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Google Map Url)','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-map-marker', 'default' => '', 'value' => npr_option('location_url',''), 'name' => 'location_url' ) ) ) ) ); $npr_theme_config['seo'] = array( 'id' => 'seo', 'button' => 'SEO Tools', 'icon' => 'fa-search', 'tabs' => array( 'general_seo' => array( 'id' => 'general_seo', 'tab_title' => __('General Seo','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-file-o', 'description' => '', 'rows' => array( array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_general_seo_enable', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => __('Enable SirSEO Panel','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-search', 'default' => 'true', 'value' => npr_option('seo_enabled','true'), 'name' => 'seo_enabled', 'half' => true, 'class' => 'npr_half_left' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_general_seo_help', 'type' => 'infobox', 'title' => __('Help','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-lightbulb-o', 'content' => ''.__('Learn More','above_skyline_demo').'', 'color' => 'ok', 'half' => true, 'class' => 'npr_half_right', 'clear' => true ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_general_seo_helpimg', 'type' => 'image', 'icon' => 'fa-file', 'box' => true, 'location' => 'admin', 'file' => '/img/niceseo.png', 'align' => 'center', 'title' => __('Find this panel on post/page editor','above_skyline_demo') ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_pages_seo_home_title', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Homepage Title','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => '', 'default' => '', 'value' => npr_option('homepage_title',''), 'name' => 'homepage_title' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_pages_seo_h1', 'type' => 'header', 'title' => __('Single Post/Page Title Settings ','above_skyline_demo') ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_pages_seo_post_title', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Title Pattern','above_skyline_demo'), 'options' => array('1' => __('Post Title - Blog Title','above_skyline_demo'),'2' => __('Blog Title - Post Title','above_skyline_demo'),'3' => __('Post Title only','above_skyline_demo')), 'default' => '1', 'value' => npr_option('post_title_pattern','1'), 'name' => 'post_title_pattern' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_pages_seo_post_separator', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Default Title Separator','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => '', 'default' => ' - ', 'value' => npr_option('post_title_separator',' - '), 'name' => 'post_title_separator', 'half' => true, 'class' => 'npr_half_left', 'clear' => true ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_pages_seo_h2', 'type' => 'header', 'title' => __('Category Page Title Settings','above_skyline_demo') ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_pages_seo_category_title', 'type' => 'select', 'title' => __('Title Pattern','above_skyline_demo'), 'options' => array('1' => __('Category Name - Blog Title','above_skyline_demo'),'2' => __('Blog Title - Category Name','above_skyline_demo'),'3' => __('Category Name only','above_skyline_demo')), 'default' => '1', 'value' => npr_option('category_title_pattern','1'), 'name' => 'category_title_pattern' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_pages_seo_category_separator', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Default Title Separator','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => '', 'default' => ' - ', 'value' => npr_option('category_title_separator',' - '), 'name' => 'category_title_separator', 'half' => true, 'class' => 'npr_half_left', 'clear' => true ), ) ), 'meta_seo' => array( 'id' => 'meta_seo', 'tab_title' => __('Meta Settings','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-edit', 'description' => '', 'rows' => array( array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_general_seo_default_metas', 'type' => 'header', 'icon' => 'fa-edit', 'title' => __('Default Meta Settings','above_skyline_demo') ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_general_seo_description_enabled', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => __('Enable Meta Description','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-edit', 'default' => 'false', 'value' => npr_option('enable_meta_desc','false'), 'name' => 'enable_meta_desc', 'half' => true, 'class' => 'npr_half_left', 'append' => 'default_meta_description' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_general_seo_keywords_enabled', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => __('Enable Meta Keywords','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-edit', 'default' => 'false', 'value' => npr_option('enable_meta_keywords','false'), 'name' => 'enable_meta_keywords', 'half' => true, 'class' => 'npr_half_right', 'clear' => true, 'append' => 'default_meta_keywords' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_general_seo_default_description', 'type' => 'textbox', 'icon' => 'fa-edit', 'title' => __('Default Meta Description','above_skyline_demo'), 'default' => '', 'value' => npr_option('default_meta_description',''), 'name' => 'default_meta_description' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_general_seo_default_keywords', 'type' => 'textbox', 'icon' => 'fa-filter', 'title' => __('Default Meta Keywords','above_skyline_demo'), 'default' => '', 'value' => npr_option('default_meta_keywords',''), 'name' => 'default_meta_keywords' ) ), ), ) ); 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Here you can set up your social media profiles and disable the unused buttons.','above_skyline_demo'), 'color' => 'ok' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_soc_h1', 'type' => 'header', 'title' => __('Show / Hide Buttons','above_skyline_demo') ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_soc_t_fb', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => __('Show Facebook Button','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-facebook', 'default' => true, 'value' => npr_option('facebook_button',true), 'name' => 'facebook_button', 'enabled' => 'Shown', 'disabled' => 'Not Shown', 'half' => true, 'class' => 'npr_half_left', 'append' => 'facebook_url' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_soc_t_twitter', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => __('Show Twitter Button','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-twitter', 'default' => true, 'value' => npr_option('twitter_button',true), 'name' => 'twitter_button', 'enabled' => 'Shown', 'disabled' => 'Not Shown', 'half' => true, 'class' => 'npr_half_right', 'clear' => true, 'append' => 'twitter_url' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_soc_t_gp', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'title' => __('Show Google Plus Button','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-google-plus', 'default' => false, 'value' => npr_option('gplus_button',false), 'name' => 'gplus_button', 'enabled' => 'Shown', 'disabled' => 'Not Shown', 'half' => true, 'class' => 'npr_half_left', 'clear' => true, 'append' => 'gplus_url' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_soc_h2', 'type' => 'header', 'title' => __('Setup Profile Urls','above_skyline_demo') ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_soc_url_fb', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Facebook Profile Url','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-facebook', 'default' => '', 'value' => npr_option('facebook_url',''), 'name' => 'facebook_url' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_soc_url_twitter', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Twitter Profile Url','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-twitter', 'default' => '', 'value' => npr_option('twitter_url',''), 'name' => 'twitter_url' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_soc_url_gp', 'type' => 'text', 'title' => __('Google Plus Url','above_skyline_demo'), 'icon' => 'fa-google-plus', 'default' => '', 'value' => npr_option('gplus_url',''), 'name' => 'gplus_url' ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_soc_help_pic', 'type' => 'image', 'title' => __('You can find these icons on footer','above_skyline_demo'), 'file' => '/img/social.png', 'location' => 'admin', 'width' => '', 'align' => 'center', 'box' => true ) ) ), ) ); $npr_theme_config['help'] = array( 'id' => 'help', 'button' => 'Help', 'icon' => 'fa fa-book', 'tabs' => array( 'help' => array( 'id' => 'help', 'tab_title' => __('Help','above_skyline_demo'), /*'title' => __('Help','above_skyline_demo'),*/ 'icon' => 'fa fa-book', 'description' => '', 'rows' => array( array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_help_description', 'type' => 'infobox', 'icon' => 'fa-lightbulb-o', 'title' => __('More information','above_skyline_demo'), 'content' => __('We nailed up for you an easy to understand guide for '.$theme_name.' theme.
Click the button below to open.
Guide','above_skyline_demo') ), array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_help_contact', 'type' => 'infobox', 'icon' => 'fa-exclamation', 'title' => __('We\'re here to help','above_skyline_demo'), 'content' => __('Click the button to write your question directly to us.
Contact','above_skyline_demo') ) ) ) ) ); $npr_theme_config['details'] = array( 'id' => 'details', 'button' => 'More Options', 'icon' => 'fa fa-info', 'tabs' => array( 'help' => array( 'id' => 'details', 'tab_title' => __('More Options','above_skyline_demo'), /*'title' => __('Help','above_skyline_demo'),*/ 'icon' => 'fa fa-info', 'description' => '', 'rows' => array( array( 'id' => $theme_slug.'_details_description', 'type' => 'infobox', 'icon' => 'fa-lightbulb-o', 'title' => __(' ','above_skyline_demo'), 'content' => __('You can find the full version of this theme with more settings option on our website
Sir Lorem WordPress Themes','above_skyline_demo') ) ) ) ) ); function npr_save_defaults() { global $theme_slug; if(npr_option('theme_installed') != 'true') { $defaults['facebook_button'] = 'true'; $defaults['gplus_button'] = 'true'; $defaults['twitter_button'] = 'true'; $defaults['responsive_enabled'] = 'true'; $defaults['single_page_image'] = 'true'; $defaults['single_page_comment'] = 'true'; $defaults['single_post_image'] = 'true'; $defaults['single_post_comment'] = 'true'; $defaults['single_post_tags'] = 'true'; $defaults['single_post_info'] = 'user|date|category|comments'; $defaults['searchbox'] = 'true'; $defaults['bottom_widget'] = 'true'; $defaults['sidebar_position'] = '3'; $defaults['featured_slider'] = 'true'; $defaults['home_tabs'] = 'true'; $defaults['mini_boxes'] = 'true'; $defaults['theme_installed'] = 'true'; $defaults['slider_animation_speed'] = '5000'; foreach($defaults AS $k => $d) { $fi = $theme_slug.'_'.$k; update_option($fi,$d); } } } ?>