request === null ) { $current_url = add_query_arg( $wp->query_string, '', home_url( $wp->request ) ); } else { $current_url = trailingslashit( home_url( add_query_arg( array(), $wp->request ) ) ); } return $current_url; } /** * Checks if current page has active sidebar * returns false if there is no active sidebar, * if there is active sidebar it returns its name * * @return bool|string */ function bicycleshop_has_active_sidebar() { global $bicycleshop_a13; $test = ''; $page_type = bicycleshop_what_page_type_is_it(); $wc_active = bicycleshop_is_woocommerce_activated(); $shop_with_sidebar = $wc_active && bicycleshop_is_woocommerce_sidebar_page(); if ( $shop_with_sidebar ) { $test = 'shop-widget-area'; } elseif ( $wc_active && bicycleshop_is_woocommerce() ) { return false; } elseif ( $page_type['blog_type'] ) { $test = 'blog-widget-area'; } elseif ( $page_type['post'] ) { $test = 'post-widget-area'; } elseif ( $page_type['page'] ) { $test = 'page-widget-area'; $meta_id = get_the_ID(); $custom_sidebar = $bicycleshop_a13->bicycleshop_get_meta( '_sidebar_to_show', $meta_id ); if ( strlen( $custom_sidebar ) && $custom_sidebar !== 'default' ) { $test = $custom_sidebar; } //if has children nav and it is activated then sidebar is active $sidebar_meta = $bicycleshop_a13->bicycleshop_get_meta( '_widget_area', $meta_id ); if ( strrchr( $sidebar_meta, 'nav' ) && bicycleshop_page_menu( true ) ) { return $test; } } if ( is_active_sidebar( $test ) ) { return $test; } else { return false; } } /** * Returns array with types of current page * * @return array */ function bicycleshop_what_page_type_is_it() { global $bicycleshop_a13; static $types; if ( empty( $types ) ) { $types = array( '404' => is_404(), 'page' => is_page(), 'home' => is_home(), 'front_page' => is_front_page(), 'archive' => is_archive(), 'search' => is_search(), 'single' => is_single(), 'post' => is_singular( 'post' ), 'attachment' => is_attachment(), 'shop' => bicycleshop_is_woocommerce_activated() && bicycleshop_is_woocommerce(), 'product' => bicycleshop_is_woocommerce_activated() && bicycleshop_is_woocommerce() && is_product(), ); $types['singular'] = is_singular(); $types['singular_not_post'] = $types['singular'] && ! $types['post']; $types['blog_type'] = ( $types['home'] || $types['archive'] || $types['search'] ) && ! $types['shop'] ; $types['page'] = $types['page'] || ($types['404'] && ($bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'page_404_template_type' ) === 'custom')) || defined('BICYCLESHOP_CUSTOM_PASSWORD_PROTECTED'); } return $types; } /** * If page is empty search result or 404 it is no property page, and you can read meta fields from it * * @return bool */ function bicycleshop_is_no_property_page() { global $post; return ! is_object( $post ); } add_filter( 'body_class', 'bicycleshop_body_classes' ); /** * Add classes for element * * @param array $classes * * @return array */ function bicycleshop_body_classes( $classes ) { global $bicycleshop_a13; $page_type = bicycleshop_what_page_type_is_it(); //hidden sidebar if ( is_active_sidebar( 'side-widget-area' ) ) { $side = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'hidden_sidebar_side' ); $effect = (int) $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'hidden_sidebar_effect' ); if ( $side === 'right' ) { $effect += 6;//right side effects have number bigger by 6 } $classes[] = 'side-menu-eff-' . $effect; } //widgets top margin if($bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'widgets_top_margin' ) === 'off'){ $classes[] = 'widgets_margin_top_off'; } //header classes $header_type = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'header_type' ); //header type $classes[] = 'header-'.$header_type; //header side(vertical only) if($header_type === 'vertical'){ if(is_rtl()){ $classes[] = 'header-side-'.$bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'header_side_rtl' ); } else{ $classes[] = 'header-side-'.$bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'header_side' ); } } //site layout $layout_type = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'layout_type' ); $classes[] = 'site-layout-'.$layout_type; if($layout_type === 'bordered'){ $borders = array( 'top', 'left', 'bottom', 'right' ); $borders_on = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'theme_borders' ); if(is_array($borders_on)){ foreach($borders as $border){ if(!in_array($border, $borders_on)){ $classes[] = 'no-border-'.$border; } } } } //sticky one page if( $bicycleshop_a13->bicycleshop_get_meta( '_content_sticky_one_page' ) === 'on'){ $classes[] = 'a13-body-sticky-one-page'; } //page with posts list if ( $page_type['blog_type'] && ! defined( 'BICYCLESHOP_NO_RESULTS' ) ) { $classes[] = 'posts-list'; } //cart and others not sidebar/title pages of woocommerce if ( $page_type['shop'] && ! bicycleshop_is_woocommerce_sidebar_page() ) { $classes[] = 'woocommerce-no-major-page'; } //add special class for pages with products list if ( bicycleshop_is_woocommerce_activated() && bicycleshop_is_woocommerce_products_list_page() ) { $classes[] = 'products-list'; } //password protected if ( defined( 'BICYCLESHOP_PASSWORD_PROTECTED' ) ) { $classes[] = 'password-protected'; } //custom password page if( defined( 'BICYCLESHOP_CUSTOM_PASSWORD_PROTECTED' ) ){ $classes[] = 'custom-password-page'; $classes[] = 'page'; } if( is_archive() && !have_posts() ){ $classes[] = 'search-no-results'; } if( $page_type['404'] ){ //custom 404 page if( $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'page_404_template_type' ) === 'custom' ){ $classes[] = 'custom404'; $classes[] = 'page'; } else{ $classes[] = 'default404'; } } return $classes; } /** * Get classes for mid element, depending on context of many things like: * -sidebar availability * -sidebar side * -layout of current page * -type of layout of current page * * @return string classes of #mid */ function bicycleshop_get_mid_classes() { global $bicycleshop_a13; //mid classes for type of layout align and widget area display(on/off) $mid_classes = array(); $page_type = bicycleshop_what_page_type_is_it(); $page = $page_type['page']; $post = $page_type['post']; $attachment = $page_type['attachment']; $shop = $page_type['shop']; $product = $page_type['product']; /* * content layout classes * */ $meta_id = get_the_ID(); //layouts that have space between content and sidebar $parted_layouts = array( 'left', 'right', 'left_padding', 'right_padding', 'center' ); //layouts that sit on one edge of screen $edge_layouts = array( 'left', 'right', 'left_padding', 'right_padding' ); //layouts that have content with fixed width $fluid_layouts = array( 'full', 'full_padding' ); $layout = 'center'; if ( $attachment ) { //nothing, but we add it cause every attachment has also type of post, page depending to which //it was attached $layout = 'center'; } //albums are Full width //cart and others not sidebar/title pages of woocommerce elseif($page_type['shop'] && !bicycleshop_is_woocommerce_sidebar_page()){ $layout = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'shop_no_major_pages_content_layout' ); } //wish list elseif ( class_exists( 'YITH_WCWL' ) && (get_the_ID() === (int)yith_wcwl_object_id( get_option( 'yith_wcwl_wishlist_page_id' ) ) ) ) { $layout = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'shop_no_major_pages_content_layout' ); } //shop elseif ( $page_type['shop'] && ! $page_type['product'] ) { $layout = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'shop_content_layout' ); //only on pages where list of products are displayed if ( is_shop() || is_product_taxonomy() ) { $mid_classes[] = 'shop-columns-'.$bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'shop_products_columns' ); } } //product elseif ( $page_type['product'] ) { $layout = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'product_content_layout' ); } //page elseif ($page ) { $layout_option = $bicycleshop_a13->bicycleshop_get_meta( '_content_layout', $meta_id ); $layout = $layout_option === 'global' ? $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'page_content_layout' ): $layout_option; //in content padding $top_bottom_padding = $bicycleshop_a13->bicycleshop_get_meta('_content_padding'); if($top_bottom_padding === 'top'){ $mid_classes[] = 'no-bottom-space'; } elseif($top_bottom_padding === 'bottom'){ $mid_classes[] = 'no-top-space'; } elseif($top_bottom_padding === 'off'){ $mid_classes[] = 'no-top-space'; $mid_classes[] = 'no-bottom-space'; } $side_padding = $bicycleshop_a13->bicycleshop_get_meta('_content_side_padding'); if($side_padding === 'off'){ $mid_classes[] = 'no-side-space'; } } //single post elseif ( $post ) { $layout = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'post_content_layout' ); } //blog type elseif ( $page_type['blog_type'] ) { $layout = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'blog_content_layout' ); //in content padding $top_bottom_padding = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'blog_content_padding' ); if($top_bottom_padding === 'top'){ $mid_classes[] = 'no-bottom-space'; } elseif($top_bottom_padding === 'bottom'){ $mid_classes[] = 'no-top-padding'; /* padding instead of space to not clash this two different scenarios */ } elseif($top_bottom_padding === 'off'){ $mid_classes[] = 'no-top-padding'; $mid_classes[] = 'no-bottom-padding'; } } $mid_classes[] = 'layout-' . $layout; if ( in_array( $layout, $parted_layouts ) ) { $mid_classes[] = 'layout-parted'; } if ( in_array( $layout, $edge_layouts ) ) { $mid_classes[] = 'layout-edge'; } else{ $mid_classes[] = 'layout-no-edge'; } //layouts that sit on edge of screen and have margin if ( strpos( $layout, 'padding' ) !== false ) { $mid_classes[] = 'layout-padding'; } if ( in_array( $layout, $fluid_layouts ) ) { $mid_classes[] = 'layout-fluid'; } else{ $mid_classes[] = 'layout-fixed'; } /* * sidebar classes * */ //check if there is active sidebar for current page $force_full_width = false; if ( $attachment || bicycleshop_has_active_sidebar() === false ) { $force_full_width = true; } function bicycleshop__inner__set_full_width( &$mid_classes ) { define( 'BICYCLESHOP_NO_SIDEBARS', true ); /* so we don't have to check again in sidebar.php */ $mid_classes[] = 'no-sidebars'; } function bicycleshop__inner__set_sidebar_class( &$mid_classes, $sidebar ) { if ( ( $sidebar == 'off' ) ) { bicycleshop__inner__set_full_width( $mid_classes ); } else { $mid_classes[] = 'with-sidebar'; $mid_classes[] = $sidebar; } } function bicycleshop__inner__check_for_rtl_sidebar_version( $option_name ) { global $bicycleshop_a13; $sidebar = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( $option_name ); if ( is_rtl() ){ $rtl_opposites = array( 'left-sidebar' => 'right-sidebar', 'right-sidebar' => 'left-sidebar', 'off' => 'off' ); $sidebar = $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( $option_name.'_rtl', $rtl_opposites[$sidebar] ); } return $sidebar; } if ( $force_full_width ) { bicycleshop__inner__set_full_width( $mid_classes ); } //shop type elseif ( $shop && ! $product ) { bicycleshop__inner__set_sidebar_class( $mid_classes, bicycleshop__inner__check_for_rtl_sidebar_version( 'shop_sidebar' ) ); } //product type elseif ( $product ) { bicycleshop__inner__set_sidebar_class( $mid_classes, bicycleshop__inner__check_for_rtl_sidebar_version( 'product_sidebar' ) ); } //blog type elseif ( $page_type['blog_type'] ) { bicycleshop__inner__set_sidebar_class( $mid_classes, bicycleshop__inner__check_for_rtl_sidebar_version( 'blog_sidebar' ) ); } //single post elseif ( $post ) { bicycleshop__inner__set_sidebar_class( $mid_classes, bicycleshop__inner__check_for_rtl_sidebar_version( 'post_sidebar' ) ); } //single page elseif ( $page ) { //special treatment cause of children menu option //get value from this page $sidebar = get_post_meta($meta_id, '_widget_area', true); //if global value if( $sidebar === 'G' || $sidebar === '' ){ $sidebar = bicycleshop__inner__check_for_rtl_sidebar_version( 'page_sidebar' ); } //check is it left or right type sidebar if ( strrchr( $sidebar, 'left' ) ) { $sidebar = 'left-sidebar'; } elseif ( strrchr( $sidebar, 'right' ) ) { $sidebar = 'right-sidebar'; } bicycleshop__inner__set_sidebar_class( $mid_classes, $sidebar ); } //make class string $mid_classes = implode(' ', $mid_classes); return $mid_classes; } add_action('pre_get_posts','bicycleshop_frontpage'); /** * Function that changes query for front page if user decided to use one of theme features * * @param WP_Query $query */ function bicycleshop_frontpage( $query ) { global $bicycleshop_a13; if ( is_admin() || ! $query->is_main_query() ){ return; } $theme_decided_home_page = false; if ( 'page' == get_option( 'show_on_front') && get_option( 'page_on_front' ) && ($query->query_vars['page_id'] === get_option( 'page_on_front' ) ) ){ $theme_decided_home_page = true; } } /** * Solves issue with badly named templates in previous theme versions. * It works while entering page on front-end */ function bicycleshop_check_for_renamed_templates(){ //check what is current template name $current_name = get_post_meta( get_the_ID(), '_wp_page_template', true ); //verify if it is up to date $checked_name = bicycleshop_proper_page_template_name($current_name); if( $checked_name !== $current_name ){ //update post with new template file name update_post_meta(get_the_ID(), '_wp_page_template', $checked_name); //only name without .php suffix $template_name = basename($checked_name, '.php'); //run new template get_template_part( $template_name ); //inform that there was redirect return false; } return true; } /** * pre-connect to google fonts server - speeds up loading site that use Google fonts from theme * * @param array $urls * @param string $relation_type * * @return array * */ function bicycleshop_faster_google_fonts($urls, $relation_type){ if('preconnect' === $relation_type){ global $bicycleshop_a13; $standard_fonts = array_keys( $bicycleshop_a13->bicycleshop_get_standard_fonts_list() ); $options_fonts = array( $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'nav_menu_fonts' ), $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'titles_fonts' ), $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'normal_fonts' ), //default to titles fonts as it was in previous versions $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'logo_fonts', $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'titles_fonts' ) ), ); foreach ( $options_fonts as $font ) { //if not standard font create then it is google font if ( ! in_array( $font['font-family'], $standard_fonts ) ) { $urls[] = array( 'href' => '', 'crossorigin', ); break; } } } return $urls; } add_filter( 'wp_resource_hints', 'bicycleshop_faster_google_fonts', 10, 2 ); /** * Collects web-fonts from theme settings * * @param bool $as_array - should fonts be returned in format to process * * @return array|string web-fonts used * */ function bicycleshop_get_theme_web_fonts($as_array = false){ global $bicycleshop_a13; $standard_fonts = array_keys( $bicycleshop_a13->bicycleshop_get_standard_fonts_list() ); $options_fonts = array( $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'nav_menu_fonts' ), $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'titles_fonts' ), $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'normal_fonts' ), //default to titles fonts as it was in previous versions $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'logo_fonts', $bicycleshop_a13->get_option( 'titles_fonts' ) ), ); if($as_array){ $fonts = array(); foreach ( $options_fonts as $id => $font ) { if( ! in_array( $font['font-family'], $standard_fonts ) ){ $fonts[$id] = $font; } } } else{ $fonts = array( 'families' => array() ); foreach ( $options_fonts as $font ) { //if not standard font create font definition for request if ( ! in_array( $font['font-family'], $standard_fonts ) ) { //start with font family $font_definition = $font['font-family']; //add variants $variants = false; //legacy setting for variants if ( isset( $font['font-multi-style'] ) && strlen( $font['font-multi-style'] ) ) { $variants = json_decode( $font['font-multi-style'], true ); } //new setting for variants elseif ( isset( $font['variants'] ) && is_array( $font['variants'] ) ) { $variants = $font['variants']; } //we got variants finally if ( $variants !== false ) { $font_definition .= ':'; foreach ( $variants as $index => $variant ) { if ( $index > 0 ) { $font_definition .= ','; } $font_definition .= $variant; } } //add subsets if( isset( $font['subsets'] ) ){ //convert subsets to array if legacy setting if( !is_array( $font['subsets'] ) ){ $font['subsets'] = strlen( $font['subsets'] ) > 0 ? array( $font['subsets'] ) : array(); } if ( sizeof( $font['subsets'] ) ) { $font_definition .= ':'; foreach ( $font['subsets'] as $index => $subset ) { if ( $index > 0 ) { $font_definition .= ','; } $font_definition .= $subset; } } } array_push( $fonts['families'], $font_definition ); } } } return $fonts; }