_module_type = $module_type; $this->_module_slug = $slug; $this->_is_multisite = is_multisite(); if ( $this->_is_multisite ) { $this->_blog_id = get_current_blog_id(); $this->_network_storage = FS_Key_Value_Storage::instance( $module_type . '_data', $slug, true ); } $this->_storage = FS_Key_Value_Storage::instance( $module_type . '_data', $slug, $this->_blog_id ); } /** * Tells this storage wrapper class that the context plugin is network active. This flag will affect how values * are retrieved/stored from/into the storage. * * @author Leo Fajardo (@leorw) * * @param bool $is_network_active * @param bool $is_delegated_connection */ function set_network_active( $is_network_active = true, $is_delegated_connection = false ) { $this->_is_network_active = $is_network_active; $this->_is_delegated_connection = $is_delegated_connection; } /** * Switch the context of the site level storage manager. * * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf) * @since 2.0.0 * * @param int $blog_id */ function set_site_blog_context( $blog_id ) { $this->_storage = $this->get_site_storage( $blog_id ); $this->_blog_id = $blog_id; } /** * @author Leo Fajardo (@leorw) * * @param string $key * @param mixed $value * @param null|bool|int $network_level_or_blog_id When an integer, use the given blog storage. When `true` use the multisite storage (if there's a network). When `false`, use the current context blog storage. When `null`, the decision which storage to use (MS vs. Current S) will be handled internally and determined based on the $option (based on self::$_BINARY_MAP). * @param int $option_level Since 2.5.1 * @param bool $flush */ function store( $key, $value, $network_level_or_blog_id = null, $option_level = self::OPTION_LEVEL_UNDEFINED, $flush = true ) { if ( $this->should_use_network_storage( $key, $network_level_or_blog_id, $option_level ) ) { $this->_network_storage->store( $key, $value, $flush ); } else { $storage = $this->get_site_storage( $network_level_or_blog_id ); $storage->store( $key, $value, $flush ); } } /** * @author Leo Fajardo (@leorw) * * @param bool $store * @param string[] $exceptions Set of keys to keep and not clear. * @param int|null|bool $network_level_or_blog_id */ function clear_all( $store = true, $exceptions = array(), $network_level_or_blog_id = null ) { if ( ! $this->_is_multisite || false === $network_level_or_blog_id || is_null( $network_level_or_blog_id ) || is_numeric( $network_level_or_blog_id ) ) { $storage = $this->get_site_storage( $network_level_or_blog_id ); $storage->clear_all( $store, $exceptions ); } if ( $this->_is_multisite && ( true === $network_level_or_blog_id || is_null( $network_level_or_blog_id ) ) ) { $this->_network_storage->clear_all( $store, $exceptions ); } } /** * @author Leo Fajardo (@leorw) * * @param string $key * @param bool $store * @param null|bool|int $network_level_or_blog_id When an integer, use the given blog storage. When `true` use the multisite storage (if there's a network). When `false`, use the current context blog storage. When `null`, the decision which storage to use (MS vs. Current S) will be handled internally and determined based on the $option (based on self::$_BINARY_MAP). */ function remove( $key, $store = true, $network_level_or_blog_id = null ) { if ( $this->should_use_network_storage( $key, $network_level_or_blog_id ) ) { $this->_network_storage->remove( $key, $store ); } else { $storage = $this->get_site_storage( $network_level_or_blog_id ); $storage->remove( $key, $store ); } } /** * @author Leo Fajardo (@leorw) * * @param string $key * @param mixed $default * @param null|bool|int $network_level_or_blog_id When an integer, use the given blog storage. When `true` use the multisite storage (if there's a network). When `false`, use the current context blog storage. When `null`, the decision which storage to use (MS vs. Current S) will be handled internally and determined based on the $option (based on self::$_BINARY_MAP). * @param int $option_level Since 2.5.1 * * @return mixed */ function get( $key, $default = false, $network_level_or_blog_id = null, $option_level = self::OPTION_LEVEL_UNDEFINED ) { if ( $this->should_use_network_storage( $key, $network_level_or_blog_id, $option_level ) ) { return $this->_network_storage->get( $key, $default ); } else { $storage = $this->get_site_storage( $network_level_or_blog_id ); return $storage->get( $key, $default ); } } /** * Multisite activated: * true: Save network storage. * int: Save site specific storage. * false|0: Save current site storage. * null: Save network and current site storage. * Site level activated: * Save site storage. * * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf) * @since 2.0.0 * * @param bool|int|null $network_level_or_blog_id */ function save( $network_level_or_blog_id = null ) { if ( $this->_is_network_active && ( true === $network_level_or_blog_id || is_null( $network_level_or_blog_id ) ) ) { $this->_network_storage->save(); } if ( ! $this->_is_network_active || true !== $network_level_or_blog_id ) { $storage = $this->get_site_storage( $network_level_or_blog_id ); $storage->save(); } } /** * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf) * @since 2.0.0 * * @return string */ function get_module_slug() { return $this->_module_slug; } /** * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf) * @since 2.0.0 * * @return string */ function get_module_type() { return $this->_module_type; } /** * Migration script to the new storage data structure that is network compatible. * * IMPORTANT: * This method should be executed only after it is determined if this is a network * level compatible product activation. * * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf) * @since 2.0.0 */ function migrate_to_network() { if ( ! $this->_is_multisite ) { return; } $updated = false; if ( ! isset( self::$_NETWORK_OPTIONS_MAP ) ) { self::load_network_options_map(); } foreach ( self::$_NETWORK_OPTIONS_MAP as $option => $storage_level ) { if ( ! $this->is_multisite_option( $option ) ) { continue; } if ( isset( $this->_storage->{$option} ) && ! isset( $this->_network_storage->{$option} ) ) { // Migrate option to the network storage. $this->_network_storage->store( $option, $this->_storage->{$option}, false ); $updated = true; } } if ( ! $updated ) { return; } // Update network level storage. $this->_network_storage->save(); // $this->_storage->save(); } #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Helper Methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- /** * We don't want to load the map right away since it's not even needed in a non-MS environment. * * Example: * array( * 'option1' => 0, // Means that the option should always be stored on the network level. * 'option2' => 1, // Means that the option should be stored on the network level only when the module was network level activated. * 'option2' => 2, // Means that the option should be stored on the network level only when the module was network level activated AND the connection was NOT delegated. * 'option3' => 3, // Means that the option should always be stored on the site level. * ) * * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf) * @since 2.0.0 */ private static function load_network_options_map() { self::$_NETWORK_OPTIONS_MAP = array( // Network level options. 'affiliate_application_data' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'beta_data' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'connectivity_test' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'handle_gdpr_admin_notice' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'has_trial_plan' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'install_sync_timestamp' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'install_sync_cron' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'is_anonymous_ms' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'is_network_activated' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'is_on' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'is_plugin_new_install' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'network_install_blog_id' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'pending_sites_info' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'plugin_last_version' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'plugin_main_file' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'plugin_version' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'sdk_downgrade_mode' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'sdk_last_version' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'sdk_upgrade_mode' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'sdk_version' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'sticky_optin_added_ms' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'subscriptions' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'sync_timestamp' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'sync_cron' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'was_plugin_loaded' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'network_user_id' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'plugin_upgrade_mode' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'plugin_downgrade_mode' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'is_network_connected' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, /** * Special flag that is used when a super-admin upgrades to the new version of the SDK that supports network level integration, when the connection decision wasn't made for all the sites in the network. */ 'is_network_activation' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, 'license_migration' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK, // When network activated, then network level. 'install_timestamp' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED, 'prev_is_premium' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED, 'require_license_activation' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED, // If not network activated OR delegated, then site level. 'activation_timestamp' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED, 'expired_license_notice_shown' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED, 'is_whitelabeled' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED, 'last_license_key' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED, 'last_license_user_id' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED, 'prev_user_id' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED, 'sticky_optin_added' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED, 'uninstall_reason' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED, 'is_pending_activation' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED, 'pending_license_key' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED, // Site level options. 'is_anonymous' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_SITE, 'clone_id' => self::OPTION_LEVEL_SITE, ); } /** * This method will and should only be executed when is_multisite() is true. * * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf) * @since 2.0.0 * * @param string $key * @param int $option_level Since 2.5.1 * * @return bool */ private function is_multisite_option( $key, $option_level = self::OPTION_LEVEL_UNDEFINED ) { if ( ! isset( self::$_NETWORK_OPTIONS_MAP ) ) { self::load_network_options_map(); } if ( self::OPTION_LEVEL_UNDEFINED === $option_level && isset( self::$_NETWORK_OPTIONS_MAP[ $key ] ) ) { $option_level = self::$_NETWORK_OPTIONS_MAP[ $key ]; } if ( self::OPTION_LEVEL_UNDEFINED === $option_level ) { // Option not found -> use site level storage. return false; } if ( self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK === $option_level ) { // Option found and set to always use the network level storage on a multisite. return true; } if ( self::OPTION_LEVEL_SITE === $option_level ) { // Option found and set to always use the site level storage on a multisite. return false; } if ( ! $this->_is_network_active ) { return false; } if ( self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED === $option_level ) { // Network activated. return true; } if ( self::OPTION_LEVEL_NETWORK_ACTIVATED_NOT_DELEGATED === $option_level && ! $this->_is_delegated_connection ) { // Network activated and not delegated. return true; } return false; } /** * @author Leo Fajardo * * @param string $key * @param null|bool|int $network_level_or_blog_id When an integer, use the given blog storage. When `true` use the multisite storage (if there's a network). When `false`, use the current context blog storage. When `null`, the decision which storage to use (MS vs. Current S) will be handled internally and determined based on the $option (based on self::$_BINARY_MAP). * @param int $option_level Since 2.5.1 * * @return bool */ private function should_use_network_storage( $key, $network_level_or_blog_id = null, $option_level = self::OPTION_LEVEL_UNDEFINED ) { if ( ! $this->_is_multisite ) { // Not a multisite environment. return false; } if ( is_numeric( $network_level_or_blog_id ) ) { // Explicitly asked to use a specified blog storage. return false; } if ( is_bool( $network_level_or_blog_id ) ) { // Explicitly specified whether it should use the network or blog level storage. return $network_level_or_blog_id; } // Determine which storage to use based on the option. return $this->is_multisite_option( $key, $option_level ); } /** * @author Vova Feldman (@svovaf) * @since 2.0.0 * * @param int $blog_id * * @return \FS_Key_Value_Storage */ private function get_site_storage( $blog_id = 0 ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $blog_id ) || $blog_id == $this->_blog_id || 0 == $blog_id ) { return $this->_storage; } return FS_Key_Value_Storage::instance( $this->_module_type . '_data', $this->_storage->get_secondary_id(), $blog_id ); } #endregion #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- #region Magic methods #-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- function __set( $k, $v ) { if ( $this->should_use_network_storage( $k ) ) { $this->_network_storage->{$k} = $v; } else { $this->_storage->{$k} = $v; } } function __isset( $k ) { return $this->should_use_network_storage( $k ) ? isset( $this->_network_storage->{$k} ) : isset( $this->_storage->{$k} ); } function __unset( $k ) { if ( $this->should_use_network_storage( $k ) ) { unset( $this->_network_storage->{$k} ); } else { unset( $this->_storage->{$k} ); } } function __get( $k ) { return $this->should_use_network_storage( $k ) ? $this->_network_storage->{$k} : $this->_storage->{$k}; } #endregion }