'', 'image' => '', 'repeat' => 'repeat', 'position' => 'top center', 'attachment'=>'scroll' ); //Feed Icon $feed_icon_array = array( 'true' => __('Yes', 'bizstudio'), 'false' => __('No', 'bizstudio') ); //mode_test_array $mode_test_array = array( 'fade' => __('Fade', 'bizstudio'), 'slide' => __('Slide', 'bizstudio') ); //showcontrols_test_array $showcontrols_test_array = array( 'true' => __('Show', 'bizstudio'), 'false' => __('Hide', 'bizstudio') ); //showmarkers_array $showmarkers_array = array( 'true' => __('Yes', 'bizstudio'), 'false' => __('No', 'bizstudio') ); //usecaptions_array $direction_array = array( 'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', 'bizstudio'), 'vertical' => __('Vertical', 'bizstudio') ); // pagination $test_pagiarray = array( 1 => __('Yes', 'bizstudio'), 0 => __('No', 'bizstudio') ); // rss_feed_icon $test_rss_feed_icon = array( 1 => __('Yes', 'bizstudio'), 0 => __('No', 'bizstudio') ); //radio_array $radio_array = array( 'true' => __('Show', 'bizstudio'), 'false' => __('Hide', 'bizstudio') ); //radiothird_array $radiothird_array = array( 'true' => __('Show', 'bizstudio'), 'false' => __('Hide', 'bizstudio') ); //latp_array $latp_array = array( 'true' => __('Show', 'bizstudio'), 'false' => __('Hide', 'bizstudio') ); // Pull all the categories into an array $options_categories = array(); $options_categories_obj = get_categories(); foreach ($options_categories_obj as $category) { $options_categories[$category->cat_ID] = $category->cat_name; } // Pull all tags into an array $options_tags = array(); $options_tags_obj = get_tags(); foreach ( $options_tags_obj as $tag ) { $options_tags[$tag->term_id] = $tag->name; } // Pull all the pages into an array $options_pages = array(); $options_pages_obj = get_pages('sort_column=post_parent,menu_order'); $options_pages[''] = 'Select a page:'; foreach ($options_pages_obj as $page) { $options_pages[$page->ID] = $page->post_title; } // set pages $options_pages = array(); $options_pages_obj = get_pages('sort_column=post_parent,menu_order'); $options_pages[''] = 'Select a page:'; foreach ($options_pages_obj as $page) { $options_pages[$page->ID] = $page->post_title; } // If using image radio buttons, define a directory path $imagepath = get_template_directory_uri() . '/images/'; $options = array(); //General Settings $options[] = array( 'name' => __('General Settings', 'bizstudio'), 'type' => 'heading'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Change logo (full path to logo image)', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a Custom logo that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_logo_img', 'std' => $imagepath.'bizstudio_logo.png', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Logo ALT Text', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Logo ALT Text field.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_logo_alt', 'std' => 'logo alter text', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Change favicon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a Custom favicon that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_favicon', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Show Custom Pagination', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Show custom pagination on blog page.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_show_pagination', 'std' => 'yes', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini', //mini, tiny, small 'options' => $test_pagiarray); //Bg style $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Custom Background', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Change the background CSS.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_bg_style', 'std' => $background_style, 'type' => 'background' ); //Slider Setting $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Slider Configuration', 'bizstudio'), 'type' => 'heading'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Upload Slider Image 1', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Upload Slider Image 1.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_slider_img1', 'std' => $imagepath.'beach-15689_1280.jpg', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Enter Content For Slide 1 Caption.', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Content For Slide 1 Caption.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_content_slider1', 'std' => "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy", 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Enter Slider Link 1.', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter slider Link 1.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_slider_link1', 'std' => '#', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Upload Slider Image 2', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Upload Slider Image 2.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_slider_img2', 'std' => $imagepath.'mother-84628_1280.jpg', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Enter Content For Slide 2 Caption.', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Content For Slide 2 Caption.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_content_slider2', 'std' => "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy", 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Enter Slider Link 2.', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter slider Link 2.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_slider_link2', 'std' => '#', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Upload Slider Image 3', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Upload Slider Image 3.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_slider_img3', 'std' => $imagepath.'accessories-84528_1280.jpg', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Enter Content For Slide 3 Caption.', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Content For Slide 3 Caption.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_content_slider3', 'std' => "Lorem Ipsum is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lorem Ipsum has been the industry's standard dummy", 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Enter Slider Link 3.', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter slider Link 3.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_slider_link3', 'std' => '#', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Select Mode', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Select Mode.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_mode_select', 'std' => 'fade', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini', //mini, tiny, small 'options' => $mode_test_array); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Direction', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Select the sliding direction, "horizontal" or "vertical".', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_direction', 'std' => 'true', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini', //mini, tiny, small 'options' => $direction_array); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Animation duration', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('how fast the animation are.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_animduration', 'std' => '450', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Animationspeed', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('The delay between each slide.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_animspeed', 'std' => '4000', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('show next and prev controls', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('If true, show next and prev controls.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_showcontrols', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini', //mini, tiny, small 'options' => $showcontrols_test_array); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Show individual slide markers', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('navigation for paging control of each slide.(Pro Version)', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_showmarkers', 'std' => 'true', 'type' => 'select', 'class' => 'mini', //mini, tiny, small 'options' => $showmarkers_array); //Footer $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Footer', 'bizstudio'), 'type' => 'heading'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('CopyrightText', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_copyright', 'std' => 'Your © copyright text here.', 'type' => 'textarea'); //Front Page Options $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Front Page Options', 'bizstudio'), 'type' => 'heading'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Enable Custom Front Page', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => sprintf( __( 'Overrides the WordPress %1sfront page option%2s (Please check the checkbox in order to enable the landing page as illustrated in the screenshot).', 'bizstudio' ), '', '' ), 'id' => $shortname.'_front_page', 'std' => '0', 'type' => 'checkbox'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Front page middle Sidebar Text', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Front page middle Sidebar Text.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_mid_sidebar_text', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea'); //Main Box $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Main Box Heading:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Main Box Heading.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_main_heading', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Main Box content', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Main Box content', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_main_content', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea'); //Featured Area 1 $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Featured Box 1 Heading:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Featured Box 1 Heading.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_fb1_heading', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Featured Box 1 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_fb1_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Featured Box 1 Content:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Featured Box 1 Content.','bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_fb1_content', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Featured Box 2 Heading:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Featured Box 2 Heading.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_fb2_heading', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Featured Box 2 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_fb2_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Featured Box 2 Content:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Featured Box 2 Content.','bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_fb2_content', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Featured Box 3 Heading:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Featured Box 3 Heading.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_fb3_heading', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Featured Box 3 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_fb3_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Featured Box 3 Content:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Featured Box 3 Content.','bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_fb3_content', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea'); //recent-post $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Recent Box 1 Heading:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Recent Box 1 Heading.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_rp1_heading', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Recent Box 1 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_rp1_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Recent Box 1 Content:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Recent Box 1 Content.','bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_rp1_content', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Recent Box 2 Heading:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Recent Box 2 Heading.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_rp2_heading', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Recent Box 2 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_rp2_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Recent Box 2 Content:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Recent Box 2 Content.','bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_rp2_content', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Recent Box 3 Heading:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Recent Box 3 Heading.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_rp3_heading', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Recent Box 3 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_rp3_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Recent Box 3 Content:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Recent Box 3 Content.','bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_rp3_content', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'textarea'); // jcarousel $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image 1 Title:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Image 1 Title.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_img1_title', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image 1 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_img1_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image 2 Title:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Image 1 Title.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_img2_title', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image 2 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_img2_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image 3 Title:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Image 1 Title.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_img3_title', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image 3 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_img3_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image 4 Title:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Image 1 Title.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_img4_title', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image 4 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_img4_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image 5 Title:', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('Enter Image 1 Title.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_img5_title', 'std' => '', 'type' => 'text'); $options[] = array( 'name' => __('Image 5 Icon', 'bizstudio'), 'desc' => __('This creates a full size uploader that previews the image.', 'bizstudio'), 'id' => $shortname.'_img5_icon', 'type' => 'upload'); return $options; } /* * This is an example of how to add custom scripts to the options panel. * This example shows/hides an option when a checkbox is clicked. */ add_action('optionsframework_custom_scripts', 'optionsframework_custom_scripts'); function optionsframework_custom_scripts() { ?>