"; //TItle Tagline hidden. if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_hide_title_tagline') ) : echo "#masthead .site-branding #text-title-desc { display: none; }"; endif; //If Title and Desc is set to Show Below the Logo if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_branding_below_logo') ) : echo "#masthead #text-title-desc { display: block; clear: both; } "; endif; //If Logo is Centered if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_center_logo') ) : echo "#masthead #text-title-desc, #masthead #site-logo { float: none; } .site-branding { text-align: center; } #text-title-desc { display: inline-block; }"; echo "#site-navigation { text-align: center; margin-top: 10px; } #site-navigation ul { float: none; } #site-navigation ul li { float: none; display: inline-block; } #site-navigation ul li ul li { text-align: left; }"; endif; //Exception: When Logo is Centered, and Title Not Set to display in next line. if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_center_logo') && !get_theme_mod('aldehyde_branding_below_logo') ) : echo ".site-branding #text-title-desc { text-align: left; }"; endif; //Exception: When Logo is centered, but there is no logo. if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_center_logo') && !get_theme_mod('aldehyde_logo') ) : echo ".site-branding #text-title-desc { text-align: center; }"; endif; //Exception: IMage transform origin should be left on Left Alignment, i.e. Default if ( !get_theme_mod('aldehyde_center_logo') ) : echo "#masthead #site-logo img { transform-origin: left; }"; endif; //Modify Menu bars, if header image has been set if ( get_header_image() ) : // echo "#site-navigation { background: ".aldehyde_fade("#f4f4f4", 0.9)."; }"; endif; if (get_theme_mod('aldehyde_himg_darkbg')) : echo "#masthead { background: rgba(0,0,0,0.5);}"; endif; if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_title_font') ) : echo ".title-font, h1, h2, .section-title { font-family: ".get_theme_mod('aldehyde_title_font')."; }"; endif; if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_body_font') ) : echo "body { font-family: ".get_theme_mod('aldehyde_body_font')."; }"; endif; if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_site_titlecolor') ) : echo "#masthead h1.site-title a { color: ".get_theme_mod('aldehyde_site_titlecolor', '#FFFFFF')."; }"; endif; if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_header_desccolor','#777') ) : echo "#masthead h2.site-description { color: ".get_theme_mod('aldehyde_header_desccolor','#6bd233')."; }"; endif; if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_custom_css') ) : echo get_theme_mod('aldehyde_custom_css'); endif; if ( get_theme_mod('aldehyde_logo_resize') ) : $val = get_theme_mod('aldehyde_logo_resize')/100; echo "#masthead #site-logo img { transform: scale(".$val."); -webkit-transform: scale(".$val."); -moz-transform: scale(".$val."); -ms-transform: scale(".$val."); }"; endif; echo ""; } add_action('wp_head', 'aldehyde_custom_css_mods');