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"font-weight:{$widget_title_font_weight};" : ""; $font = esc_attr( $theme_mod['widget_title_font'] ); $color = "color:" . esc_attr( $theme_mod['widget_title_font_color'] ); $background = "background:" . esc_attr( $theme_mod['main_nav_bg'] ); if ( $font != '' ) { $font_family = isset($fonts[ $font ]) && $fonts[ $font ]['family'] != '' ? "font-family:\"{$fonts[$font]['family']}\", {$fonts[$font]['category']};" : ""; } else { $font_family = ''; } $font_size = $font_size != '' ? "font-size:{$font_size}px;" : ""; $css .= ".widget .widget-title {{$font_family}{$font_size}{$font_weight}}"; $css .= ".attire-content .widget .widget-title {{$color};{$background}}"; $css .= ".sticky .card{{$color};{$background}}"; $css .= ".sticky .card .card-body *{{$color} !important;}"; /** * * Main nav / Footer nav font face * */ $font = esc_attr( $theme_mod['menu_top_font'] ); $font_size = intval( $theme_mod['menu_top_font_size'] ); $menu_top_font_weight = intval( $theme_mod['menu_top_font_weight'] ); $font_weight = $menu_top_font_weight != '' ? "font-weight:{$menu_top_font_weight};" : ""; $font_size = $font_size != '' ? "font-size:{$font_size}px;" : ""; if ( $font != '' ) { $font_family = isset($fonts[ $font ]) && $fonts[ $font ]['family'] != '' ? 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"font-family:\"{$fonts[$font]['family']}\", {$fonts[$font]['category']};" : ""; } else { $font_family = ''; } $css .= "header .dropdown ul li a.dropdown-item, footer .dropdown ul li a.dropdown-item,.attire-mbl-menu .dropdown-menu li.nav-item a{{$font_family}{$font_size}{$font_weight}}"; /** * * Main nav color css * */ $color = "color:" . esc_attr( $theme_mod['menu_top_font_color'] ) . ";"; $css .= "header .mainmenu > .menu-item:not(.active) > a, header .nav i.fa.fa-search, header .dropdown-toggler, header .mobile-menu-toggle,.attire-mbl-menu li.nav-item a,,.attire-mbl-menu-main,.attire-mbl-menu .dropdown-toggler i:before{{$color}}"; $main_nav_bg = 'background-color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['main_nav_bg'] ); $css .= "#header-style-3 nav.navbar, #header-style-2 nav.navbar, .short-nav .collapse.navbar-collapse,.long-nav,#attire-mbl-menu{ {$main_nav_bg};}"; $main_nav_hover_active_bg = 'background-color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['menuhbg_color'] ); $css .= "header .mainmenu > .menu-item:hover, header .mainmenu >,.attire-mbl-menu{ {$main_nav_hover_active_bg};}"; $main_nav_hover_active_text_color = 'color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['menuht_color'] ); $css .= "header .mainmenu > .menu-item:hover > a, header .mainmenu > > a, header .mainmenu > .menu-item:hover > .dropdown-toggler, header .mainmenu > > .dropdown-toggler,#search-top:hover i,.attire-mbl-menu a, .attire-mbl-menu .dropdown-toggler i:before{ {$main_nav_hover_active_text_color};}"; /** * * Main nav dropdown color css * */ $main_nav_dd_bg = 'background-color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['menuhbg_color'] ); $css .= "header .mainmenu > .dropdown > li, .default-menu.navbar-light .nav-search .form-control,.attire-mbl-menu .dropdown-menu li{{$main_nav_dd_bg};}"; // Search box bg color + main nav dd bg $main_nav_dd_text = 'color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['menu_dropdown_font_color'] ); $css .= "header .mainmenu > .dropdown li *, .default-menu.navbar-light .nav-search .form-control,.attire-mbl-menu .dropdown-menu li a{{$main_nav_dd_text};}"; // Dropdown + search field input text color $css .= '@media screen and (min-width: 1000px) {'; $main_nav_dd_hover_bg = 'background-color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['menu_dropdown_hover_bg'] ); $css .= "header .mainmenu > .dropdown li:hover{{$main_nav_dd_hover_bg};}"; $main_nav_dd_hover_text = 'color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['menu_dropdown_hover_font_color'] ); $css .= "header .mainmenu > .dropdown li:hover > *, header .mainmenu > .dropdown li:hover > .dropdown-toggler *{{$main_nav_dd_hover_text};}"; $css .= '}'; /** * * Footer nav color css * */ $color = "color:" . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_nav_top_font_color'] ) . ";"; $css .= "footer a, footer .footermenu > .menu-item:not(.active) > a, footer .dropdown-toggler{{$color}}"; //$footer_nav_bg = 'background-color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_nav_bg'] ); //$css .= "footer .footermenu { {$footer_nav_bg};}"; //$footer_nav_hover_active_bg = 'background-color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_nav_hbg'] ); //$css .= "footer .footermenu > .menu-item:hover,footer .footermenu >{{$footer_nav_hover_active_bg};}"; $footer_nav_hover_active_text = 'color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_nav_ht_color'] ); $css .= "footer a:hover, footer .footermenu > .menu-item:hover > a,footer .footermenu > > a, footer .footermenu > .menu-item:hover > .dropdown-toggler,footer .footermenu > > .dropdown-toggler{{$footer_nav_hover_active_text};}"; /** * * Footer nav dropdown color css * */ $footer_nav_dd_bg = 'background-color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_nav_hbg'] ); $css .= "footer .footermenu .dropdown li{ {$footer_nav_dd_bg};}"; $footer_dropdown_font_color = "color:" . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_nav_dropdown_font_color'] ) . ";"; $css .= "footer .footermenu .dropdown li *{{$footer_dropdown_font_color}}"; $footer_nav_dd_hover_bg = 'background-color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_nav_dropdown_hover_bg'] ); $css .= "footer .footermenu > .dropdown li:hover{ {$footer_nav_dd_hover_bg};}"; $footer_nav_dd_hover_text = 'color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_nav_dropdown_hover_font_color'] ); $css .= "footer .footermenu > .dropdown li:hover *{{$footer_nav_dd_hover_text};}"; /** * * Footer widget css * */ $css .= ".footer-widgets-area {background-color : " . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_widget_bg_color'] ) . "}"; $css .= ".footer-widgets .widget-title, .footer-widgets-area .widget-heading {color : " . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_widget_title_font_color'] ) . "}"; $css .= ".footer-widgets .widget *:not(.widget-title):not(input){color : " . esc_attr( $theme_mod['footer_widget_content_font_color'] ) . "}"; /** * * Link () color * */ $a_color = 'color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['a_color'] ); $css .= ".attire-content a:not(.btn),.small-menu a:not(.btn){{$a_color};}"; $a_hover_color = 'color:' . esc_attr( $theme_mod['ah_color'] ); $css .= ".attire-content a:not(.btn):hover,.small-menu a:not(.btn):hover{{$a_hover_color};}"; return apply_filters( ATTIRE_THEME_PREFIX . 'customisation_css', $css ); } /** * @usage Generate custom css */ function CustomCSS() { $font_css = self::ThemeCustomizerCSS(); echo ""; } public static function AttireBodySchema() { $blog = ( is_home() || is_archive() || is_attachment() || is_tax() || is_single() ) ? true : false; $itemtype = 'WebPage'; $itemtype = ( $blog ) ? 'Blog' : $itemtype; $itemtype = ( is_search() ) ? 'SearchResultsPage' : $itemtype; $result = esc_attr( apply_filters( 'attire_body_itemtype', $itemtype ) ); echo "itemtype='$result' itemscope='itemscope'"; } public static function NextGetOption( $index = null, $default = null ) { global $attire_options; $attire_options = get_option( 'attire_options' ); if ( ! empty( $attire_options[ $index ] ) ) { return $attire_options[ $index ]; } else { return $default; } } public static function SiteLogo() { $custom_logo_id = get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo' ); $image = wp_get_attachment_image_src( $custom_logo_id, 'full' ); $logourl = esc_url( $image[0] ); // source : if ( $logourl ) { $image_id = attachment_url_to_postid( $logourl ); $meta = wp_prepare_attachment_for_js( $image_id ); return "" . esc_attr( $meta["; } else { return '

' . esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name' ) ) . '

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