get( 'Description' ) ); array_pop( $adventure_travelling_description ); $adventure_travelling_description = implode( '. ', $adventure_travelling_description ); echo esc_html( $adventure_travelling_description . '.' ); ?>



get_contents( $changelog_file ); $changelog_list = adventure_travelling_parse_changelog( $changelog ); echo wp_kses_post( $changelog_list ); } ?>
$value ) { if (strpos( $value, 'Changelog ==') === 0) { $changelog_isolated = str_replace( 'Changelog ==', '', $value ); } } // Now Explode $changelog_isolated to manupulate it to add html elements. $changelog_array = explode( '= ', $changelog_isolated ); // Unset first element as it is empty. unset( $changelog_array[0] ); $changelog = '

	foreach ( $changelog_array as $value) {
		// Replace all enter (\n) elements with  , opening and closing span will be added in next process.
		$value = preg_replace( '/\n+/', '', $value );

		// Add openinf and closing div and span, only first span element will have heading class.
		$value = '
= ' . $value . '
'; // Remove empty element which newr formed at the end. $changelog .= str_replace( '', '', $value ); } $changelog .= '
'; return wp_kses_post( $changelog ); } /** * Import Demo data for theme using catch themes demo import plugin */ function adventure_travelling_free_vs_pro() { if ( isset( $_GET['tab'] ) && 'free_vs_pro' === $_GET['tab'] ) { ?>