__( 'Primary Menu', 'boxy' ), ) ); // Setup the WordPress core custom background feature. add_theme_support( 'custom-background', apply_filters( 'boxy_custom_background_args', array( 'default-color' => 'ffffff', 'default-image' => '', ) ) ); // Add theme support for Semantic Markup $markup = array( 'search-form', 'comment-form', 'comment-list', ); add_theme_support( 'html5', $markup ); } endif; // boxy_setup add_action( 'after_setup_theme', 'boxy_setup' ); /** * Register widgetized area and update sidebar with default widgets. */ function boxy_widgets_init() { register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Sidebar', 'boxy' ), 'id' => 'sidebar-1', 'before_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Footer 1', 'boxy' ), 'id' => 'footer-1', 'before_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Footer 2', 'boxy' ), 'id' => 'footer-2', 'before_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Footer 3', 'boxy' ), 'id' => 'footer-3', 'before_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); register_sidebar( array( 'name' => __( 'Footer 4', 'boxy' ), 'id' => 'footer-4', 'before_widget' => '', 'before_title' => '

', 'after_title' => '

', ) ); } add_action( 'widgets_init', 'boxy_widgets_init' ); /** * Defining constants to use through out theme code */ require_once get_template_directory() . '/includes/constants.php'; /** * Enqueue Scripts and Styles */ require_once BOXY_INCLUDES_DIR . '/enqueue.php'; /** * Implement the Custom Header feature. */ require BOXY_INCLUDES_DIR . '/custom-header.php'; // Enable support for Post Formats. add_theme_support( 'post-formats', array( 'aside', 'image', 'video', 'quote', 'link' ) ); /** * Custom functions for this theme. */ require BOXY_INCLUDES_DIR . '/theme-functions.php'; /** * Custom template tags for this theme. */ require BOXY_INCLUDES_DIR . '/template-tags.php'; /** * Custom functions that act independently of the theme templates. */ require BOXY_INCLUDES_DIR . '/extras.php'; /** * Load Theme Options Page * This uses Redux Framework Plugin */ require_once( BOXY_INCLUDES_DIR . '/load-plugins.php' ); require_once( BOXY_INCLUDES_DIR . '/home-info.php' ); if( class_exists('ReduxFrameworkPlugin')) { require_once( BOXY_INCLUDES_DIR . '/theme-options-config.php' ); }