'; echo '

'.sprintf( __( 'Welcome to Agama v%s', 'agama' ), Agama_Core::version() ).'

'; echo '
'; echo __( 'Thank you for using Agama theme!', 'agama' ).'
'; echo __( 'Consider supporting us with any desired amount donation.', 'agama' ).'
'; echo __( 'Even the smallest donation amount means a lot for us.', 'agama' ).'
'; echo __( 'With donations you are helping us for faster theme development & updates.', 'agama' ).'

'; echo '
'; echo __( 'or', 'agama' ).'
'; echo sprintf( __( 'You can support us by Buying an %s theme with allot new features & extensions!', 'agama' ), 'AgamaPRO' ); echo '
'; echo ''; echo '
'; echo sprintf( '

Changelog Agama v%s

', Agama_Core::version() ); echo '

* Added Agama Blue contents hook.

'; echo '

* Fixed minor header menu styling issues.

'; echo '
'; echo ''; } } new Agama_About; }