Alhena Lite WordPress Theme Documentation --------------------- - Installation Decompress the “” file, into the package, under “wp-content /themes” and then activate the theme from Appearance => Themes. As an alternative, go to Appearance => Themes => Add New => Upload Theme and choose“” file. - Option panel When the theme is activated, you can manage Alhena Lite, from “Customize” section. - General Tab -- Load system. If you've some problems with the theme (for example a blank page), you can change the load system. -- Color Scheme. It is possible to choose up to 16 different styles that will replace any previously saved settings. -- Settings. You can decide if display the comments section. -- Styles. You can add a custom css code. It is recommended that this feature be used only if absolutely necessary and if you know what will be modified. -- Layouts. You can decide the layout for each section of the site (home, archive, search page etc) -- Thumbnails setting. You can set the height of the thumbnails. After saving, is necessary reupload the images or use a free plugin called “Regenerate Thumbnails”. The default value is 690px. -- Header settings. You can replace the sideman with an image as logo. -- Footer settings. From here, it is possible choose the layout for the bottom sidebar, insert the text at the end of the site, links to social networks, the footer layout --- Copyright text. Text displayed at the end of the site. --- Social networks. Insert the link; the icon of the relative social network will be displayed -- Fonts The theme uses the fonts found in the Google directory. They may be selected from a list of more than 600 fonts. The default fonts are “Dr Sugiyama, Roboto Slab e Droid Serif”. It is possible to change the font and size of the character of the logo, menu, widget titles, pages and title of the paragraph. - Typography Tab -- Logo, Menu, Content and Headlines You can insert the font size for each section, logo (if it’s not an image), menu, content and headlines. - Background Image Tab It’s possible to set a full background image, from “Full image background” option. - Homepage Wordpress displays the last articles in the homepage. To use a static page that was previously created, in which the slides and other elements are present, go to “Settings” -> “Reading” and check off the “a static page” item by choosing the one previously created by the list - Menu It is possible to create and manage a custom menu with a drag and drop system. Go to Once the main menu is created, select it in “Main menu”. - Theme Translation We suggest Poedit, to translate Alhena Lite. It’s available for free on Open Poedit, go to File > New from POT file and choose alhena-lite.pot , under alhena-lite/languages/ and choose your native language. When you’ve finished, upload bot files with your language code (for example it_IT.po and ), under the language folder of Alhena Lite using a FTP client. - Premium Version If you need more features, you can found the premium version from this page: