; $Id: alkivia.ini 814 2010-02-03 11:41:57Z jcanals $ ; If you set this file on your wp-content directory, it will override the theme ; options, force to use this ones and disable them from the admin page. ; All alkivia plugins and themes share the same file. If you already have an ; alkivia.ini file in your wp-content directory, you can copy and paste this ; settings on it. ; The ini file is mostly used on WordPress MU, when we want to force all blogs to ; this settings and don't want to allow the blog administrators to change them. ; SEE ALSO THE alkivia.ini FILE ON THE framework/samples folder. [chameleon] ;------------------------------------------------- ; Following options can only be set on this file. ;------------------------------------------------- ; disable-favicon = Off ; favicon-url = http://alkivia.org/images/favicon.ico ; custom-palettes-dir = /home/user/http/wp-content/themes ; custom-palettes-url = http://sample.com/wp-content/themes ; disable-admin-page = Off ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; Following settings can be set in this file and via settings admin. ; Any option set in this file will be disabled on the admin panel. ;------------------------------------------------------------------- ; disable-header-image = Off ; header-image = theme_head.jpg ; disable-header-title = Off ; widgetized-home = Off ; sidebar-pos = right ; navbar-pos = bottom ; disable-search-box = Off ; palette = orange ; switch-styles = Off ; menu-home = On ; menu-categories = On ; menu-categories-title = Categories ; menu-set-categories = 149,218,217 ; menu-login = Off ; menu-admin = Off ; footer-text = "© Copyright 2009 - Some rights reserved" ; disable-tags = On ; author-pages = On ; enable-selfping = Off ; allow-page-comments = Off ; hide-theme-credits = Off ; sociable-plugin = Off