=== Bliss === Author: Jesse Smith for Mardesco Author URI: http://www.mardesco.com Donate link: http://www.mardesco.com/payments/ Theme URI: http://www.mardesco.com/themes/bliss/ Tags: responsive,responsive-layout,mobile,options,theme-options,custom-header,custom-background,custom-logo,custom-width Requires at least: 3.7 Tested up to: 3.9.1 Stable tag: trunk License: Bliss WordPress theme, copyright 2014 by Mardesco. Bliss is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2 A blissful website experience. "Bliss" is a mobile-friendly, responsive WordPress theme. Features theme options for simplicity of adding a site logo, selecting a color scheme, and creating slideshows. == Description == A blissful website experience. "Bliss" is a mobile-friendly, responsive WordPress theme. Features theme options for simplicity of adding a site logo, selecting a color scheme, and creating slideshows. * Flexible and simple. Appropriate for beginners and advanced users alike. * Theme option to easily add your company's logo to the header bar * Integrated slideshows with theme options: no additional plugin required * Mobile-friendly design responds to screen size of viewing device * Easily select one of the five blissful built-in theme color schemes. * Theme option for setting maximum container width * Integrates custom-header and custom-background for easy customization. Bliss is built on the [Widgeon Advanced framework by Jesse Smith](https://github.com/mardesco/Widgeon-Advanced). It implements the Options Framework by Devin Price, and the Cycle2 jQuery slideshow animation by M. Alsup. == Disclaimer == These files are provided "as-is" with the express understanding that they are not fit for any use or purpose, much less merchantability. Use them at your own risk. = Support = If you require support or assistance, you will find that the WordPress forums are an amazing resource. Unfortunately, the theme author is unable to provide free technical support for this theme. However, your constructive feedback and suggestions are welcome. == License == = Bliss theme = "Bliss" theme for WordPress is copyright 2014 by Mardesco. Bliss is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPLv2. The theme design and original theme source code were created by [Jesse Smith](http://www.jesse-smith.net) for [Mardesco](http://www.mardesco.com), and are licensed under the GPLv2. = Additional resources = The theme also incorporates the following scripts and resources. = Cycle2 = The [Cycle2 slideshow animation](http://jquery.malsup.com/cycle2/) is copyright 2014 by M. Alsup, and dual licensed under the MIT and GPL licenses. = Options Framework = The Options Framework is copyright 2013 by [Devin Price](http://wptheming.com/options-framework-theme/), and licensed under the GPLv2. = Merriweather Bold Italic font face = The Merriweather font face is an externally linked library. It is not distributed with the theme code: website visitors download the .css font file from the Google Fonts API. Merriweather is copyright 2013 by [Eben Sorkin](https://plus.google.com/106288796449831139244/about) and licensed under the SIL open font license v1.1. = Simple Breadcrumb Navigation = This theme incorporates the Simple Breadcrumb Navigation plugin, copyright 2008 by Christian "Kriesi" Budschedl and licensed under the GPLv3. This version of the plugin includes some modifications by Jesse Smith, and by Denzel of the Karma development team. = Metaboxes = The built-in slideshow, and the subtitle feature, both implement metaboxes. This metaboxes script was based on tutorials by Rilwis and Justin Tadlock. The finished product is copyright 2014 by Jesse Smith and licensed under the GPLv2. = Pagination = The original pagination function is copyright 2011 by [C.Bavota](http://bavotasan.com/2011/simple-pagination-for-wordpress/), and licensed under the GPLv2 per the author's Tweet on 6-3-2014. = Collapsing Nav Menu = The JavaScript collapsing navigation menu feature is copyright 2014 by Jesse Smith and released under the MIT license. = HTML5 Boilerplate = This theme incorporates elements of the HTML5 Boilerplate, which is copyright 2013 by the HTML5 Boilerplate Team and licensed under the MIT license. = Modernizr = The theme employs Modernizr for cross-browser support and backwards compatibility for HTML5 in older browsers. Modernizr is copyright 2013 by the Modernizr Team, and released under the MIT license. = Comments = The theme file comments.php is more or less taken verbatim from the TwentyTwelve theme, copyright 2012 by the WordPress team and licensed under the GPLv2. = Bundled images = The screenshot images bundled with this theme are original works, copyright 2014 by Mardesco and licensed under the GPLv2. == Installation == 1. Download the theme files from the repository at `http://wordpress.org/themes/bliss` 2. Unzip the compressed folder 3. Copy the theme folder to your WordPress installation's themes folder, usually located at `/wp-content/themes/` 4. Activate the theme from your installation's Admin interface, Appearance > Themes = Suggested setup = 1. Under Settings > Reading > Front page displays, select "A static page" and choose your homepage from the dropdown menu. 2. Under Appearance > Menus, create the menus that your website will use, and assign them to the appropriate positions on the "Manage Locations" tab. 3. Add a Featured Image to your homepage, or create a "Slideshow 1" as described in the Frequently Asked Questions. = Removal = 1. Deactivate and uninstall the theme from your installation's Admin interface, Appearance > Themes == Frequently Asked Questions == = Adding your logo image to the header = 1. From your site's wp-admin interface, select Appearance > Theme Options 2. Select the "Basic Settings" tab if it is not already selected 3. Under Branding > Your Logo, upload your logo or select it from your media library. 4. Click "Save Options" 5. Your logo now displays in the headerbar of your public-facing site. = Creating a slideshow = 1. From your site's wp-admin interface, select Appearance > Theme Options 2. Select that "Slideshow Settings" tab 3. Check the select box that says, "Create and Use Slideshow 1" 4. Upload images for your slideshow, or use images from your media library. NOTE: the theme does not presently crop or resize the selected images. It is recommended that you select images of a uniform size. 5. Click "Save Options" 6. Within your site's wp-admin, navigate to edit the page where you want the slideshow to appear (Pages > All pages > selected page > Edit) 7. Locate the form field marked, "Your custom inputs" below the text editor. Next to "Slideshow options" is a dropdown menu. 8. Select "Use Slideshow 1" from the dropdown menu. 9. Click "Update" 10. Your selected page now displays your slideshow with a fancy animation. = Changing the background color = 1. From your site's wp-admin interface, select Appearance > Theme Options 2. Select the "Basic Settings" tab if it is not already selected 3. From the "Primary Color" section, select your desired background color from the dropdown menu. 4. Click "Save Options." 5. Your website now displays the background color of your choice. 6. Note that for more fine-grained control you can also go to Appearance > Background and set a background (both color and image) with the WordPress background customization interface. = Managing the sidebars to suit your layout = By default, the Widgeon Advanced theme displays a sidebar on the right-hand side of most pages and posts. However, you can optionally display a left-hand sidebar in addition to or instead of the right-hand sidebar; and you can optionally remove both sidebars for a clean single-column layout. To change the sidebar display: 1. From your site's wp-admin interface, select Appearance > Theme Options 2. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab if it is not already selected 3. Under the "Sidebar Options" dropdown menu, select the sidebar option that best suits your website. 4. Click "Save Options." 5. Your website now displays the desired sidebars. (Please note: the theme's homepage and "full-width" template pages do not display sidebars, regardless of the above setting.) = Changing the maximum container width = The default maximum container width is 1040 pixels for screens larger than 1040 pixels. You can increase this value to better utilize the display area available on large screens. Alternatively, you can eliminate the container width setting, for a layout that fills 100% of all screen widths. 1. From your site's wp-admin interface, select Appearance > Theme Options 2. Select the "Advanced Settings" tab if it is not already selected 3. Type a number in the box. DO NOT enter units of measurement. This setting currently only accepts an integer. 4. Click "Save Options." 5. Your website's container element's width has been set. == Changelog == 0.0.5 "Policy requirements: license" and "Code quality" fixes and tweaks per trac ticket theme review by nitkr 0.0.4 Fixed "headers already sent" error. 0.0.3 Numerous tweaks and fixes. Enumerated resources and their licenses. Cleaned code in preparation for initial release. Added screenshot images. 0.0.2 Implemented theme options and slideshow. Updated textdomain, descriptions, etc. 0.0.1 Created the project as a port of the Widgeon Advanced framework by Mardesco.