=== Aino === Contributors: elmastudio, manuelesposito, marc_j, kau-boy Tags: blog, block-styles, e-commerce, grid-layout, one-column, two-columns, three-columns, four-columns, featured-images, full-width-template, theme-options, custom-colors, custom-menu, custom-logo, editor-style, sticky-post, translation-ready, threaded-comments, wide-blocks, block-patterns, full-site-editing Requires at least: 5.8 Tested up to: WordPress 5.8.2 Requires PHP: 7.0 Stable tag: 2.6.0 License: GPLv3 or later License URI: https://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.en.html Aino is a full site editing block theme for everyone who wants to build creative, individual WordPress websites with ease. == Description == Aino is a multi-purpose block theme for the WordPress block editor. In combination with the Aino Blocks and Gutenberg plugins you can build advanced page layouts using Aino's pre-designed block patterns with one click. Create a unique online shop, business website, portfolio or personal blog with Aino and stand out from the crowd. You can find more information and helpful resources about Aino on https://wpaino.com. == Copyright == Aino Theme, (C) 2021 Elmastudio Ltd. Aino is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL. This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. == Resources == Aino WordPress Theme bundles the following third-party resources: * normalize.css, Copyright (c) Nicolas Gallagher and Jonathan Neal, MIT license, https://necolas.github.io/normalize.css/ * Screenshot image #1, (c) Elmastudio Ltd., CC0 1.0 Universal (CC0 1.0) license * TGM-Plugin-Activation, (c) Thomas Griffin, License: GPLv2 or later, http://tgmpluginactivation.com Webfonts Loader - (c) WordPress Themes Team, https://github.com/WPTT/webfont-loader, License: MIT - https://opensource.org/licenses/MIT == Changelog == = 2.6.0 = New: Single post Template without comments. New: Single post Template without Featured Image. Enhance: Load Google fonts locally. Enhance: Wider max wide content width. Enhance: Query block support. Enhance: Navigation block spacing and alignment. Enhance: Grid gaps. Enhance: Delete outdated theme files. Enhance: Query Loop block grid posts. Enhance: Query patterns. Bugfix: Blank page template. Bugfix: Change required to recommended plugins. = 2.5.0 = New: Feature patterns. = 2.4.7 = Bugfix: Group block with background. = 2.4.6 = Enhance: Outer content gap. Enhance: Typography veriables. = 2.4.5 = Bugfix: Default page template outer page gap. = 2.4.4 = Bugfix: Header template part alignment and padding. = 2.4.3 = Bugfix: Page template content gap. = 2.4.2 = Enhance: Update to webpack building tools. Enhance: Clean up Sass styles. Enhance: Set Contentgap to 'null' in theme.json file. Enhance: Footer navigation menu's default setting. Enhance: Color variables. Enhance: font sizes. Bugfix: Padding of blocks on single post. Bugfix: Header alignment. = 2.4.1 = Bugfix: Group block padding fix that caused extra borders around container blocks. = 2.4.0 = New: Banner block patterns. = 2.3.0 = Enhance: Slim default Footers and new 2 column Footers. Enhance: New PT Serif Google font option. Bugfix: Google fonts loading. Bugfix: Patterns update for patterns including the Button block. = 2.2.2 = Bugfix: Remove unneeded custom post classes. = 2.2.1 = Enhance: WooCommerce account styles. Enhance: Form styles. = 2.2.0 = New: Blank page template and site logo header template part. Enhance: Change Shop block page template to WooCommerce. Enhance: WooCommerce account styles. Bugfix: Fullwidth aligned container blocks in patterns preview. Bugfix: Delete unneeded page templates and CSS styles. = 2.1.0 = New: Text patterns. New: Portfolio pattern. New: Query pattern. Enhance: Header max-width and outside content gap. Bugfix: Alignment for parent Group block in patterns. Bugfix: WooCommerce shop archive page content width. = 2.0.4 = Enhance: Pattern library. Bugfix: Post comments and textarea. Bugfix: Layout aligment for patterns and header-footer.html template. = 2.0.3 = Bugfix: Aino text domain missing. Bugfix: Added footer.php to meet Wp.org requirements. Bugfix: Default social icons links to header.html. = 2.0.2 = Enhance: Comment styles. Enhance: Archive and search templates. Enhance: Preset color palette. = 2.0.1 = New: Blank block page template. New: Core Image block light and dark border styles. Bugfix: Author name alignment. Bugfix: Global font settings. Bugfix: body width 100%. Bugfix: Font weights and font family in theme.json. Bugfix: Default block container alignment. Bugfix: Default padding for heading blocks on default page template. Enhance: Delete default separator in light patterns. Enhance: Deleted default border radius on images in dark patterns. Enhance: Page templates. Enhance: Optimize color palette. Enhance: Renamed 'Header and Footer only' to 'Header and Footer' block page template. = 2.0.0 = New: Block Theme support. Please activate the Gutenberg plugin in order to use the new block theme features. New: Added Gutenberg plugin to list of required plugins. New: Moved all Customizer color settings to the new FSE feature Global Styles (available via the Gutenberg plugin's Site Editor). New: Option to enable/disable the Site Editor via Gutenberg/Experiments. New: Default font Arimo. New: Block Patterns. = 1.4.1 = New: Add theme.json file. New: New Global Styles Color Palette and color updates. Enhance: Block editor color, gradient palette and theme custom colors. Enhance: Add theme support for block styles. Enhance: Font styles as CSS variables. Bugfix: Deleted Group block max width. = 1.4.0 = New: WooCommerce plugin support. New: Building Blocks patterns. New: Support Query block. Enhance: Color Palette. Enhance: Core Code, Preformatted, Verse block styles. Enhance: Form styles. Bugfix: Load more on archive pages. = 1.3.1 = Enhance: Add support for local fonts. Enhance: German translation. Enhance: Theme screenshot. Enhance: Header search form. Enhance: Border radius for Featured images. Enhance: Default paragraph and list styles. Enhance: Max Featured image size. Bugfix: Wide aligned blocks responsiveness. Bugfix: Dark mode in editor view. Bugfix: Styles for posts without featured image. Bugfix: 'Hero' page template for pages using the Aino Hero block. = 1.3.0 = New: Dark mode option (see Customizer/Colors). Enhance: Convert SASS color variables to CSS variables. Enhance: Convert Featured image aspect ratio from 3:2 to 16:9. Enhance: German translation. Bugfix: Load more button. Bugfix: Full width blocks on single post. = 1.2.7 = Enhance: Change CSS class no-margins to nogap. New: TikTok social icon. = 1.2.6 = Enhance: Update required PHP version. = 1.2.5 = * Bugfix: Limited custom logo height in tablet view. * Bugfix: Outer margins for Fullscreen page template. * Bugfix: Gutter of Image block inside Aino Grid Item block. * Enhance: Single post styles. * Enhance: New justify CSS class to justify align paragraphs. * Enhance: Main menu CTA button. = 1.2.4 = * New: Hide author on single posts. * Enhance: Single post styles. * Enhance: 404 page styles. = 1.2.3 = * Enhance: Mailchimp form styles. * Enhance: Custom logo support. * Bugfix: Default page responsive margins. * Bugfix: Admin bar top spacing. = 1.2.2 = * New: MC4WP: Mailchimp for WordPress plugin support. * Enhance: Screenshot image. * Enhance: Mobile menu. * Enhance: Footer site info. * Enhance: Grid styles. * Enhance: Footer widgets. * Enhance: Search result pages. * Enhance: Editor font styles. * Bugfix: Cover block responsiveness. * Bugfix: Responsive spacing. * Bugfix: Multiple alignfull blocks scrollbar issue. Fixes #131 = 1.2.1 = * New: Aino Blocks plugin recommendation notice. = 1.2.0 = * Enhance: Single post, blog and archive page styles. * Enhance: Translations. * Update: Default font from Roboto to IBM Plex Sans. * Update: Font sizes. * Update: Remove border colour in Editor colour palette. * New: Footer borders. * New: Display or hide Footer borders. * New: Footer borders colour. * New: 'Back to top' button. * New: Blog 'Load More' button replacing standard pagination. * New: Sticky badge design and Customizer option (see Theme/Blog). * New: No spacing option for Blog Cards (see Theme/Blog Cards). * New: Sticky post badge design and light colour option. = 1.1.7 = * New: Support for custom line-height and custom units in blocks. * New: Add support for experimental link color in Paragraph, Heading, Group, Columns, and Media & Text blocks. * Enhance: Custom font size palette. * Enhance: Bold heading styles. * Enhance: CSS for grid and media query breakpoints. * Enhance: Footer widgets. * Enhance: Translations. * Bugfix: Add custom color and gradient palette to editor styles. = 1.1.6 = * Bugfix: CSS styling for Aino blocks. = 1.1.5 = * Bugfix: Douple text domain issue in searchform.php * Enhance: Translations updated. = 1.1.4 = * Enhance: Deleted unneeded files js/svgxuse.js and js/svgxuse.min.js. * Bugfix: Default page comments width too wide. = 1.1.3 = * Enhance: Update from GPLv2 to GPLv3. * Enhance: Added original file for js/svgxuse.js. * Bugfix: template-tags.php incorrect use of attribute. * Bugfix: Deleted removal of header section in customizer.php. * Bugfix: Deleted map files. * Bugfix: searchform.php incorrect use of attribute. * Bugfix: header.php incorrect use of attribute. * Bugfix: modal-menu.php incorrect use of attribute. = 1.1.2 = * Bugfix: Button block outline. * Bugfix: Button block right and left alignment on frontend. * Bugfix: All core block right and left alignments. * Bugfix: Columns block spacing. * Bugfix: Styling of block widgets. * Bugfix: Styling of code, preformatted and verse block. * Bugfix: Fixing custom post type margins. #96 * Bugfix: A11y fixes. = 1.1.1 = * Bugfix: Block columns styling optimized. = 1.1.0 = * New: Heading block font size platte support. = 1.0.2 = * Enhance: SASS folder structure optimised. * Enhance: Grid layout optimised. * Enhance: px unit converted to rem. * Enhance: A number of CSS classes renamed. * Bugfix: Sticky post update. * Bugfix: Separator block styling. = 1.0.1 = * Bugfix: Category styling on blog. * Bugfix: Missing default excerpt text on first theme activation. * Bugfix: Deleted unneeded div container for sticky posts. = 1.0.0 = * New: Include minified style.min.css. * New: Disable Google fonts loading option in Customize/Theme/Typography. * New: Customizable default text colors in Customize/Colors. * New: Disable custom font in editor font sizes. * Enhance: screenshot.png * Enhance: Grid column CSS * Enhance: Update heading and paragraph font sizes = 0.3.1 = * New: Custom editor gradient presets * Enhance: Adds custom background color to editor and block color palette * Enhance: Adds custom button text color to editor * Enhance: Add media-query for switch to desktop header * Enhance: German theme translations = 0.3.0 = * Enhance: Backward compatibility for wp_body_open hook, Fixes #65 * New: Bold and uppercase primary menu font option in Customize/Theme/Header * New: Bold and uppercase button font option in Customize/Theme/Styles * New: Custom Footer Copyright text option in Customize/Theme/Footer, Fixes #70 * New: Sticky Header Call to action button option. * New: Default button text color in Customize/Colors = 0.2.1 = * Enhance: Button and form styles * Enhance: Jetpack sharing button styles * Enhance: CSS grid styles * Bugfix: 404 page = 0.2.0 = * Enhance: Simplified color options * Enhance: Simplified Blog & post styling updates * Enhance: Header light optimized * Enhance: Simplified SASS variables * Enhance: Border radius styles * Enhance: Header search form = 0.1.1 = * New: Hero page template. * New: Header light option simplified by adding new Light page templates. * Enhance: Link colors simplified. = 0.1.0 = * Enhance: Primary menu and mobile menu. * Enhance: Header search form. = 0.0.9 = * Enhance: Primary menu. * New: Retina logo option in Customizer. = 0.0.8 = * Enhance: Default block styles. * Enhance: Add new font sizes for blocks. = 0.0.7 = * Fix: Border-radius on post images on blog and archive pages. * Fix: Double publish date. * Fix: Display of header buttons on mobile. * Fix: Single Post pagination. * Fix: Mail svg social icon. * Fix: Allow not using a primary menu. * Enhance: Buttons styles. * Enhance: Sticky post badge style. * Enhance: Featured image hovers. = 0.0.6 = * New: Create Aino blocks scss file. * Enhance: Block styling. * Enhance: Customizer setting descriptions. * Enhance: Hide header search form by default (Activate via the Customizer.) * Enhance: Readme information. = 0.0.5 = * Enhance: Page and post title hyphenation. * Enhance: Updated license information. * Enhance: General styling. * Enhance: Default WordPress block styling. Fixes #27 * Enhance: Optimise Page Templates. Fixes #26 * Enhance: Optimise image sizes. * New: Theme description. = 0.0.4 = * Fix: Add missing theme domain to functions. * Fix: Main background color Customizer setting. Fixes #13 * Enhance: General styling. Fixes #19 * Enhance: Gutenberg button block styling. * Enhance: Custom theme block colors. = 0.0.3 = * Fix: Blog styling. * Enhance: Update gitignore. * Fix: Mobile Menu hamburger button and dropdown menus. * Enhance: Post edit button styling. = 0.0.2 = * Fix: theme installation error. (21-07-2019) = 0.0.1 = * Initial Release (20-07-2019)