__( 'Three team images list view with team member description text (Light)', 'aino' ), 'categories' => array( 'aino-team' ), 'content' => '

Who we are

Lisa Jones

Art Director

Lisa a a the head of our art department. She is responsible for the coordination of the entire team and and a great coworker to talk to. She is fun, easy going and loves dogs, hiking and outdoor adventures.

Jessa Miller

Marketing Assistant

Jessa loves marketing and is the pep talker in our team. If you are down, talk to Jessa and she will make sure you feel better. She is helping our clients to empower them and their brand in the digital market. In short, she is just an awesome person.

Jon Smith

Frontend Developer

If you need help with tech, Jon will be your guy. He is calm and a coffee lover, so if you like coffee you will have something in common with Jon. He is our code guy and we all love him for this.

', );