". $newfile = $upload_dir['basedir']; // base directory $newsubdir = '/thumb-cache'; //subdirectory like:2012/11 $upload_path = $newfile . $newsubdir; //echo $upload_path = $upload_dir['path']; if (!file_exists($upload_path)) { // Create the directory if it is missing wp_mkdir_p($upload_path); } $file_path = parse_url($img_url); if (isset($file_path['host']) && $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'] != $file_path['host'] && $file_path['host'] != '') { // The image is not locally hosted $remote_file_info = pathinfo($file_path['path']); // Can't use $img_url as the parameter because pathinfo includes the 'query' for the URL if (isset($remote_file_info['extension'])) { $remote_file_extension = $remote_file_info['extension']; } else { $remote_file_extension = 'jpg'; } $remote_file_extension = strtolower($remote_file_extension); // Not doing this creates multiple copies of a remote image. $file_base = md5($img_url) . '.' . $remote_file_extension; // We will try to copy the file over locally. Otherwise WP's native image_resize() breaks down. $copy_to_file = $upload_dir['path'] . '/' . $file_base; if (!file_exists($copy_to_file)) { $unique_filename = wp_unique_filename($upload_dir['path'], $file_base); // Using the HTTP API instead of our own CURL calls... $remote_content = wp_remote_request($img_url, array('sslverify' => false)); // Setting the sslverify argument, to prevent errors on HTTPS calls. A user embedding images in a post knows where he is pulling them from if (is_wp_error($remote_content)) { $copy_to_file = ''; } else { // Not using file open functions, so you have to find your way around by using wp_upload_bits... wp_upload_bits($unique_filename, null, $remote_content['body']); $copy_to_file = $upload_dir['path'] . '/' . $unique_filename; } } $file_path = $copy_to_file; } else { $expath = $file_path['path']; $string = $expath; $find = '/files/'; $findit = strpos($string, $find); //echo "
Findit=>".$findit; if ($findit === false) { $file_path = th_upload_dir($file_path['path']) . $file_path['path']; } else { $expath = $file_path['path']; $nefilepath = explode("/files", $expath); $newpathdir = $nefilepath[1]; $filepath1 = $newfile . $newpathdir; $file_path = $filepath1; // add to mainpath in $file_path } } if (!file_exists($file_path)) { $resized_image = array( 'url' => $img_url, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height ); return $resized_image; } $extension = '.jpg'; $orig_size = @getimagesize($file_path); $source[0] = $img_url; $source[1] = $orig_size[0]; $source[2] = $orig_size[1]; $file_info = pathinfo($file_path); if (isset($file_info['extension'])) { $extension = '.' . $file_info['extension']; //Image quality is scaled down in case of PNGs, because PNG image creation uses a different scale for quality. if ($extension == '.png' && $quality != null) { $quality = floor(0.09 * $quality); } } $crop_str = $crop ? '-crop' : '-nocrop'; $quality_str = $quality != null ? '-' . $quality : ''; $cropped_img_path = $upload_path . '/' . $file_info['filename'] . '-' . md5($file_path) . '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . $quality_str . $crop_str . $extension; $suffix = md5($file_path) . '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . $quality_str . $crop_str; //$img_path=str_replace($upload_dir['basedir'], $upload_dir['baseurl'], $cropped_img_path); // Checking if the file size is larger than the target size // If it is smaller or the same size, stop right here and return if ($source[1] > $width || $source[2] > $height) { // Source file is larger, check if the resized version already exists (for $crop = true but will also work for $crop = false if the sizes match) if (file_exists($cropped_img_path)) { $cropped_img_url = str_replace($upload_dir['basedir'], $upload_dir['baseurl'], $cropped_img_path); $resized_image = array( 'url' => $cropped_img_url, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height ); return $resized_image; } if ($crop == false) { // Calculate the size proportionally $proportional_size = wp_constrain_dimensions($source[1], $source[2], $width, $height); $resized_img_path = $upload_path . '/' . $file_info['filename'] . '-' . md5($file_path) . '-' . $proportional_size[0] . 'x' . $proportional_size[1] . $quality_str . $crop_str . $extension; $suffix = md5($file_path) . '-' . $proportional_size[0] . 'x' . $proportional_size[1] . $quality_str . $crop_str; // Checking if the file already exists if (file_exists($resized_img_path)) { $resized_img_url = str_replace($upload_dir['basedir'], $upload_dir['baseurl'], $resized_img_path); $resized_image = array( 'url' => $resized_img_url, 'width' => $proportional_size[0], 'height' => $proportional_size[1] ); return $resized_image; } } $img = wp_get_image_editor($file_path); if (is_wp_error($img)) { $resized_image = array( 'url' => $source[0], 'width' => $source[1], 'height' => $source[2] ); } else { $old_size = $img->get_size(); $resize = $img->resize($width, $height, $crop); if ($resize !== FALSE) { $new_size = $img->get_size(); } $cropped_img_url = str_replace($upload_dir['basedir'], $upload_dir['baseurl'], $cropped_img_path); $img->save($cropped_img_path); // resized output $resized_image = array( 'url' => $cropped_img_url, 'width' => $new_size['width'], 'height' => $new_size['height'] ); } return $resized_image; // No cache files - let's finally resize it using WP's inbuilt resizer /* $new_img_path = image_resize($file_path, $width, $height, $crop, $suffix, $upload_path, $quality); if (is_wp_error($new_img_path)) { // We hit some errors. Let's just return the original image $resized_image = array( 'url' => $source[0], 'width' => $source[1], 'height' => $source[2] ); } else {echo "real image"; $new_img_size = getimagesize($new_img_path); $new_img = str_replace($upload_dir['basedir'], $upload_dir['baseurl'], $new_img_path); // resized output $resized_image = array( 'url' => $new_img, 'width' => $new_img_size[0], 'height' => $new_img_size[1] ); } */ } // default output - without resizing $resized_image = array( 'url' => $source[0], 'width' => $source[1], 'height' => $source[2] ); return $resized_image; } } //multisite ends /** * This function gets attachment id and resizes it * @param type $attach_id * @param type $img_url * @param type $width * @param type $height * @param type $crop * @param type $jpeg_quality * @return type */ function th_thumbnail_resize($attach_id = null, $img_url = null, $width, $height, $crop = false, $jpeg_quality = 90) { // this is an attachment, so we have the ID if ($attach_id) { $image_src = wp_get_attachment_image_src($attach_id, 'full'); $file_path = get_attached_file($attach_id); // this is not an attachment, let's use the image url } else if ($img_url) { $file_path = parse_url($img_url); $file_path = ltrim($file_path['path'], '/'); $file_path = rtrim(ABSPATH, '/') . $file_path['path']; $orig_size = getimagesize($file_path); $image_src[0] = $img_url; $image_src[1] = $orig_size[0]; $image_src[2] = $orig_size[1]; } $file_info = pathinfo($file_path); $extension = '.' . $file_info['extension']; // the image path without the extension $no_ext_path = $file_info['dirname'] . '/' . $file_info['filename']; $cropped_img_path = $no_ext_path . '-' . $width . 'x' . $height . $extension; // checking if the file size is larger than the target size // if it is smaller or the same size, stop right here and return if ($image_src[1] > $width || $image_src[2] > $height) { // the file is larger, check if the resized version already exists (for crop = true but will also work for crop = false if the sizes match) if (file_exists($cropped_img_path)) { $cropped_img_url = str_replace(basename($image_src[0]), basename($cropped_img_path), $image_src[0]); $vt_image = array( 'url' => $cropped_img_url, 'width' => $width, 'height' => $height ); return $vt_image; } // crop = false if ($crop == false) { // calculate the size proportionaly $proportional_size = wp_constrain_dimensions($image_src[1], $image_src[2], $width, $height); $resized_img_path = $no_ext_path . '-' . $proportional_size[0] . 'x' . $proportional_size[1] . $extension; // checking if the file already exists if (file_exists($resized_img_path)) { $resized_img_url = str_replace(basename($image_src[0]), basename($resized_img_path), $image_src[0]); $vt_image = array( 'url' => $resized_img_url, 'width' => $proportional_size[0], 'height' => $proportional_size[1] ); return $vt_image; } } // new function replacing image_resize() $img = wp_get_image_editor($file_path); if (!is_wp_error($img)) { $old_size = $img->get_size(); // To show image old width and height as echo $old_size['width'] $resize = $img->resize($width, $height, $crop); //$img->set_quality(90); // $resize1=$img->crop( 100, 80, $width-100, $height-80, $width, $height, false ); if ($resize !== FALSE) { $new_size = $img->get_size(); // To show image new width and height as echo $new_size['width'] } //$name_file=rand().basename($file_path); $path = str_replace(basename($image_src[0]), '', $image_src[0]); $filename = $img->generate_filename('final' . $width, $path . '/', NULL); $image_detail = $img->save($filename); } $new_img = str_replace(basename($image_src[0]), basename($image_detail['path']), $image_src[0]); $vt_image = array( 'url' => $new_img, 'width' => $image_detail['width'], 'height' => $image_detail['height'] ); return $vt_image; } // default output - without resizing $vt_image = array( 'url' => $image_src[0], 'width' => $image_src[1], 'height' => $image_src[2] ); return $vt_image; } ?>