== Changelog == = Theme Name: Andrina Lite = = Version: 2.6.7 = 1. Fixed some issues related the default images. = Version: 2.6.6 = 1. Improved theme layout. 2. Fixed some issues. = Version: 2.6.5 = 1. Popular social icon options added. 2. Few links updated. = Version: 2.6.4 = 1. Theme thumbnail updated. = Version: 2.6.3 = 1. Theme URI and Footer link updated. = Version: 2.6.2 = 1. Change styling on posts. = Version: 2.6.1 = * Theme customizer sanitize function updated. * Added contact us link to customizer. = Version: 2.6.0 = ===================================== * Theme option to WordPress customizer API migration. = Version: 2.6 = ===================================== * Removed cufon instantiation function from custom.js file because it was generated console error. * Removed zoomboz instantiation function from custom.js file because it was generated console error. * Removed slides instantiation function from custom.js file because it was generated console error. * Theme check issue fixed. * All text domain matched with theme directory. * Language .pot file matched with text domain. * POT file re-generated. = Version: 2.5.9 = * Theme url changed. * Removed query_posts and used wp_query instead. * Removed wp_enqueue_script('jquery'). * Escaped all urls. * Option added for disable default front page. * Site title and site description added in header, if site logo uploaded via theme option, site title and description will be disappeared. * Removed analytic option. * All supporting function hooked into after_setup_theme hook. * Added plugins notification for recommends plugin. * Replace preg_replace function with ereg_replace. = Version: 2.5.8 = * Show feature image in single.php and page.php fixed. = Version: 2.5.6 = * Debug error in theme-options.php fixed. * Declare copyright in style.css. * Post navigation in single.php added. = Version: 2.5.5 = * Translation Issue fixed. * Code optimized. = Version: 2.5.4 = * Removed @package WordPress? @subpackage Andrina . Used @package Andrina instead, now fixed. * Themes are REQUIRED to use 'wp_title' filter, to filter wp_title() (RECOMMENDED), now fixed * Removed hard coded meta tags. * Style issue on theme option button, now fixed. = Version: 2.5.3 = * Fixed get_theme_data is deprecated since version 3.4! error. = Version: 2.5.2 = * Styleseet optimized. * Some files documented. * Missing text domain fixed. * Footer spacing resolved. * Comment depth issue fixed. = Version: 2.5.1 = * Fixed Textdomain in frontpage.php file. * Longer Comments Exceeds the block. * Remove function exists from few functions. = Version: 2.4 = * Fixed wp_link_pages() in single.php. * Fixed twenty ten reference. * Fixed still some text that are not translatable. * Removed unwanted tags from style.css * Fixed correct hook for inkthemes_register_custom_menu. * Fixed Pages with comments disabled should not display any kind of "comments are closed" message. * Fixed Themes must use checked() / selected(). * Fixed Themes are required to use esc_attr() for text inputs and esc_html(). * = Version: 2.3 = * Fixed Untranslated text domain. * Fixed Themes must support posts using using wp_link_pages(). * Fixed pages have comments enabled. * Fixed wp_head() must be placed directly before . * Fixed themes have other theme's text domain. * Fixed The code for loading language files, adding theme support for thumbnails should be placed in a function that hooks into after_setup_theme * Fixed You must make use of WordPress? core-bundled scripts. * Fixed password protected post displayed two messages. = Version: 2.2 = * Fixed some strings translateble. * Fixed some functions prefix. * Fixed enqueue java script files add hook. * Fixed constant directory path. * Fixed wrong textdomain added. * Fixed uses other jquery to core bundle. * Fixed text translation issue. * Fixed comment reply script call back issue * Fixed some add_action hook issue. * Fixed single array to save options in theme options issue. * Remove unnecessary code from comments.php. * Modified template directory. * Fixed after_theme_setup action issue. * Fixed hard coded date format issue. * Fixed h1 tag issue in tag.php * Fixed 404 loop issue in 404.php * Fixed title function issue in attachment.php. * Removed others references form attachment .php. * Fixed calling twice loop in author.php * Fixed default favicon issue. = Version: 2.1 = * Squirrel Theme is created on 1/01/2012.