$mtd) { $button_id = 'npr_btn_'.$mti.''; $m_div_id = 'npr_con_'.$mti.''; $m_inner_div = $m_div_id.'_inner'; $b_tabs = $mtd['tabs']; if(!is_array($b_tabs)) $b_tabs = array(); $itabs = array(); $icontents = array(); $c = ''; $npr_buttons[] = ''.($mtd['icon'] != '' ? '' : '').''.$mtd['button'].''; if(count($b_tabs) > 0) { $c = ''; $e = 0; foreach($b_tabs AS $bti => $btd) { $irows = array(); $itabid = 'npr_it_'.$mti.'_'.$bti; $itabbtn = $button_id.'_'.$bti; $t_div_id = $m_div_id.'_'.$bti; $rowsa = $btd['rows']; if(!is_array($rowsa)) $rowsa = array(); if(count($rowsa) > 0) { foreach($rowsa AS $row) { $irows[] = npr_generate_row($row); } } $itabs[] = '
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    ' : '').' '.($btd['description'] != '' ? '
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    Please reinstall '.$theme_name.' theme.','above_skyline_demo'); } print '
    '.$theme_name.' theme options
    Save Failed!
    Settings Saved
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  • '.($list['icon'] != '' ? '' : '').''.$list['title'].'
  • '; } } $c .= ($row['title'] != '' ? '

    '.($row['icon'] != '' ? '' : '').''.$row['title'].'

    ' : '').'
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    '.__('Author','above_skyline_demo').' '.__('Date','above_skyline_demo').' '.__('Category','above_skyline_demo').' '.__('Comments','above_skyline_demo').'
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    '.__('Selected Pages','above_skyline_demo').'

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    '.__('No available pages','above_skyline_demo').'
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