array( 'label' => __( 'Default', 'amp-accelerated-mobile-pages' ), 'colors' => array( '#f1f1f1', '#ffffff', '#ffffff', '#333333', '#333333', '#f7f7f7', ), ), 'dark' => array( 'label' => __( 'Dark', 'amp-accelerated-mobile-pages' ), 'colors' => array( '#111111', '#202020', '#202020', '#bebebe', '#bebebe', '#1b1b1b', ), ), 'yellow' => array( 'label' => __( 'Yellow', 'amp-accelerated-mobile-pages' ), 'colors' => array( '#f4ca16', '#ffdf00', '#ffffff', '#111111', '#111111', '#f1f1f1', ), ), 'pink' => array( 'label' => __( 'Pink', 'amp-accelerated-mobile-pages' ), 'colors' => array( '#ffe5d1', '#e53b51', '#ffffff', '#352712', '#ffffff', '#f1f1f1', ), ), 'purple' => array( 'label' => __( 'Purple', 'amp-accelerated-mobile-pages' ), 'colors' => array( '#674970', '#2e2256', '#ffffff', '#2e2256', '#ffffff', '#f1f1f1', ), ), 'blue' => array( 'label' => __( 'Blue', 'amp-accelerated-mobile-pages' ), 'colors' => array( '#e9f2f9', '#55c3dc', '#ffffff', '#22313f', '#ffffff', '#f1f1f1', ), ), ) ); } if ( ! function_exists( 'etruel_amp_theme_get_color_scheme' ) ) : /** * Get the current AMP color scheme. * @since 0.1.1 * @return array An associative array of either the current or default color scheme hex values. */ function etruel_amp_theme_get_color_scheme() { $color_scheme_option = get_theme_mod( 'color_scheme', 'default' ); $color_schemes = etruel_amp_theme_get_color_schemes(); if ( array_key_exists( $color_scheme_option, $color_schemes ) ) { return $color_schemes[ $color_scheme_option ]['colors']; } return $color_schemes['default']['colors']; } endif; // etruel_amp_theme_get_color_scheme if ( ! function_exists( 'etruel_amp_theme_header_style' ) ) : /** * Styles the header image on the blog. * @since 0.1.1 */ function etruel_amp_theme_header_style() { $header_image = get_header_image(); $header_text_color = get_header_textcolor(); ?> '; } return; } $style = $color ? "background-color: #$color;" : ''; if ( $background ) { $image = ' background-image: url("' . esc_url_raw( $background ) . '");'; // Background Position. $position_x = get_theme_mod( 'background_position_x', get_theme_support( 'custom-background', 'default-position-x' ) ); $position_y = get_theme_mod( 'background_position_y', get_theme_support( 'custom-background', 'default-position-y' ) ); if ( ! in_array( $position_x, array( 'left', 'center', 'right' ), true ) ) { $position_x = 'left'; } if ( ! in_array( $position_y, array( 'top', 'center', 'bottom' ), true ) ) { $position_y = 'top'; } $position = " background-position: $position_x $position_y;"; // Background Size. $size = get_theme_mod( 'background_size', get_theme_support( 'custom-background', 'default-size' ) ); if ( ! in_array( $size, array( 'auto', 'contain', 'cover' ), true ) ) { $size = 'auto'; } $size = " background-size: $size;"; // Background Repeat. $repeat = get_theme_mod( 'background_repeat', get_theme_support( 'custom-background', 'default-repeat' ) ); if ( ! in_array( $repeat, array( 'repeat-x', 'repeat-y', 'repeat', 'no-repeat' ), true ) ) { $repeat = 'repeat'; } $repeat = " background-repeat: $repeat;"; // Background Scroll. $attachment = get_theme_mod( 'background_attachment', get_theme_support( 'custom-background', 'default-attachment' ) ); if ( 'fixed' !== $attachment ) { $attachment = 'scroll'; } $attachment = " background-attachment: $attachment;"; $style .= $image . $position . $size . $repeat . $attachment; } ?>