BOOTSWATCH_MINIMAL_PHP_VERSION_ID ) { return; } /** * Switch theme. */ $stylesheet = bootswatch_get_wp_stylesheet(); if ( $stylesheet ) { switch_theme( $stylesheet ); } /** * Let the admin know we switched the theme and explain why. */ add_action( 'admin_notices', 'bootswatch_php_version_admin_notice' ); } add_action( 'init', 'bootswatch_php_version_check', -1 ); /** * Get the stylesheet name of the newest default WordPress theme available. * * @return String|Boolean The stylesheet name or false if no default theme is available. */ function bootswatch_get_wp_stylesheet() { $stylesheets = array( 'twentyninteen', 'twentyeighteen', 'twentyseventeen', 'twentysixteen', 'twentyfifteen', 'twentyfourteen', 'twentythirteen', 'twentytwelve', 'twentyeleven', 'twentyten', ); foreach ( $stylesheets as $stylesheet ) { if ( file_exists( WP_CONTENT_DIR . "/themes/$stylesheet/style.css" ) ) { return $stylesheet; } } return false; } /** * Output the code the administrative notice for PHP compatibility. * * The message changes depending on the availability of a default WordPress theme. */ function bootswatch_php_version_admin_notice() { $stylesheet = bootswatch_get_wp_stylesheet(); if ( $stylesheet ) { $theme = wp_get_theme( $stylesheet ); // Translators: %1$s is the current PHP version and %2$s is a WordPress default theme name. $message = sprintf( __( 'Bootswatch requires PHP 5.4 or higher but you are using PHP %1$s, as such, Bootswatch cannot be activated, %2$s will be activated instead. We hope you will uprade PHP very soon.', 'bootswatch' ), PHP_VERSION, $theme->get( 'Name' ) ); } else { // Translators: %1$s is the current PHP version and %2$s is a WordPress default theme name. $message = sprintf( __( 'Bootswatch requires PHP 5.4 or higher but you are using PHP %s, as such, Bootswatch will not work until you uprade PHP.', 'bootswatch' ), PHP_VERSION ); } bootswatch_admin_notice( $message, 'php-compatibility-error', 'error', false ); echo ''; } /** * Displays an administrative notice. * * The first time the function is called, it will output a greeting and some unique * JavaScript code needed for all notices. * * @param String $message The notice message. * @param String $id The notice CSS id. * @param String $type The notice type, can be `success`, `warning` or `error`. * @param Bolean $is_dismissible If true, the notice will be dismissible. */ function bootswatch_admin_notice( $message, $id, $type = 'success', $is_dismissible = true ) { $id = "bootswatch-notice-$id"; /** * Skip dismissed notices. */ if ( ! empty( $_COOKIE[ "$id-dismissed" ] ) ) { return; } /** * Classes. */ $classes = sprintf( 'notice notice-%s %s bootswatch-notice' , $type , $is_dismissible ? 'is-dismissible' : '' ); /** * Prepare message. * * Add the title if this is the first notice. */ static $once_html = false; $__message = ''; $__message .= ! $once_html ? ( '

' . __( 'Howdy! Bootswatch here...', 'bootswatch' ) . '

' ) : ''; $__message .= '

' . $message . '

'; printf( '
', $id, $classes, $__message ); // XSS OK. $once_html = true; /** * Output JavaScript common with all dismissible notices. */ static $once_js = false; if ( $is_dismissible && ! $once_js ) { ?>