\n"; if(!empty($_POST) && wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'],'aj-options')){ //Get rid of any leading forward slashes $_POST['css-path'] = preg_replace('/^\/+/', '', trim( $_POST['css-path'] ) ); $_POST['logo-path'] = preg_replace('/^\/+/', '', trim( $_POST['logo-path'] ) ); //Set new options $newOpts['css-path'] = $_POST['css-path']; $newOpts['logo-path'] = $_POST['logo-path']; $newOpts['title-type'] = $_POST['title-type']; $newOpts['paper-type'] = $_POST['paper-type']; $newOpts['sidebar-width'] = $_POST['sidebar-width']; $newOpts['header-height'] = $_POST['header-height']; $newOpts['featured-header'] = ( isset( $_POST['featured-header'] ) ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $newOpts['attrib'] = ( isset( $_POST['attrib'] ) ) ? 'false' : 'true'; $newOpts['browser-helper'] = ( isset( $_POST['browser-helper'] ) ) ? 'true' : 'false'; $newOpts['layout'] = $_POST['master-layout']; //Update the options ctx_aj_set_options($newOpts); //Show success message //Build error message $message = sprintf(__('

Options updated. View your site to see how it looks.

','adventurejournal'), home_url(), (isset($_POST['attrib'])) ? __('

I see you removed the attribution. Does this mean we\'re not friends any more?

','adventurejournal') : '' ); } //Load default theme variables $AJOpts = get_option('ctx-adventurejournal-options'); if(!empty($_GET['showopts']) && $_GET['showopts']=='true'){ $debugOpts = '

'; } ?>

page templates are compatible with all site layouts.','adventurejournal'); ?>

> > > > > > > > > >

> > > > > >

> > > >

/wp-content/ directory so that upgrades to WordPress or Adventure Journal don\'t erase your CSS.','adventurejournal') ?>


Regenerate Thumbnails'); ?>

header page. The default value is 360.','adventurejournal'),admin_url().'themes.php?page=custom-header'); ?>

920 x pixels

at least 920 pixels wide. If you\'re still having trouble, please use the %s plugin to update your currently-saved header images.','adventurejournal'),'Regenerate Thumbnails'); ?>

will make the web a better, safer place. To disable this feature, uncheck the box below.','adventurejournal'); ?>

Contexture International

Contexture International is an all-in-one agency specializing in graphic design, web design, and broadcast and video production, with an unparalleled ability to connect with the heart of your audience.

Contexture's staff has successfully promoted organizations and visionaries for more than 2 decades through exceptional storytelling, in just the right contexts for their respective audiences, with overwhelming returns on investment. See the proof in our portfolio or learn more about us.