'single' ]) ) { global $blocksy_template_output; $blocksy_template_output = true; echo blc_render_content_block( blc_get_content_block_that_matches([ 'template_type' => 'single' ]) ); have_posts(); wp_reset_query(); return; } /** * Note to code reviewers: This line doesn't need to be escaped. * Function blocksy_output_hero_section() used here escapes the value properly. */ if (apply_filters('blocksy:single:has-default-hero', true)) { echo blocksy_output_hero_section([ 'type' => 'type-2' ]); } $page_structure = blocksy_get_page_structure(); $container_class = 'ct-container-full'; $data_container_output = ''; if ($page_structure === 'none' || blocksy_post_uses_vc()) { $container_class = 'ct-container'; if ($page_structure === 'narrow') { $container_class = 'ct-container-narrow'; } } else { $data_container_output = 'data-content="' . $page_structure . '"'; } ob_start(); the_content( sprintf( wp_kses( /* translators: %s: Name of current post. Only visible to screen readers */ __( 'Continue reading "%s"', 'blocksy' ), array( 'span' => array( 'class' => array(), ), ) ), get_the_title() ) ); $post_content = ob_get_clean(); ?>