Size", "id" => $shortname."_tag_title_size", "type" => "text", "std" => "30px", "desc" => "Default: 30px. "), // Welcome Settings array( "name" => "Display welcome message", "id" => $shortname."_welcome", "type" => "select", "std" => "yes", "options" => array("yes", "no"), "desc" => "Select yes to show a welcome message at the top of the front page."), array( "name" => "Welcome Message", "desc" => "Enter something as your welcome message.", "id" => $shortname."_welcome_message", "std" => "Welcome to my site.", "type" => "textarea"), // Navigation - hide pages array( "name" => "Hide Pages Navigation", "id" => $shortname."_hide_pages", "type" => "select", "std" => "no", "options" => array("no", "yes"), "desc" => "By selecting yes, you will remove the pages navigation in the top bar."), // Advertising array( "name" => "Advertising Top", "id" => $shortname."_ads_top", "type" => "select", "std" => "no", "options" => array("no", "yes"), "desc" => "Select yes to show advertising at the top of every post and page."), array( "name" => "Advertisng Code Top", "desc" => "Enter your Advertising code here e.g. Google Javascript.", "id" => $shortname."_ads_code_top", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), array( "name" => "Advertising Bottom", "id" => $shortname."_ads_bottom", "type" => "select", "std" => "no", "options" => array("no", "yes"), "desc" => "Select yes to show advertising at the bottom of every post and page."), array( "name" => "Advertisng Code Bottom", "desc" => "Enter your Advertising code here.", "id" => $shortname."_ads_code_bottom", "std" => "", "type" => "textarea"), // Picture array( "name" => "Header Picture Option", "id" => $shortname."_head_pic_option", "type" => "select", "std" => "Ours", "options" => array("Ours", "Custom"), "desc" => "You can use the picture of the mountains at the top of the page or if you have a Custom Image/Logo you'd like to use, you can enter the URL below."), array( "name" => "Header Picture", "id" => $shortname."_head_pic_url", "std" => "images/header.jpg", "type" => "text", "help" => "Upload your custom logo image (logo width should not exceed 950px; height should not exceed 200px;), and enter the URL for the file location. (e.g. http://www.yoursite.com/images/logo.gif)"), array( "type" => "close") ); /*Option Page formatting */ function mytheme_add_admin() { global $themename, $shortname, $options; if ( $_GET['page'] == basename(__FILE__) ) { if ( 'save' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) { foreach ($options as $value) { update_option( $value['id'], $_REQUEST[ $value['id'] ] ); } foreach ($options as $value) { if( isset( $_REQUEST[ $value['id'] ] ) ) { update_option( $value['id'], $_REQUEST[ $value['id'] ] ); } else { delete_option( $value['id'] ); } } header("Location: themes.php?page=functions.php&saved=true"); die; } else if( 'reset' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) { foreach ($options as $value) { delete_option( $value['id'] ); } header("Location: themes.php?page=functions.php&reset=true"); die; } } add_theme_page($themename." Options", "".$themename." Options", 'edit_themes', basename(__FILE__), 'mytheme_admin'); } function mytheme_admin() { global $themename, $shortname, $options; if ( $_REQUEST['saved'] ) echo '

'.$themename.' settings saved.

'; if ( $_REQUEST['reset'] ) echo '

'.$themename.' settings reset.

'; ?>

Theme Settings

Welcome to the Settings page for my Wordpress Theme Breathe A lot of time and effort has gone into the development of this theme so if you were inclined feel free to donate a couple of bucks my way.

Below are a number of settings that will help you change the look and feel of the theme without having to change any code. The default settings are listed under each option so you can change back back to the original look if you would like.).

If you run into trouble and need some support there is a Support forum that can be accessed from my site www.paulcracknell.net

By clicking on 'Save Changes' - ALL theme settings will be saved.

" />