Bones - A Lightweight Wordpress Developer Template This theme is meant to make development easier & take advantage of modern web development & design techniques. For more information, please visit: Author: Eddie Machado /****************************************************************** BONES CHANGE LOG & HISTORY ******************************************************************/ /*v1.07 more changes */ - updated selectivizr - compressed images /*v1.07 changes */ - added modernizr 2.0 custom build - added IE=edge,chrome=1 for older, shitty browsers - removed iphone stuff ( you can add later if you want it ) - changed h1 in the header to a p - removed *font-size: small; from default.css - removed empty selectors on default.css stylesheet - fixed errors on style.css (mostly removing example using parenthesis) - added jquery 1.6.1 /*v1.07 w00t! */ - changed clear to clearfix across the board - added 320 & Up Boilerplate Extension by Andy Clarke - renamed modernizr to the current version file - added all the different sized images & icons - updated DOMAssistant to newest version /*v1.06 More Updates */ - added theme translation to all files - removed categories form page meta info - fixed confusing copyright issues - removed the unneeded author / tag / ect archive title from taxonomy-custom-cat.php /* v1.06 Updates */ - changed name of default stylesheet to default so it's easier to debug. (having two stylesheets named style is confusing) - added clearing class to #inner-header and #inner-footer - added bones body class depending on what browser - changed the_author to the_author_posts_link in single.php and archive.php - changed the_author to the_author_posts_link in single-custom_type.php - added custom taxonomy template - added browser classes to style.css - removed lazy load (sorry, it sucked) - added twitter and facebook user profiles - added post formats to bones.php core - fixed menu system (thanks to Dom & Mattias) - added categories & tag info for custom post types - adding standard categories & tags to custom post type example /* v1.06 */ - added custom post type and taxonomies file - created custom post type template - added readme.txt file (really for no reason at all) - fixed the margin on the comments title - removed duplicate text-align calls in css /* Thanks Dom */ - added add_theme_support( 'automatic-feed-links' ) replacing the deprecated automatic_feed_links(); - added the language_attributes(); to the html tag - replaced attribute_escape with esc_attr() in search.php - bloginfo('url') in header replaced with echo home_url() - using get_template_directory_uri() instead of bloginfo('template_directory') - using get_the_author_meta('display_name') instead of deprecated function - fixed error in bones.php for menu fallback /* thanks Mark */ - creating thumbnail fallback functions - added header.js and moved modernizr & imgsizer in that file - added lazy load jquery plugin - moved dd_belatedpng.js inside the ie folder in the libs folder - changed class of main menu to .menu from .nav - added more css for menu - added additional selectors to the style.css in the root - removed the top margin of the footer menu /* v1.05 */ - fixed typos in style.css file & logs - updated selectivizr to latest version - added "embed, ruby, output" to the reset stylesheet based on Eric Meyer's recent reset styles. - removed duplicate styles in reset & default stylesheet - fixed col460 and changed it to col480 - added text-align styles to default stylesheet /* v1.04 Quick Fix */ - fixed error with script call that was deprecated. /* v1.04 */ - moved the custom script call and pngfix to the footer from the bones file so it's easier to see what's being called. - moved apple-touch-icon.png to the library/images folder so file locations are consistent. - added a log file to keep track of changes - fixed html5 video functionality & fallback (w00t!) - moved stylesheet call below the wp_head as an experiment. - added wp_titletag to the header - added pingback function to the header - fixed bug where page navi would show up even on pages with only one page of results. - changed the way page navi is called in the archives, search, and index pages. /* v1.03 */ - public release! - added html5 video to plugins - added page navi to plugins - general fixes and optimization /* v1.02 */ - html5 updates and semantic layout corrected - added search css & custom functions - added functionality from the html5boilerplate /* v1.01 */ - added related posts functions - general css fixes /* v1.00 */ - i thought "there must be a better way" - did something about it