Theme Name: Amp Description: TSW theme, Amp, is a novelty theme replicating a classic electric guitar amplifier. Author: Tradesouthwest Author URI: Tags: two-columns, three-columns, left-sidebar, custom-background, custom-header, editor-style, theme-options, translation-ready Copyright: Larry Judd Oliver 2015 Tradesouthwest Stable Version: 0.9 Theme URI: License: GNU General Public License v2 or later License URI: Text Domain: amp == Additional License Information == * HTML5 Shiv v3.7.0 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem | MIT/GPL2 Licensed * images by Author Larry Judd Oliver | License GPL2 * Modernizr 2.6.2 (Custom Build) | MIT & BSD | Build: * Font Awesome 4.3.0 by @davegandy - - @fontawesome | License - (Font: SIL OFL 1.1, CSS: MIT License) == Instructions == * Enjoy * Menus should be used accordingly. Top left menu will not work well with more than a few links. top left can handle about any size menu. footer menu is very functional and can handle medium to large menus. * Options for theme can be reach by navigating to "Customize" in Admin panel. * No, you are not seeing things: the navigation button does glow a light blue color so users will recognize it easier. == Modification/Theme Notes == * credits div can be set to visibility:hidden in stylesheet to remove credits (p class="credits") == Change Log == = 0.9 = * fixed name convention on file * compress screenshot = 0.8 = * changed screenshot size = 0.7 = * moved content width support outside setup * added HTML5 support * queue scripts moved outside setup * pingback removed from header queued from functions * updated editor stylesheet = 0.6 = * June 2nd, 2015 * removed dashboard widget * added customizer applet * fixed some responsive elements * removed title callout in header * added title tag compatibility support = 0.5 = * May 28th 2015 * fixed several domain-text slugs * loaded translation pot file * added credits and copyright style classes * added theme fonts to editor stylesheet * remove white-space in several files. = 0.4 = * May 13th 2015 * added neat tile element * prefixed scripts in functions * fixed license in readme = 0.3 = * Mar. 22, 2015 * fixed many errors in CSS style sheet * removed excerpt more tag in functions * moved add support inside theme setup * fixed default options declarations in theme-options * changed social media option in content footer 0.1 Feb. 5, 2015 * first release = 0.2 = *Feb. 6 2015 * added social media option * removed option, metadata toggle * added styles to header and animation * fixed footer upload in options * added gallery styles * reworked metadata positioning * added margins to content * reworked footer navigation * added conditional navigation * fixed some menu issues * added language file