"radio", "std" => "1","options" => array( "Disable comments ", "Enable comments ")), array( "id" => "mobile_enabled", "std" => "1","options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "mobile_feature", "std" => "1","options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "feature_home", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "feature_posts","std" => "1","options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "feature_pages", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "feature_text", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "header_home", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "header_posts","std" => "1","options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "header_pages", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "upload_image", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off") ), array( "id" => "main_color", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off") ), array( "id" => "secondary_color", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "text_color", "std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off") ), array( "id" => "selected_item","std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "menu_font","std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "header_font","std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "body_font","std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "menu_font_size","std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "header_font_size","std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")), array( "id" => "body_font_size","std" => "1", "options" => array( "on", "off")) ); function set_theme_defaults() { //first run options aka. default options $first_flag = get_option("first_run"); if ( $first_flag != "activated" ) { //all options default states are set here. This is also used to reset options add_option("radio", 'Enable comments'); add_option("mobile_enabled", 'on'); add_option("feature_home", 'on'); add_option("header_posts", 'on'); add_option("header_pages", 'on'); add_option("feature_text", 'FEATURED'); add_option("menu_font_size", ''); add_option("header_font_size", ''); add_option("body_font_size", ''); add_option('mobile_feature', 'on'); add_option('main_color', ''); add_option('secondary_color', ''); add_option('text_color', ''); add_option('selected_item', ''); add_option("first_run", "activated"); } } function reset_defaults(){ //this function resets various settings to their default state update_option("radio", 'Enable comments'); update_option("mobile_enabled", 'on'); update_option("feature_home", 'on'); update_option("header_posts", 'on'); update_option("header_pages", 'on'); update_option("feature_text", 'FEATURED'); update_option("menu_font_size", ''); update_option("header_font_size", ''); update_option("body_font_size", ''); update_option('mobile_feature', 'on'); update_option('main_color', ''); update_option('secondary_color', ''); update_option('text_color', ''); update_option('selected_item', ''); } function theme_options() { global $options; //funtions to run when save button is pressed if (isset ($_REQUEST['action']) && 'theme_save' == $_REQUEST['action'] ) { foreach ($options as $value) { if( !isset( $_REQUEST[ $value['id'] ] ) ) { delete_option( $value['id'] ); } else { update_option( $value['id'], stripslashes($_REQUEST[ $value['id']])); } } if(stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'&saved=true')) { $location = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { $location = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "&saved=true"; } header("Location: $location"); die; } //functions to run when reset button is pressed if (isset ($_REQUEST['action2']) && 'theme_reset'== $_REQUEST['action2'] ) { reset_defaults(); if(stristr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'],'&reset=true')) { $location = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']; } else { $location = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'] . "&reset=true"; } header("Location: $location"); die; } //adding theme and setting the name add_theme_page('Avum Settings', 'Avum Settings', 'edit_theme_options', 'avum-theme-settings', 'theme_admin'); } //styling the options and inserting the specific forms function theme_admin() { global $options; ?>

Avum Settings

Setting Saved

Main theme Settings

Enable or Disable comments universally
Choose wether you want comments to be displayed. This universally disable comments but it will not enable comments on posts/pages which individually had comments disabled
/>Disable comments
/>Enable comments
Display Feature scroller
Choose which pages you want the 'featured' scoller to be shown on
/>Display Feature area on Home page
/>Display Feature area on Post pages
/>Display Feature area on Pages
Heading text for feature area
Choose what text you want to display above the 'feature' area (ie. "Featured" , "New Posts", etc.)
Display header image
Choose which pages you want the header image to be shown on
/>Display header image on Home page
/>Display header image Post pages
/>Display header image on Pages
Logo Image
Choose a new image to be displayed in the Logo area. When your image is finished uploading you must press the "Insert into post" button, then the "Save changes" button at the bottom of the page.
To return to the default image, simply clear the text in the textbox and save the settings.
" />


All fonts can be previewed at the Google Font Directory
Choose the menu font
- Font Size: px
Choose the header font (ie H1 & H2 tags)
- Font Size: px
Choose the body font
- Font Size: px

Mobile Settings

Enable or Disable mobile theme
Choose whether you want the mobile site to be displayed to supported handheld devices (ie. Smart phones)
/>Enable Mobile theme
/>Disable Mobile theme

Color Adjustments

Enter colors for the elements below
Colors must be entered in hex format (ie. '#333333') and must include the "#" character.
If you want to return to the default options, simply leave all the fields blank (or erase the text in them) and click the "Save changes" button
- Primary Color (Menu text, menu border, body border, H1, H2, etc.)
- Secondary color (Sidebar borders, comment borders)
- Main text color (Main body text, sidebar text -excluding headings)
- Currently selected menu item

If you like the theme, perhaps you would consider a donation.