get_option( 'footer_switch', 'on' ) === 'off' ){ //no theme footer return; } if ( function_exists( 'elementor_location_exits' ) && elementor_location_exits( 'footer', true ) ) { echo '';//.container-elementor-footer } } } function bicycleshop_footer_css() { global $bicycleshop_a13; $css = ''; if ( $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'footer_switch' ) === 'on' ) { $footer_bg_color = bicycleshop_make_css_rule( 'background-color', $bicycleshop_a13->get_option_color_rgba( 'footer_bg_color' ) ); $footer_lower_bg_color = bicycleshop_make_css_rule( 'background-color', $bicycleshop_a13->get_option_color_rgba( 'footer_lower_bg_color' ) ); $footer_font_size = bicycleshop_make_css_rule( 'font-size', $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'footer_font_size' ), '%spx' ); $footer_widgets_font_size = bicycleshop_make_css_rule( 'font-size', $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'footer_widgets_font_size' ), '%spx' ); $footer_font_color = bicycleshop_make_css_rule( 'color', $bicycleshop_a13->get_option_color_rgba( 'footer_font_color' ) ); $footer_link_color = bicycleshop_make_css_rule( 'color', $bicycleshop_a13->get_option_color_rgba( 'footer_link_color' ) ); $footer_hover_color = bicycleshop_make_css_rule( 'color', $bicycleshop_a13->get_option_color_rgba( 'footer_hover_color' ) ); $css .= " /* ================== FOOTER ==================*/ #footer{ $footer_bg_color $footer_font_size } #footer .widget, #footer .widget .search-form input[type=\"search\"]{ $footer_widgets_font_size } .foot-items{ $footer_lower_bg_color } .foot-items{ $footer_font_color } .foot-items .foot-text a{ $footer_link_color } .foot-items .foot-text a:hover{ $footer_hover_color }"; } return $css; } function bicycleshop_footer_partial_css($response) { return bicycleshop_prepare_partial_css($response, 'footer_switch', 'bicycleshop_footer_css'); } add_filter( 'customize_render_partials_response', 'bicycleshop_footer_partial_css' ); if(!function_exists('bicycleshop_footer_widgets')) { /** * Prints out HTML for footer widgets in columns */ function bicycleshop_footer_widgets() { global $bicycleshop_a13; //is there any widgets if ( is_active_sidebar( 'footer-widget-area' ) ) { //class for widgets $_class = ''; $columns = (int)$bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'footer_widgets_columns' ); if ( $columns === 1 ) { $_class = ' one-col'; } elseif ( $columns === 2 ) { $_class = ' two-col'; } elseif ( $columns === 3 ) { $_class = ' three-col'; } elseif ( $columns === 4 ) { $_class = ' four-col'; } elseif ( $columns === 5 ) { $_class = ' five-col'; } //color of sidebar $_class .= ' '.$bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'footer_widgets_color' ); echo '
'; echo '
'; dynamic_sidebar( 'footer-widget-area' ); echo '
'; } } } if(!function_exists('bicycleshop_footer_items')) { /** * Prints out HTML for footer items */ function bicycleshop_footer_items() { global $bicycleshop_a13; ?>
get_option( 'footer_text' ) ); $privacy = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'footer_privacy_link' ) === 'on'; if(!empty($ft)){ echo '
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', '
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get_option( 'to_top' ) === 'off'; if( $to_top_off ){ return; } $to_top_icon = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'to_top_icon' ); $to_top_icon = 'fa-'.(strlen($to_top_icon)? $to_top_icon : 'chevron-up'); //top top and overlay for various things ?>
get_option( 'hidden_sidebar_widgets_color' ); $hidden_sb_classes .= ' at-'.$bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'hidden_sidebar_side' ); ?>