section and everything up till < div id="container" > * * >>>> DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE <<<< * * Warning! DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE, or any other theme file! If you edit ANY theme * file, all your changes will be LOST when you update the theme to a newer version. * Instead, if you need to change theme functionality, CREATE A CHILD THEME! * * >>>> DO NOT EDIT THIS FILE <<<< */ function aweaver_header() { global $posts, $post, $wp_did_header, $wp_query, $wp_rewrite, $wpdb, $wp_version, $wp, $id, $comment, $user_ID; if ( ! isset( $GLOBALS['aweaver_page_who'] ) ) { $GLOBALS['aweaver_page_who'] = 'unknown'; } do_action( 'aweaver_alt_theme', $GLOBALS['aweaver_page_who'] ); ?> > \n"; ?> >
/*if ( false && aweaver_getopt('site_layout') == 'fullwidth') { // put menus outside of inside block for fullwidth layout do_action('aweaver_nav', 'top'); // menus at top }*/ echo '
'; if ( apply_filters( 'aweaver_replace_pb_area', 'header' ) == 'header' ) { // if ( true || aweaver_getopt('site_layout') != 'fullwidth' ) { // put menus outside of inside block for fullwidth layout do_action( 'aweaver_nav', 'top' ); // menus at top // } /* ======== HEADER WIDGET AREA ======== */ aweaver_header_widget_area( 'top' ); // show header widget area if set to this position echo '
\n"; // version 3.1.10: removed role="banner" /* ======== SITE LOGO and TITLE ======== */ $title_over_image = aweaver_logo_and_title(); // see if move title over image aweaver_header_widget_area( 'before_header' ); // show header widget area if set to this position /* ======== HEADER IMAGE ======== */ aweaver_header_image(); // header image or video if ( $title_over_image ) { echo '
' . "\n"; } aweaver_header_widget_area( 'after_header' ); // show header widget area if set to this position /* ======== EXTRA HTML ======== */ aweaver_header_extra_html(); aweaver_header_widget_area( 'after_html' ); // show header widget area if set to this position do_action( 'aweaverplus_action', 'header_area_bottom' ); aweaver_clear_both( 'branding' ); ?>
\n"; aweaver_header_widget_area( 'post_header' ); do_action( 'aweaver_post_header' ); } aweaver_header(); // ************* DEFINE HEADER RELATED PLUGGABLE FUNCTION ***************** function aweaver_header_extra_html() { // add extra html to header $extra = aweaver_get_per_page_value( '_pp_header_html' ); if ( $extra == '' ) { $extra = aweaver_getopt( 'header_html_text' ); } $hide = aweaver_getopt_default( 'header_html_hide', 'hide-none' ); if ( $extra == '' && is_customize_preview() ) { echo '
'; // need the area there for customizer live preview } elseif ( $extra != '' && $hide != 'hide' ) { $c_class = aweaver_area_class( 'header_html', 'not-pad', '-none', 'margin-none' ); if ( aweaver_getopt_expand( 'expand_header-html' ) ) { $c_class .= ' wvrx-expand-full'; } // see if the content is just an int, assume it to be a post id if so. // it seems that if a string has an int in it, the (int) cast will just cast that part, and throw away the rest. // we want an int and only an int, so we double cast to test, and that seems to work $post_id = (int) trim( $extra ); if ( (string) $post_id == $extra && $post_id != 0 ) { // assume a number only is a post id to provide as replacement echo aweaver_esc_text( apply_filters( 'aweaver_page_builder_content', $post_id, 'header-html', $c_class ) ); } else { ?>
'; // place holder return; } // build #header classes $img_class = 'header-image '; if ( $h_hide != 'hide-none' && $h_hide != 'hide' ) { $img_class .= $h_hide . ' '; } if ( aweaver_getopt_expand( 'expand_header-image' ) ) { $img_class .= 'wvrx-expand-full '; } if ( aweaver_getopt( 'header_image_add_class' ) != '' ) { $img_class .= aweaver_getopt( 'header_image_add_class' ) . ' '; } $full_wide = aweaver_getopt( 'header_image_align' ); if ( $full_wide == 'alignfull' || $full_wide == 'alignwide' ) // this will override other stuff { $img_class .= $full_wide . ' '; } $page_type = ( is_single() ) ? 'post' : 'page'; $hdr_bg = aweaver_fi( $page_type, 'header-image' ); $hdr_type = ( $hdr_bg ) ? 'fi' : 'std'; $img_class .= 'header-image-type-' . $hdr_type; echo '
'; // Check different ways to display a header: // 0. Archive type page - including search (Changed: 3.1.1) // 1. As HTML replacement, possibly with regular image as BG header image // 2. As Video Header // 3. As Standard or FI BG replacement (no video supported) // 4. As FI Replacement // 5. As standard Image // 1. HTML replacement $hdr_html = ''; if ( ! $hdr_bg ) { // FI as header replacement has priority $hdr_html = aweaver_getopt( 'header_image_html_text' ); if ( $hdr_html && aweaver_getopt( 'header_image_html_home_only' ) && ! is_front_page() ) // only on global, not per page/post { $hdr_html = ''; } // make empty so will pickup the standard header if ( $hdr_html ) { // custom header html replacement overrides all other header image options echo do_shortcode( $hdr_html ); // output the html } } // 2. As Header Video if ( ! $hdr_html && aweaver_has_header_video() ) { // echo ""; // Handle Video - don't show if HTML supplied // Note: @todo: WP 4.7 doesn't filter has_header_video, but uses it internally, so video won't show unless defined in WP options // Now just have to emit standard WP Header image code. BG handled in header_video_settings filter. if ( $hdr_bg ) { // have alternate header image to match video $before = ''; $after = ''; if ( aweaver_has_header_video() ) { // handle header video wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-custom-header' ); wp_localize_script( 'wp-custom-header', '_wpCustomHeaderSettings', get_header_video_settings() ); $before = '
'; $after = '
'; } $alt = esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); $fi_hdr = get_the_post_thumbnail( null, 'full', array( 'alt' => $alt, 'class' => 'wvrx-header-image' ) ); echo aweaver_esc_text( $before . $fi_hdr . $after ); } elseif ( function_exists( 'the_custom_header_markup' ) && ( aweaver_get_video_render() != 'has-header-video-none' ) ) { the_custom_header_markup(); // default WP Header Image markup - works for most everything, works with customimzer } else { the_header_image_tag(); } echo "\n
\n"; return; } // 3. As Standard or FI BG replacement (no video supported) if ( aweaver_getopt_default( 'header_image_render', 'header-as-img' ) != 'header-as-img' // use as BG image? && ( ! $hdr_html || aweaver_getopt( 'header_image_html_plus_bg' ) ) ) { // have bg, or have BOTH HTML and bg image? if ( ! $hdr_bg ) { $hdr_bg = get_header_image(); // get the url of the standard header image } $hdr_bg = str_replace( array( 'http://', 'https://' ), '//', $hdr_bg ); // have to emit background-image url... this will be Plus only. if ( strlen( $hdr_bg ) > 1 ) { $style = "\n\n"; // echo $style; aweaver_inline_style( $style, 'header.php' ); } echo '
'; return; } // end of bg image handling if ( $hdr_html ) { echo( "\n\n" ); return; } // Most common case now - either FI replacement, or standard header image // to here, then want to get an image. Where does it come from? if ( aweaver_getopt( 'link_site_image' ) ) { ?> esc_attr( $alt ), 'class' => 'wvrx-header-image' ) ) ); } elseif ( aweaver_getopt( 'header_actual_size' ) ) { ?> <?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?> " ); /* need to close link */ echo "\n\n"; // end of header image code } //-- function aweaver_logo_and_title() { // generate output to show logo and the title $title_over_image = aweaver_getopt( 'title_over_image' ) && ( aweaver_getopt_default( 'header_image_render', 'header-as-img' ) == 'header-as-img' || aweaver_getopt( 'header_image_html_plus_bg' ) || aweaver_has_header_video() ); if ( $title_over_image ) { echo '
' . "\n"; } $h_class = ''; if ( aweaver_getopt( 'hide_site_title' ) != 'hide-none' ) { $h_class = aweaver_getopt( 'hide_site_title' ); $lead = ' '; } $t_class = ''; if ( aweaver_getopt( 'site_title_add_class' ) != 'hide-none' ) { $t_class .= ' ' . aweaver_getopt( 'site_title_add_class' ); } if ( aweaver_getopt( 'expand_site_title' ) ) { $t_class .= ' wvrx-expand-full'; } echo "
\n"; $logo = aweaver_getopt( '_site_logo' ); $hide_logo = aweaver_getopt( '_hide_site_logo' ); $the_logo = aweaver_get_wp_custom_logo(); if ( $the_logo ) { $hide_wp_logo = aweaver_getopt( 'hide_wp_site_logo' ); $the_logo = str_replace( 'custom-logo-link', 'custom-logo-link ' . $hide_wp_logo, $the_logo ); // fixup hide } $title = apply_filters( 'aweaver_site_title', esc_html( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ) ); $title_text = $title; if ( strlen( $the_logo ) > 0 ) { // there is a logo - what to do... if ( aweaver_getopt( 'wplogo_for_title' ) ) { $title_text = ''; // note: $title_text gets escaped/filtered via aweaver_esc_text when it is actually echoed a few lines down from here... } else { echo "\n{$the_logo}\n"; } } ?>



\n"; return $title_over_image; // indicator that needs the closing div after the header image itself }